Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 161 Ladis Feinshoemaker

"Youde, what does this say? Explain it to me."

Under Lei Mengmeng's urging, Lin Youde bit the bullet and explained briefly. But I dare not elaborate on the details.

"Machine War" clearly stipulates that players outside of this mode are not allowed to trigger observations. If you say random things, you may cause bad things.

"I see, is that the real-time plot mode? Is there a secret to "Machine War" hidden in it? That's why players' side stories outside of this mode are not allowed to be triggered?"

Lei Mengmeng thought seriously.

"Maybe, since "Machine War" strictly requires confidentiality, there must be many rewards in it. Although there is only one life, it is always a good thing for us."

Lin Youde's words were approved by Lei Mengmeng.

"That's right. There are strict requirements not to allow secrets to be leaked. There must be a lot of rewards inside."

"The information on Strike Gundam now has a "CE series" label. If you use this mode, you can obtain the body of this series, and other people cannot obtain it. That means we can monopolize an entire series. This is a huge benefit. "

With an excited expression, Lei Mengmeng said happily.

"Youde, do you think the remaining machine you haven't unlocked yet has similar abilities?"

"You still refuse to tell me about that one. Will it also unlock this special mode?"

"Now I roughly understand why you want to keep the un-unlocked machine a secret."

Lei Mengmeng's eyes shone, but Lin Youde smiled dryly under great pressure.

"No way, I just want to maximize my profits. I don't want that machine to be obtained by others before I unlock it. It's just for a small selfish desire, I didn't expect this kind of development."

Under Lei Mengmeng's shrewd eyes, Lin Youde smiled dryly and accepted the previous mission. In front of Lei Mengmeng, he changed the sword-mounted Strike Gundam into an aerial combat Strike Gundam.

"Humph, let's just treat it like this. One day, I'll let you tell me in person."

Letting go of Lin Youde's arm, Lei Mengmeng watched as the sword-mounted Strike Gundam turned into an air combat Strike Gundam.

"Youde, do you want to turn on the special mode immediately and play in it?"

Lin Youde took a look at the data of the air combat type Strike Gundam and replied.

"No, I feel a little tired and want to log off and take a rest first."

—Body information—

Body: Air combat type Strike Gundam

Applicable types: Air A Land A Sea C Space A

Transformation reward: Obtain all

All 5 stages of transformation rewards: mobility +20%, fixed weapon power +20%

Rewards for all 10 stages of transformation: energy consumption rate -20%, additional rewards for unlocking backpacks.

Additional rewards for air combat backpack: mobility +20%, movement +10%, PS armor’s energy consumption reduced by an additional 10%

Others: slightly


"Hoo ho, A's air combat adaptability. It must be a backpack that can fly freely."

Lei Mengmeng glanced at the data panel of the Air Combat Strike Gundam, took Lin Youde's hand and urged.

"Then let's go offline quickly and get the information on the air combat backpack to see what kind of technology it is."


I went offline with Lei Mengmeng and just came out of the game warehouse. Lin Youde saw Wang Liumei running in from outside in a hurry.

"How's it going? Have you got the air combat backpack?"

Lin Youde smiled and said, "Well, I've got it."

"Where is it? Let me see quickly!" Wang Liumei quickly came over.

In front of Lei Mengmeng and Wang Liumei, Lin Youde opened the information in his personal mailbox and extracted the information about the air combat type Strike Gundam.

As soon as the information was extracted, Lei Mengmeng and Wang Liumei approached Lin Youde and quickly browsed the information.

Leaning on the sofa and looking at the two people close at hand, Lin Youde was about to say something. He seemed to feel something and turned to look out the window not far away.

Through the glass, Lin Youde saw a handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

The handsome blond guy made a gesture. After Lin Youde nodded slightly, the handsome blond guy turned and left.

"Mengmeng, Liu Mei, take your time here and take a look. Ladis seems to have something to do with me. I'll go over there first."

Lei Mengmeng and Wang Liumei turned their heads and glanced outside at the same time, and responded in unison: "Okay, we will go find you after watching it later."

Lin Youde pulled away from the two of them and left the room. When he came to the corridor outside the door, he saw Leidy leaning against the wall, waiting for him.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Ladis."

Ladis shook his head: "It's nothing, I just came here. But I didn't disturb you, right?"

Lin Youde smiled, waved his hand, and responded: "You can tell this kind of thing just by looking at it."

Ladis responded with a slight smile: "Looking at you, it seems like something good has happened?"

Lin Youde put his hands on his hips: "Do you need me to tell you?"

Ladis shook his head: "Farewell for now. Although I have received a lot of care from you, I still haven't made up my mind to join you and your girlfriend's faction. I don't want to know the secrets of your faction for the time being."

Lin Youde looked helpless: "So, wouldn't it be great if you just joined us and became our partner? It's a shame that I gave R-2 to you."

Ladis had a dark look on his face: "Didn't you come to me and ask me to help with research to see if you can drive R-2?"

Lin Youde whistled: "Eh? Is there such a thing? Why don't I remember it?"

Ladis looked helpless: "You guy, you are really..."

Seeing Ladis' helpless expression, Lin Youde smiled very happily.

I remembered the time when I met Ladis.

Ladis's full name is Ladis Feinshoemaker, and he is a famous genius at Sunrise University of Technology.

He did not rely on any faction, but only relied on his talents and knowledge. He entered the "Sunshine University of Science and Technology" a year ago and was recognized and attracted by various factions.

But he did not accept any invitation from any faction, but was seriously studying the relevant knowledge of machine manufacturing and adjustment.

When Lin Youde learned from Lei Mengmeng that there were many geniuses in Risheng University of Technology and was told that there was a person named Ladis. Lin Youde subconsciously thought of Ladis in the SRX team in "Super Robot Wars OG".

Unfortunately, after Lin Youde learned the details about Ladis, he knew that he had made a mistake.

Although this Leidis is very similar to the Leidy he knows, they are still very different.

First of all, his surname is "Feinshoemaker", a family that is not well-known in the three major countries of mankind. Not the famous "Brown Shutan" in the world of mecha OG.

Moreover, both of his parents are dead, and apart from an older brother who lives in the Free Federation, he only has his elderly grandparents.

In addition, his arms are all intact and he is a healthy, normal person. It’s completely different from the OG series where one arm is a prosthetic.

Therefore, this Ladis is not the Ladis that Lin Youde knew.

But Lin Youde felt that he could meet someone similar to the R-2 driver of the SRX team in his memory in the same school. It would be a waste not to win over each other.

Therefore, Lin Youde got in touch with Ladis by learning how to write an OS from his talented seniors...

Thanks to "Xingbenhina" for the reward of 5,000 starting coins.

Thanks to "Blood Illusion" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

Thanks to "08a" "Sheep Lying in the Corpse" for the reward of 100 starting coins.

The author will work hard to update it~!

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