Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1565 Sosuke Sagara and Kaname Chidori?

Dong Pi ignored Gao Qiu, who was furious in the conference room, but sullenly snorted without looking back.

"Send someone to keep an eye on these idiots. If anyone tries to escape from the capital, I'll kill them without mercy."

Nan Ba, who had been waiting outside the door, lowered his head and said, "Yes, my lord."

Dong Wei paused for a moment and said suddenly.

"By the way, you don't need to take care of me in the subsequent decisive battle, just stay by You Luo's side."

"On the frontal battlefield, just have the Fengxian number."

Nan Ba ​​was stunned for a moment, with a look of astonishment on his face: "My lord, could it be said that... that has been completed?"

Dong Pi sneered: "You have been mastering super robots for so many years, do you really think I have no knowledge at all?"

"Gathering all the information on the Bagua Robot and Eludi Minter's paranoid AI technology, the man-made super robot, Pojun Xingjun, Lu Bu Fengxian, has been officially completed."

"At that time, I will pilot Lu Bu Fengxian and go to the battlefield in person to fight Lin Youde and others."

"Don't worry, although I am old and no longer as brave as I used to be, Lu Bu Fengxian's super AI has recorded all the battle data of me, Wu Mu, and Yang Ye when they were young and followed Taizu to conquer the world and save the country from dimensional beasts. .”

"What I have to do now is to guide Lu Bu to Fengxian with my own will. For the rest, he will fight on his own."

After Nan Ba ​​was shocked for a while, he suddenly reminded: "Master, how about we change the name. The name of this machine is unlucky."

Dong Wei snorted coldly: "Lucky? Do you think my name is auspicious?"

"If Geely's name was useful, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"With the way the world was back then, without the help of some special metaphysics, do you think that domestic bastard in the house could survive to this day?"

"Since you have borrowed the name of an ancient sage, you must bear the fate that that name brings."

"Anyway, I am already old. I have lived longer than Dong Zhuo, the violent prime minister in history. I am already worthy enough."

"Next, it's time to fulfill the agreement I made with Taizu back then."

"Wu Mu and Mr. Yang Ye are incompetent and cannot afford to take the blame, but I don't care. They are dying anyway. If they can bring these old bastards on the road together, they will make a sure profit."

"It's just a pain for you and that child Youluo."

Nan Ba ​​seemed to understand something and bowed his head heavily: "My lord is so righteous, Nan Ba ​​feels ashamed."

Dong Pi snorted: "Okay, let's go. If we are defeated in the future, you can take Youluo and leave on your own. You don't have to bury this old guy with me."

"I even sacrificed my godson Dong Lu, so those old bastards shouldn't be suspicious anymore."

"Tell Youluo not to offend Lin Youde too much. Then find a way to make amends with Lin Youde. Or just disband and return home. As an old man, you are destined to be unable to raise your heads in this life. It is a good thing to survive. .”

When Nan Ba ​​still wanted to say something, Dong Wei waved his hand.

"Let's go and see who kidnapped Zhao Zheng and Li Xingke."

"Although I deliberately let down my guard, it is really quite capable of causing such a big commotion."

Under the leadership of Nan Ba, Dong Pi quickly arrived at the command room.

Dong Wei put his hands behind his back, as if he was about to explode with anger.

"Who dares to make trouble on my head, saying that some blind guy did it!?"

The commander on the side was sweating profusely and ordered the video to be called up.

Soon, some machines that Dong Pi and Nan Ba ​​knew or didn't recognize appeared on the screen.

Nan Ba ​​looked at the image on the screen, slightly shocked.

"Lord, I have an impression of those machines. They are the As Soleares that Lin Youde gave to the intelligence department, and the overseas mercenary Mithril's combat robot, the AS M9."

"As for that strange robot carrying a big knife, according to the information from the intelligence department, it seems to be an independent robot in the overseas archipelago, the Divine Judge Thursday."

"I don't recognize the other machines. However, the one with the dagger in its mouth should be a special model of AS based on its shape and joint style."

Listening to Nan Ba's words, Dong Pi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Sure enough, he was sent by Lin Youde. Mithril? Overseas Islands? He is quite capable."

"But this is the capital. You can come and leave whenever you want? How can it be so easy?"

"Send security forces to stop the attack. Army Group Central gathers and seals off the entire capital. Don't let them escape."

The commander quickly responded and began to arrange and direct.

When everything was arranged, the commander looked at Dong Wei fearfully and asked.

"General Dong, would you like to send out the Bagua robot to intercept?"

Dong Wei waved his hand: "The Bagua robot has other tasks and does not need to be dispatched."

"Inform Eludi Minter of Central Planning and ask her to take the Doomsday Cerberus and her precious toys and dispatch them to this location immediately after mass production is completed."

The commander didn't dare to ask any more questions and just responded.

Dong Wei nodded slightly and looked at the screen with a gloomy face.

"I would like to see where you can run."

While Dong Yi was watching the video at the headquarters, Serena was hiding in a large freight warehouse with everyone who had infiltrated.

Serena walked down As Soleares and handed two bottles of water to Zhao Zheng, who looked pale, and Li Xingke, who looked normal.

"Let's drink a little first. There are no pursuers for the time being. It seems that they were successfully attracted to the other side by Fan and D-BOY."

"Thanks, Serena, I didn't expect it to be you who came to save us."

As Li Xingke thanked him, Serena looked curiously at the expressionless high school student with a scar on his face next to Li Xingke, and at the same time, the blue-haired high school girl with a helpless face next to this young man.

"So, boss, what's going on with these two students?"

"How come they got together with you?"

Li Xingke introduced: "This is Xangliang Zongsuke from Mithril, and this is the object of his protection, Chidori Kaname with special abilities."

"For some reasons, I called on my authority and transferred Xiangliang Zongjie over to protect Lord Zhao Zheng."

"In the end, this Miss Chidori Kaname actually found her way from W City to the capital."

"In order to prevent her from being discovered and caught by some people, I asked Sosuke Sagara to find her and temporarily take her to Master Zhao Zheng's place to stay temporarily."

Before Serena could speak, Chidori was about to speak first.

"So, who are you? Why do you want to involve the summary?"

"The summary is to protect me, right? Don't drag him to strange places and get involved in strange commotions, okay?"

"That person named Zhao Zheng is the head of state of our union, right? Even the head of state of the union is under house arrest. This kind of struggle for power is not something we can participate in. Can you let me and Zongsuke leave?"

"We are not interested in your struggle for power. We just want to study hard and live our own ordinary lives!"

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