Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1582 Didn’t anyone tell you that I know martial arts?

No matter it is the people on Dong Wei's side or the people on Londe Bell's army, as long as they are not distracted by the battle. Everyone who heard Lin Youde's words at this moment was surprised.

Dong Wei looked at Lin Youde in disbelief: "Dr. Lin Youde, do you want to do it yourself? Just use your machine?"

Li Te was also surprised: "No, uncle, do you want to do it yourself?"

Nan Ye was a little anxious: "Director, even Li Te and Tiger Dragon King can't defeat you. Is it really okay if you go?"

Seeing the suspicious expressions on Lin Youde's side, Dong Pi was filled with doubts.

"Dr. Lin Youde, I admit that you are very powerful and you can bring many surprises to the world every time."

"But, you are driving this Hi-ν Gundam, which is not even a black box body. Do you really want to challenge my Lu Bu Fengxian?"

"I know that the Hi-ν Gundam has very strong performance. I have also seen the video of you piloting this machine in "Mech War" before. The Hi-ν Gundam is only as strong as its own, but it has not yet been able to compete with Lu Bu Fengxian. The degree of counterbalance.”

"No matter how powerful the Hi-ν Gundam is, it is only a real machine. How can it compete with Lu Bu Fengxian, which has dual BGM fields?"

"Or do you also have dual BGM fields?"

In response, Lin Youde shook his head and said: "That's not true. I just came back from the universe and I don't have time to tinker with the dual BGM field in "Machine War"."

Dong Wei was puzzled: "Then what do you rely on?"

In the face of Dong Wei's puzzled expression, Lu Bu waved his hand to Zhong Fang Tian Hua Ji and replied: "It doesn't matter, foster father. Since he is coming, let him come. If you have anything to rely on, just see the real seal under your hands." .”

The corners of Lin Youde's mouth raised slightly: "Well said."

The thrusters behind the Hi-ν Gundam began to spurt, and it took off from the bow of the flying dragon modified ship. It came to the side of the Tiger Dragon King and patted the Tiger Dragon King on the shoulder.

"Okay, you go down and take a rest first. Now is not the time to really fight. Leave this to me."

Li Te looked at the pure white knight where Lei Mengmeng was. Lei Mengmeng recalled the previous situation in the electronic world and nodded.

"Listen to the virtuous."

Seeing that his young lady said this, Li Te could only end his mental command: Anger, and immediately switched his body to Dragon Tiger King. Nanye explained, while he began to enter a weak state and rest.

After watching the Tiger Dragon King transform back into the Dragon Tiger King and land on the deck of the Flying Dragon Kai, Lu Bu waved to the Hi-ν Gundam with Fengxian.

"Is the substitution over? Come on then, let me see what you are capable of."

In response, Lin Youde smiled and first launched his own title BGM field.

[BGM: ν GUNDAM (ニュー?ガンダム)-Saegashira Akira]

To drive the Hi-ν Gundam, of course you need to play the exclusive BGM.

But even if Lin Youde expanded the BGM field, the volume of the BGM was very low. It could only be heard in the cockpit of the Hi-ν Gundam. There was no movement at all outside.

Although Lin Youde was not surprised by this situation, he had to admire Dong Pi's strength in the secondary BGM field. It was really very high.

After a moment of admiration, Lin Youde heard Dong Pi's shout.

"It's useless. Even the black box BGM field can be suppressed by me. Naturally, the title-level BGM field you got from "Machine War" can also be suppressed."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that my BGM field is also obtained from "Machine War", and it is a special-level BGM field, and the level is still above the title level!"

Hearing this, Lin Youde's heart moved.

‘The special grade can suppress the black box BGM. In other words, the special grade is higher? Also, special conditions need to be met, and if the effect is not strong, it will be useless. ’

'But these are not the point. The point is, why is the BMG of the "Dynasty Warriors" series given in "Mech War"? ’

Lin Youde is not deaf, nor is he a fool. Of course he can hear it. Whether it is the BGM that Dong Wei launched before or the BGM that Lu Bu Fengxian launches now, they are all from the "Dynasty Warriors" series.

Although Lin Youde is not a fan of the "Dynasty Warriors" series, he has played a few games, and he can't hear the familiar BGM wrong.

'It seems that there are other secrets hidden in "Machine War". ’

Having said that, Lin Youde quickly entered a fighting state because Lu Bu Fengxian had already rushed over.

"Take my halberd!"

There are no fancy skills, it's just a simple blow that splits Huashan Mountain, it's pure power.

Faced with such an attack, Lin Youde instantly entered a fighting state. A seed in his mind exploded on the spot, and SEED·D was liberated.

On the console screen in the cockpit, the words NT-B flashed instantly.

Hi-ν Gundam's body also emits dazzling blue light, and the blue light turns into blue flames, covering Hi-ν Gundam's body.

Looking at the blue flames erupting from the Hi-ν Gundam, Lu Bu roared first.

"It's useless, such a fancy thing is vulnerable in my hands!"

In response, Lin Youde replied lightly: "Oh? Really? Do you really think so?"

Hi-ν Gundam raised his right hand, stretched the back of his right hand forward, and pressed it against the side edge of Fang Tian's painted halberd that was slashed towards the front door.

Then, with the confused expressions on Dong Wei and Lu Bu Fengxian's faces, the Hi-ν Gundam drew a circle in mid-air and pushed to the side. Lu Bu Fengxian and the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hands stood straight. It flew towards the left side of the Hi-ν Gundam.

"Wha...what is this!?"

Flying hundreds of meters from the side of the Hi-ν Gundam, Lu Bu Fengxian didn't react until he quickly turned around in the air and wanted to question.

But as soon as his words came out, the six flying-wing floating cannons behind the Hi-ν Gundam had already flown over, carrying blue flames and shooting out six beams of light, heading straight for the front door.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Six explosions exploded on Lu Bu Fengxian...

Before the smoke from the explosion completely enveloped the Lu Bu Fengxian, it was chopped into pieces by its halberd, revealing a somewhat gray but not obviously damaged body.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde shook his head: "Sure enough, even if the psycho-sensory skeleton and NT-B system are fully unleashed, relying on the power of the flying-wing floating cannon is still not enough to break through the defense."

After the six flying-wing floating cannons instantly flew back behind the Hi-ν Gundam and were reloaded, the Lu Bu Fengxian rushed over again with an angry face.

"Since you don't answer, then I will find the answer myself from actual combat!"

The halberd was swung over again, but it was of no use.

The Hi-ν Gundam just changed hands. The left hand did the same thing, and then turned around in the air. After Lu Bu Fengxian flew out from the right side of the Hi-ν Gundam, he pulled out the large beam cannon behind him with his right hand. Aim at Lu Bu Fengxian's cloak and shoot him.


A huge beam of 6 meters thick hit Lu Bu Fengxian's cloak, and the explosion sounded again.


The smoke from the explosion was chopped into pieces again, but Lu Bu Fengxian remained unscathed.

"What did you do, guy?"

Lin Youde glanced at the large beam cannon in Hi-ν Gundam's right hand with a subtle expression, shook his head, threw it away, and replied slowly.

"It's nothing, it's just Tai Chi that can be seen everywhere. No one told you, do I know martial arts?"


PS: Dongfang Invincible should know Tai Chi, right? As an Asian sage, Tai Chi is so famous, so there is no reason why he doesn’t know how to do it. It should be normal for the protagonist to learn a few moves related to Tai Chi from Dongfang Bubai, right?

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