Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1584 The machine can’t keep up

Looking at Lu Bu, who had not been broken by a single move. Apart from the shattered cloak and only slight cracks in the armor around his body, Lu Bu was not seriously injured.

Lin Youde couldn't help but sigh at the other party's strong hardness.

Not to mention that the cracks on Lu Bu's Fengxian are still closing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From this glance, we can tell that the Lu Bu Fengxian also has the ability to repair itself, probably due to the addition of metal cell technology.

Lin Youde lamented the hardness of the Lu Bu Fengxian, while Dong Pi was also shocked by the terrifying explosive destructive power of Lin Youde and the Hi-ν Gundam.

"It's hard to believe. The armor of the Lu Bu Fengxian was actually broken?"

"You know, when the test was started, the Lu Bu Fengxian was in the special test site and took a large-yield nuclear bomb without any injuries."

"Could it be that the attack just now was more powerful than a nuclear bomb!? How is that possible?"

"The Hi-ν Gundam is obviously just a real-type machine, how could it possibly do such a thing?"

Dong Pi felt that his three views had been subverted, and he scratched his head and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Not only Dong Pi and his accomplices, but also Kukulu who was entangled with Zeng Jia in the sky, and many people on Londe Bell's side couldn't figure out how Lin Youde did it.

No one thought that Dong Wei was bragging when he said that Lu Bu's Fengxian could withstand nuclear bombs without being injured, because there was no need at all. At this time, even a qualified general would not be able to do this, let alone a veteran founding general like Dong Wei, who would make others' ambitions undermine his own prestige.

And everyone is not blind. The measuring instruments of various battleships and various reconnaissance aircraft on the battlefield also clearly show that when the blue flame dragon shot out by the Hi-ν Gundam exploded on the Lu Bu Fengxian The energy level has exceeded the previous nuclear bomb energy record.

It is precisely because of this that everyone is even more shocked.

Is it really possible to use a real machine to launch an attack more powerful than a nuclear bomb?

In response to this, Du Jianlong, Kang Dingbang, Liu Longma, Wang Kai, and Ni Xingxing, who were Lin Youde's old friends, laughed and said nothing.

Lei Mengmeng even opened the mic on the spot and sarcastically said: "What's impossible? Gundam is a real system. This is the consensus of the whole world. But in "Machine War", someone also said that when our family has the virtue to open When it comes to Gundam, the Gundam is no longer a real type, but a super type."

"Our family has virtue, but there is a super ace pilot who can turn the real-type Gundam into a super-type!"

"Chief Dong Wei, I think if you are afraid, how about surrendering?"

"You are already old, why should you imitate young people and strive for world supremacy? Wouldn't it be better to find a place to retire and live out your old age?"

Lei Mengmeng's words made Dong Pi recover from the shock and snorted coldly.

"Although I am young, I am not at the stage of death like Wu Mu and Yang Ye. I also want to compete in this world."

Dong Wei's words cheered up Lü Bu Fengxianhao, who had recovered his body: "My foster father is right, we haven't lost yet!"

"Although the attack just now was powerful, it was not enough to make me surrender."

"What about a real-type machine + a super-type pilot? I, Lu Bu, am the first, but a super robot who wants to stand at the top of all robots will not be frightened by this small scene."

In the cockpit of the Hi-ν Gundam, Lin Youde calmly controlled the aircraft and waved to Lu Bu Fengxian.

"Haven't you been beaten enough? Then come again and let me tell you how big the gap between you and me is."

As the only high-level martial artist on Aquamarine Star today, Lin Youde is not afraid of Lu Bu Fengxian, who only combines the skills of current warriors on Aquamarine Planet.

From the fact that Ye Ling was only a LV4 martial arts master, Lin Youde could deduce that the strongest warrior on Aqua Blue Star was probably a LV5 martial artist.

And Lin Youde is now at the standard LV6 martial arts champion level.

And this is only Lin Youde's own energy level, not the skills and moves he has mastered.

Taking into account all the skills and tricks, Lin Youde's true combat power is actually at the level of a LV7 martial artist.

With such a level, how could he be afraid of Lu Bu, who had previously made Lin Youde feel that he was only at the LV4 martial arts master level?

He studied under Dongfang Bubai's Lin Youde, so he still has this level of knowledge.

But deep down, Lin Youde was very confident in himself, but not very confident in his body.

Lin Youde felt a little helpless as he saw the yellow prompts of the left and right arm modules flashing on the instrument panel.

'After all, it is not a body specially prepared for warriors. Even if the psycho-sensory skeleton can withstand my tossing under the dual explosion of New Humanity and NT-B systems, the other lines and metals of the body have been damaged in an astonishing way due to previous operations. Speed ​​is lost. ’

‘Even with the addition of many of the technologies we have now, the speed of metal fatigue is still too fast. Tsk, as expected, Hi-ν Gundam can only be used for long-range shooting. You can't use too many close combat skills, otherwise the armor and other various lines will not be able to hold up. ’

Although he was prepared in his heart, Lin Youde still felt helpless because the Hi-ν Gundam couldn't keep up with his efforts.

But now facing an iron turtle like Lu Bu Fengxian who masters the dual BGM field, it is impossible to break through the opponent's defense without the use of Dongfang Bubai style fighting machines. So Lin Youde had no choice at all.

‘We can only reduce the burst of speed and fight in other ways. ’

‘I have to fight quickly and end the fight as quickly as possible. ’

Thinking of this, Lin Youde gradually made a plan in his mind.

While Lin Youde was secretly thinking about this, Dong Pi and Lu Bu Fengxian also chose to change their fighting methods.

"My son has been given the honorary title, don't be impulsive. Although I don't know how this Lin Youde did it, you should have seen the ability he just showed."

"I'm afraid it won't be very beneficial to us if we continue to use purely advanced fighting skills."

Lu Bu Fengxian nodded: "I understand, foster father. However, the Hi-ν Gundam in my database should be a highly maneuverable shooting machine. Simply fighting at a distance may be more detrimental to us. In this case, let’s use mid-range assault tactics.”

Dong Wei: "Okay, don't worry and go fight. I will help you."

Lu Bu Fengxian nodded, twirled the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand, and said to Lin Youde with high fighting spirit.

"In that case, let's enter the second round!"


PS: Thanks to "Wushuang Sword King" for the reward, there will be another update soon.

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