Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1588: Resistance in a corner

Lin Youde is not just bragging, according to the combat effectiveness shown by Lu Bu Fengxian just now, and the suppressive power in the dual BGM field.

Ordinary people are really no match for Lu Bu Fengxian.

Even Lin Youde was surprised by the power of Lu Bu Fengxian.

He never thought that with the current technology of humans on Aquamarine Planet, they could actually create such an outrageous monster.

The combat power of this machine is considered to be a copyrighted work in the "Super Robot Wars" series. Even if it cannot be the final BOSS, it can still be the big BOSS within the last three levels.

Unfortunately, it ran into Lin Youde and could only regret being shot down here.

‘Speaking of the BGM field, what happened to the BGM after I started Super Mode? ’

‘That’s the BGM of “Mobile Suit Gundam G Battleden”, right? Why does that BGM appear? I don’t remember ever receiving a title related to “Mobile Suit Gundam G Battleden”. Where did the BGM come from? ’

With doubts, the Hi-ν Gundam released from super mode flew back to the vicinity of the Feilong Kai, and sent a message to Lin Liuli, asking her to open the Feilong Kai's hatch and control the aircraft's return.

At the same time, Lei Mengmeng also sent a message.

"Youde, do you need to pursue those retreating deserters?"

Lin Youde took a brief look at the radar distribution map sent by Lin Liuli and shook his head.

"No, the power of my rock-shattering fist before was too great. It had a considerable impact on both the enemy and our side."

"We were not able to intercept them immediately. Since the retreating aircraft were all high-speed aircraft, it would not be easy to catch up."

"On the contrary, they haven't retreated yet. There are still many people who plan to resist."

"Whether these guys are just abandoned sons they left behind to delay, we have to clean up these guys, and then make the recapture of the capital our first goal."

Hearing this, Lei Mengmeng responded: "I understand, those guys ran too fast just now, and even I didn't react."

"But now I'm on guard. Anyone who wants to retreat, Alfemi and I will fight them down. End the battle as soon as possible."

Alufemi also chimed in and responded, "Well, we will try our best to say it!"

Lin Youde smiled, walked out of the cockpit of the Hi-ν Gundam that had been powered off, and handed the machine to the maintenance team to take care of their headaches. He came to Feilong Kai's bridge and asked.

"Refina, Sanye, how is the current situation?"

Mitsuha replied: "Due to the impact caused by the previous special attack, except for this ship, the Steel, and the Nadeshiko, the other warships were not able to deploy defensive barriers immediately, and were pushed forward by the huge impact. The machine was overloaded and exploded, causing them all to fall."

"These fallen warships also include our warships, the Divas and La Kellam."

"Among them, Walstock was the furthest away and had the lowest altitude, so it was not greatly affected. It landed on the ground in time and had little impact."

"Currently, the crews of each warship are undergoing emergency repairs, and the crew members are not seriously injured."

Hearing this, Lin Youde felt a little ashamed. Amidst the admiring and resentful expressions of the crew members on the Feilong Kai bridge, Lin Youde coughed lightly and replied.

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it. I didn't know it was so powerful. I accidentally used too much force. Next time I have experience, I will remind you in advance."

"By the way, what's the situation with the mobile unit?"

Sanye nodded with stars in his eyes and responded.

"Compared to the battleship group, the damage to the mobile unit was relatively minor."

"Except for the many people on the Tekkadan side whose bodies were damaged due to the fall, the others were not seriously injured."

Hearing that there were not many injuries to the mobile unit, Lin Youde's uneasy mood finally improved a lot.

"What about the enemy's situation?"

Sanye replied: "The enemy's situation is unknown, but many aircraft failed to take off again after falling. It is suspected that the flight function was damaged, and they could only switch to land combat mode."

"And after the first three waves of enemies retreated, all the defenders in the capital have surrendered, along with other mercenary units."

"Only the metal children, enhanced children, and ideal people from the Free Federation, a series of enhanced human troops, are still fighting against the centrally planned AI robot AI·1 led by the four major families, Yu San Zhonggao, and the He family."

"The Dong family's troops have already surrendered after Dong Wei and Lu Bu Fengxian were defeated."

Hearing this, Lin Youde's eyes lit up: "Oh? The four major families and the Gao and He families of the Yusan family haven't surrendered yet?"

Sean on the side put his hands behind his back and responded cheerfully: "They probably know that we will not let them go, so they are planning to make a last-ditch struggle. Or maybe they are still counting on the Yaoji people to save them." Sweet dreams.”

Lin Youde was a little surprised: "Huh? What's the situation at Kukulu's side now? Where are the Yaoji people?"

Refina replied: "That Kukulu is still fighting Zengjia. As for the demon robots, more than half of them were damaged in the impact just now, and they are currently being cleaned up by our machines."

"In view of the fact that the Yaoji people have the ability to teleport through space, I asked everyone who went to deal with the Yaoji people to be careful to avoid being attacked by a sneak attack."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Well, you did a good job."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Liuli, who was in charge of CIC, suddenly turned his head.

"Dad, among the crashed battleships of the four major families and the Gao and He families, multiple mobile weapons appeared and began to join the battlefield."

"Among those mobile weapons, I found the machines with the recorded codenames Falcon and Hundred Tongue."

As soon as Lin Liuli said this, Sanye frowned: "I remember Falcon and Hundred Tongues, they should be the machines that the director won from the "Olympic Showcase", right? How could they..."

Refina explained: "Those two machines were stolen by the Liu and Ma families after the "Olympic Showcase", and now they appear in the troops of the four major families. It's not surprising. "

Lin Youde ordered: "Inform Sakura to go over and see who is driving those two machines. Find an opportunity to get those two machines back. They are mine after all. They have been left in the Liu family and the Ma family for so long. They should be returned. The original owner."

"In addition, inform Jianlong, Longma, and Wang Kai to deal with the remnants of the four major families and the Gao and He families. This time, we must complete our efforts in one battle and eradicate these traitors in one fell swoop."

"Then notify Dingbang to take Shirou to see what's going on with Hugo."

"Hugo and Aoi drive the Cerberus against Albero's Doomsday Cerberus. The battle may not be easy. I'm worried that something will happen to them."

Lin Liuli responded: "Okay, Dad, I will make arrangements right now."

Lin Youde nodded and crossed his arms: "This war is almost over..."


PS: The battle for the capital is beginning to end. I don’t know if everyone is interested in the combat aspect of the Doomsday Cerberus. If you are not interested, skip it. If you are interested, the author will write about it.

PS2: I'm not doing well today. I feel like there are some problems with the two chapters I've coded, but I can't explain them, so we'll just have to look at them.

Thanks to the book friend "Big Piggy" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins.

Thanks to book friends "saseso", "Flying Behemoth" and "Kel16" for the reward of 5,000 starting coins.

Thanks to book friend "Zi Yan" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

The author will find time to make additional updates later, so don’t worry!

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