Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1669 Goodbye Yuzes

Inside White Star, a series of explosions and roars continued to sound.

In a certain area inside the White Star, in a huge square, a huge machine over 300 meters in size stood in the square, seeming to be waiting for something.

Soon, the violent explosion from before was getting closer and closer...

Suddenly, a wall in this huge square quickly turned red and then melted...

A dark beam of light shot out from the melted wall and shot towards the huge machine in the center of the square...

However, this huge beam of light illuminated a translucent protective shield. It lasted for a few seconds and then collapsed on the spot, failing to break through the protective shield.

Amidst the huge roar, several battleships passed through the damaged wall and flew over.

As soon as several battleships entered, the huge robot in the center of the square looked at the bow of one of the red battleships.

On the bow of the red battleship, a yellow robot was looking at it with its arms folded.

At this moment, two machines of disproportionate size looked at each other.

At the same time, a steady man's voice sounded in this huge square.

"Is it finally here? Rondebel, it's this fateful moment again."

"I knew that Rebby alone couldn't stop you."

"But it's a little bit beyond my expectation. You didn't do it yourself, but relied on your people to solve Lebby."

"It seems that the partners you gathered are awakening faster than I expected, Lin Youde."

On the bow of the red battleship Feilong Kai, in the cockpit of the Huanglong, Lin Youde looked at the huge machine body in the center of the square, frowning slightly.

"Is it really finished? Armadatron..."

"Youzes, your movements are very fast."

Youzes' laughter echoed in the public channel.

"Hehehe, the moment I woke up in this world, I had already started planning for this moment."

"However, after experiencing so many failures, I have also understood that relying solely on Armadatron modified by Steel Eden is not enough to guarantee my victory."

"So, I made some modifications to this Armadatron and turned it into a real vehicle of God."

"Now this Armadatron has the power of Steel Eden, Native Species, Super Robots, and the Baluma Empire."

"And its power source was replaced by Yinglong's Yinglong Pearl."

"With so many powers, this brand new Armadatron Kai will be superior to the Armadatrons from other worlds in the past!"

"This time, I will break through the shackles of cause and effect and complete a new sublimation!"

Listening to Youzes' words, Lin Youde sneered.

"Oh, Juzes, it's a good thing to be confident. But there are some things that just need to be deceived by those of us who are hostile. Don't deceive yourself too."

"I heard that you always said the same thing before you died in other parallel worlds."

"Really, worry?"

At the corner of the square, Gulansen is parked at the highest point.

Bai Hechou didn't seem to expect that the exchange between Lin Youde and Youzes would involve him again, so he couldn't help but smile and reply.

"If you say so, it's not that much different."

"Every time Yuzes was about to die, he was so confident and died generously."

Lin Youde spread his hands in the public channel's visual communication: "Look~!"

Youzes's voice was obviously unhappy.

"Hmph, stop being such a mouthful."

"You will soon know how powerful my Armadatron Kai is."

"This time, whether it's you Londe Bell or Bai Hechou, an eyesore like this, I will kill them all."

"In the end, I will be the one who laughs last."

Lin Youde deliberately made a gesture of picking his ears: "Yes, yes, you just believe it."

"I'm tired of hearing what you're saying."

"Instead of this cliché, how about we take this last chance to talk about something else?"

Youzes sneered: "Haha, you want to ask me about Kabore, right?"

Lin Youde took the initiative to applaud: "Oh, as expected of you, you actually learned to answer questions quickly."

"So, Mr. Youzes, would you mind explaining to me about Kabore?"

Youzes' voice gradually became louder: "Okay, it's the end anyway, and I don't mind talking to you for a little longer."

"I only found out about Kabore by accident."

"In my observation, Kabore and his machine of unknown origin should have become the guardians of the law of cause and effect in a certain world, becoming the only ones in many worlds, and there will be no other parallel individuals."

"But I don't know what happened in the last era that actually caused him to die together."

"Such an accident gave me the opportunity to capture him."

"In my opinion, he should be coerced by some kind of cause and effect like those "Jade" holders. "

"So as long as I catch him Kabore, his special machine will come back to his hands sooner or later in the future."

"Before that, I will control him well and wait for the machine to fall into the trap."

"I just didn't expect that I didn't wait for that special machine. Instead, I waited for a spiritual aggregate from outside the solar system."

"This group of spiritual aggregates seems to occupy the bodies of carbon-based creatures as a means of survival. It can suppress the host creatures very well, reaching a level similar to the body-taking in the myths and legends of human innovation and integration."

"Such an unexpected gain made me decide to control Kabore through this spiritual aggregation."

"After all, I have been familiar with mental control and adjustment for many years, and it is effortless to transform it."

"Unexpectedly, you grew up so fast, which disrupted part of my plan. Through fighting, you also forcibly awakened the consciousness of the spiritual aggregate that I had forced into dormancy."

"Even I have to admit that no matter which world the Londo Bells are in, they are a team full of surprises."

"Anything that has a small probability of happening will become a high probability event when it encounters Lund Bell."

"This is probably a subtle reaction caused by too much entanglement of cause and effect."

Lin Youde asked calmly: "In other words, you don't know the specific origin of Ru Kobol?"

Youzes replied: "No, I know. In my observation, this guy should be the ruler of a huge empire in a certain world, galloping across the universe."

"But in this world, their country should have encountered those monsters and been destroyed, right?"

"After all, no matter how powerful his empire is, as long as it is not protected by Steel Eden, it will be nothing more than a piece of paper and vulnerable to a monster that can be called the ultimate God of Destruction..."

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