Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1552 Assakim attacked the research institute?

Amidst the proud and happy expressions of several children, Lin Youde rubbed the heads of Fleet and Jonah again, looked at Lux curiously, and asked.

"By the way, has Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) been built?"

"It's only been over a year, and it's already been built? Are you emptying out the Wang family?"

Lux gave Lin Youde a charming look and explained.

"What are you thinking? I wouldn't do that kind of thing."

"Although Liu Mei is now the head of the Wang family, she still has her parents and brother at home."

"Her brother hasn't gotten married yet. If we empty out her family, why won't her parents come after me?"

"The Hi-ν Gundam was jointly funded and built by the Wang family, the Lei family, and the border military."

"From the very beginning, Yanagi wanted to build the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) and give you a surprise when you came back."

“But due to funding reasons, it has never been possible to complete.”

"As a result, not long after you left, the Yaoji people appeared and reversed the Four Elephants Formation, resulting in the chaotic situation in the unified mainland today."

"Since the conflict between the Yusanjia in the capital and the military has not yet been completely planned, and we do not want to completely plan the conflict and lead to complete chaos in the unified territory, let us find an excuse to fight with the Yusanjia."

"But because of your departure, our combat effectiveness is obviously insufficient. In order to make up for the lack of combat effectiveness, the military and some families who are friendly with us have provided funds and materials to allow us to strengthen our military equipment."

"Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) was built under these circumstances and took 7 months to complete."

"This machine was originally prepared for you, but since you were not here, I asked Jonah and Lita to fly it together."

"Rita's new human level is second only to you, but she has no combat experience at all and is not good at fighting. Therefore, the main combat aspect will be left to Jonah, who has been trained."

"Currently, all functions of the Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) are complete, except for the NT-B system, which has not been used because of concerns about accidents."

In response, Lin Youde replied: "These are all trivial matters. I have tested the NT-B system on the new Strike Freedom Gundam, and the effect is good."

"In a while, someone will retrieve the data on the new Strike Freedom Gundam, enter it repeatedly, and proofread it."

Lux looked at Lin Youde in surprise: "Huh? There is an NT-B system on the new Strike Freedom Gundam? Why didn't I know?"

Lin Youde shrugged: "You have to ask Mengmeng and Lei Meng."

"While we were on our way to Mars, they had nothing to do. They slightly modified the new Strike Freedom Gundam, and based on the detailed information of the NT-B system, they borrowed the Unicorn Gundam from Nadeshiko. Information related to the NT-D system. Using spare materials, I made a temporary NT-B system."

"Although the effect is not as good as the NT-B system activated when I piloted the real Hi-ν Gundam (Gundam Manatee) in the mecha battle. But as a test product, it is already very good."

Hearing this, Lux could only sigh: "They are really amazing..."

Lin Youde agreed: "Yes, in terms of scientific research, they are better than adjusters. It can only be said that they are talented."

After sighing for a while, Lin Youde asked a few little guys.

"Are Michelle and Emily okay?"

Jonah and Fleet replied one after another.

"Well, Michelle is currently in charge of the radar control of the Song Di. Although her new human level is not as high as mine and Rita, she is still pretty good at sensing danger. As a radar controller, she can effectively help Song Ji Hao dodge some attacks in advance."

"Emily serves as a nurse on the medical team in the Diva, helping everyone treat their wounds."

Lin Youde felt completely relieved when he heard that the little guys were all right.

After waving his hands and letting the little guys play by themselves, Lin Youde took Lux away.

The little guys were also very sensible and did not disturb the two people who had reunited after a long separation.

After Lin Youde and Lux ​​were a little warm for a while, they quickly returned to their seriousness.

"Lux, I heard from Aoi that our research institute was attacked before? What happened? Were everyone in the research institute affected in any way?"

Lux snuggled into Lin Youde's arms and explained.

"About half a month before the Four Elephant Formation was reversed, a machine that was somewhat similar to Sebasta, but completely dark, suddenly broke into the sky above our research institute, and it did not cause any disturbance from the surrounding garrison bases. Notice."

"The radars in our research institute showed no signs of being triggered. Only Yulin and Lita sensed the danger in advance, notified us, and let us sound the alarm."

"But Yulin and Rita discovered it too late. No one was prepared. The machine and Sebastian's machine appeared above the research institute."

"The Glory Star Team was on duty at the time, so the three members of the Glory Star Team drove three Virgo Kais to confront the machine."

Hearing this, Lin Youde frowned: "It's very similar to Sebastian, but a black body?"

Lacus nodded slightly and responded: "Well, the pilot of that machine calls himself Asakim, and he seems to be here to trouble Setsuko Obara. He said a lot of weird things, which made everyone very angry. "

Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched: "What did he say?"

Lacus: "That Asakim said, "We meet again, Setsuko Obara. It seems that you still haven't awakened yet? What, you want me to do it again, kill your friends one by one, and then you can Are you willing to wake up?" and so on. "

"At that time, Shin Asuka was in Gnakuli adjusting the new Destiny Gundam."

"After hearing Asagem's words, Shin Asuka flew the New Destiny Gundam and fought with Asagem on the spot."

"But the result was not ideal. Although the speed of the New Destiny Gundam was very fast, Asakim did not take advantage of it. However, the firepower of the New Destiny Gundam was seriously insufficient and could not break through the opponent's defense. Even if the BGM was activated Even in the field, you can’t break through the opponent’s protective shield, so you can only passively dodge and get beaten.”

"But thanks to the fact that Shin Asuka entangled him with the New Destiny Gundam, others were able to attack."

"After seeing the brave Laitin, Asakim said, "I didn't expect you to be here. The guy on the sea has been looking for you. Are you sure you want to continue to stay here?" It made everyone confused. "

"When Hibiki asked Laitin if he knew Asakim, Laitin replied that Asakim was an enemy, and then fought with Asakim without any explanation."

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