Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1524 Doomsday Cerberus VS Cerberus

After the BGM field broke out, the first one to take action was the Doomsday Cerberus.

"Do it, Albero!"

At Eludi Minter's command, Albero controlled the Doomsday Cerberus to launch an attack.

I saw the Doomsday Cerberus raising his left hand, and after a beam stabbing blade popped out of his wrist, his entire fist began to spin rapidly.

"Spinning Rocket Flying Punch."

Albero Aster shouted softly, and the Doomsday Cerberus's left fist flew out with a click, spinning towards the Cerberus.

"Is it the rocket flying fist unique to the super type? But it should be added to my Wang Kaiya's combat data. If that's the case, the calculation is very simple."

"Ballistic prediction, data transmission, Hugo!"

Akui's voice from behind made Hugo respond with a sullen face.

"Understood. At this point, we can only fight. Information received, Cerberus, attack!"

Aoi: "Understood, the TE absorber is activated, all systems are operating normally, and the Cerberus begins to attack!"

The propeller behind him roared, and with the help of blue flames, Cerberus soared into the sky. After pulling out the composite physical sword with his left hand, he pressed the switch, and a beam of light enveloped the entire physical sword, turning it into a beam sword instantly. He pulled out the compound beam rifle with his right hand, aimed at the flying rotating rocket flying fist, and fired three consecutive shots, accurately targeting the three places around the central beam stabbing blade of the rotating rocket flying fist.

When these three beams were fired, the speed of the rotating rocket flying fist immediately dropped a lot.

Picking up the beam sword in his hand, Cerberus quickly dodged sideways and dodges just before the spinning rocket flying fist was about to hit him, and chopped down the beam sword in his hand.


In a series of splashes of light, the Doomsday Cerberus's beam sword slash directly knocked away the menacing spinning rocket flying fist, defusing the attack.

The spinning rocket flying fist that was chopped off flew back to the left arm of the Doomsday Cerberus with the wave of the Doomsday Cerberus, and was assembled back.

Looking at the Cerberus that missed the attack, Eludi Minter smiled instead of being angry.

"Not bad, that's all it needs to be."

"Otherwise, the performance of this Doomsday Cerberus will not be reflected."

"TE absorber, increase output, burst missile, launch!"

The Doomsday Cerberus stood there, the two magazine compartments on its back suddenly opened, and a dozen small missiles flew out, with white tail flames, flying towards the Cerberus.

Hugo: "How can this kind of attack be effective!? Aoi!"

Aoi: "Ballistic prediction... completed, the auxiliary linear Vulcan cannon pops up, Hugo!"

Hugo: "Oh~! Leave it to me to aim and watch me shoot down all these things!"

The armor on the back of the Cerberus's shoulders opened, and four wire-controlled cannons stretched out. The wire-controlled cannons were deployed on both sides of the Cerberus. The front-end Vulcan cannon fired violently, and rows of red bullets formed a barrage, hitting those flying over. All the missiles were shot down.

"Did you see, this is...what!?"

Before Hugo could finish his words, the figure of the Doomsday Cerberus appeared on the side of the Cerberus and raised his fist.

"I remember I warned you that during the battle, as long as it's not over yet, you can't be careless."

In the deep voice of Albero Aster, the Doomsday Cerberus punched the Cerberus, and with a bang, the Cerberus fell from the sky and made a huge hole in the ground.

"Ahem, Aoi, are you okay?"

"It's okay. The body is running well and the damage is not serious. Cerberus can continue to fight."

During the exchange between Hugo and Aoi, the Cerberus stood up again in the dust that had just risen on the ground.

However, the doomsday hellhound in the sky has no intention of letting them go.

Eludi Minter smiled ferociously: "The auxiliary arm popped out and started to connect."

With two clicks, two pink semi-circular auxiliaries popped out from behind the Doomsday Cerberus, and clicked together in mid-air, turning into a round wheel.

The Doomsday Cerberus reached out and grabbed the connecting handle in the center of the wheel.

Eludi Minter: "The wrist connection is complete, TE absorber, supplied."

The hand holding the purple wheel of the Doomsday Cerberus began to spin rapidly.

Albero said solemnly: "Hell Flywheel!"

Grasping the purple wheel that was spinning violently in his hand, the Doomsday Cerberus descended from the sky with the roar of the huge engine behind him, and hit the Cerberus with the spinning wheel.

In a hurry, Hugo quickly controlled the Cerberus to retreat, and used the beam sword in his left hand to block.

However, the Hell Flywheel in the hands of the Doomsday Cerberus rotated so fast that it almost instantly smoothed the beam on the beam sword in Cerberus' left hand, revealing the solid hilt inside.

Just hear a click.

The physical sword hilt in Cerberus's hand was broken on the spot under the continuous impact of the high-speed rotating Hell Flywheel.

"Hmph, the mantis' arms are like a chariot."

In a cold snort from Eludi Minter. The Hell Flywheel, which lost the beam saber's blockage, hit Cerberus's left arm hard.

"Wow ah ah ah..." *2

With countless flying sparks, and amid the screams of Hugo and Aoi, the Doomsday Cerberus hit the Cerberus with one wheel, and with the explosion of the propeller, it used the rotating Hell Flywheel to carry the Cerberus. Continuously rushing forward, a gully of more than 300 meters was drawn on the ground.


As the Doomsday Cerberus waved its hand, the Cerberus flew out of its hand like garbage and fell to the ground in the distance, spinning several times before it stopped.

Hugo and Akui in Cerberus were knocked unconscious long ago.

Especially Aoi, it felt like her whole stomach was rebelling.

But as a professional soldier, Hugo was able to endure the discomfort in his stomach and forcibly controlled his body to get up from the ground.

Hugo: "Aoi, check the body quickly and see the extent of the damage."

Aoi: "Oh, oh! Various parts of the body are damaged to varying degrees. The left arm is seriously damaged. The skeleton has been twisted and can no longer be used."

"It's really scary. If it weren't for the protection of the BGM field, the blow just made by the Doomsday Cerberus would have been enough to smash the Cerberus directly with its wheels."

"You know, ours is in the field of black box BGM, and theirs is in the field of title BGM, which is several levels lower than us."

When Hugo heard this, he calmly replied: "No, the captain's way of playing in the BGM field, and the sense of oppression it brings to us, are definitely not ordinary BGM fields."

"It must at least be an exclusive title BGM field, otherwise even if the performance gap between the aircraft is too large, it will not become such a one-sided crushing."

"You must know that the black box BGM field is the strongest BGM field at present, and the damage reduction effect is the greatest."

"Only the exclusive title BGM field can offset the black box BGM field to the greatest extent."

"Damn it, I probably know why that crazy woman your teacher is targeting the captain."

"This stinky bitch, shouldn't she have known for a long time that the captain has this level of BGM field, right?"

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