Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1708 50 times gravity

Although it was a little uncomfortable, Lin Youde also had to accept the fact that in other parallel worlds, many people he was familiar with left one after another.

At the same time, he felt that the responsibilities on his shoulders were heavier.

At this moment, he finally realized how heavy his trust in the other world was.

‘In order to prevent something like this from happening again in my world, I must eliminate all parallel worlds and merge them into one, making my world the only end point. ’

Lin Youde warned himself like this.

What would people in other worlds think of doing this? Is this an unnecessary disaster for them?

Lin Youde tried his best to force himself not to think about these things.

Otherwise, the mood will only become heavier.

"Do you still have any questions?"

Da Tifa's question made Lin Youde shake his head.


"That's it..."

Da Tifa stared at Lin Youde for a while, hesitated for a while, and finally gave instructions to Hathaway.

"Hassawi, take them down to rest."

"You will live here during this period. As for the other people who disappeared from the original world with you, I will try my best to arrange for someone to help you find out."

"As for the rest... let's talk about it later."

Lin Youde could feel that Da Tifa was hesitating and understood what she was hesitating about.

Big Tifa had already wanted to die, but as a mother, she couldn't let go of her two children, Hathaway and Little Tifa, so she kept forcing herself and struggling to support them.

A person without a body, only a brain and spirit, how painful it is, can be understood by thinking about those patients with ALS.

Patients with ALS still have bodies, but Dafa has completely lost their bodies.

It's just that Lin Youde doesn't know how to return to his own world yet, and he is a newbie here, and he and Da Tifa are the most familiar strangers.

So it seems that she is not yet ready to entrust her two children to herself.

In this regard, Lin Youde could only choose to wait.

Anyway, from Lin Youde's point of view, there are already a lot of sons and daughters.

It’s not a big deal if you have two more. How many are you raising?

The only problem now is that Big Tifa is not ready yet, and it is difficult for him to take the initiative to speak.

So Lin Youde followed Hathaway to find a place to rest for a while, and then took the initiative to ask to go to the small gravity cabin left by himself in this world.

After Hathaway taught Lin Youde how to operate, he took the initiative to walk to the door and asked with an uneasy look on his face.

"Do you really want to use this to practice?"

"To be honest, no one can use this gravity chamber at the moment."

Lin Youde nodded: "Well, I haven't practiced properly for a long time. I just have time now and there is nothing I need to worry about, so I will use this to practice."

"Also, isn't Zeng Jia pretty powerful? He can't use this?"

In response, Hathaway hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed: "Uncle Zenga... is actually already dead."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "Huh? Zeng Jia is dead? Didn't he just..."

Halfway through his words, Lin Youde paused.

Hathaway smiled bitterly and said: "That is an artificial person with Uncle Zenga's memory and personal abilities."

"Although all his abilities and memories are the same as those of the real Uncle Zenga, because he is an artificial human, he cannot practice at all."

"He knew about this from the beginning, so there was nothing to hide from."

"But I still hope you can try not to mention it in front of him."

"For Uncle Zenga, the real thing is that he failed to protect the woman he loved, so he could only use this broken body to guard the cradle of the earth and atone for his sins."

This sudden news made Lin Youde's heart sink again.

"I see."

Hathaway bent down slightly and closed the door of the gravity chamber.

Lin Youde calmed down and pressed the button on the console.

"Then, let me try 20 times gravity."


20 times gravity opens.

Lin Youde was pressed to the ground by the huge gravity on the spot.

Most people simply cannot bear such gravity. Not to mention the internal organs, the bones will be directly crushed.

But Lin Youde was not an ordinary person. Even if he didn't use any internal strength, he relied solely on physical strength to slowly get up from the ground.

The movement was slow and it took a full 10 seconds for Lin Youde to stand up again.

Hathaway stood at the door, looking at Lin Youde who stood up again inside, his eyes wide open.

"Is it really okay?"

Glancing at the numbers on the instrument, Hathaway confirmed that he had read it correctly.

"Can you stand so straight with 20 times the force of gravity?"

"Should I say that I really deserve to be my father? It's really scary..."

However, just as Hathaway finished sighing, he saw Lin Youde moving his palms.

"With the physical foundation of perfect adjuster + native seed cells + martial arts champion (LV6), it seems that there will be no problem in adapting to 20 times gravity."

After a little mobilization of his internal strength, Lin Youde quickly punched and kicked in the gravity chamber. The speed was so fast that there was only an afterimage, leaving Hathaway stunned.

However, Lin Youde was not very satisfied with this.

"It's somewhat effective, but not enough."

"I have reached the bottleneck of being a LV6 martial arts champion since I was a master."

"It's been such a long time since I've achieved the breakthrough to a true martial artist. I'm really ashamed of my master."

"Okay, let's turn the gravity up to 50 times and see if we can break through the bottleneck."

Lin Youde turned the gravity up to 50 times in one breath.

The sudden increase in gravity almost made Lin Youde lie on the operating table.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Youde tried to mobilize his internal force and began to circulate it in his body according to the teachings of Dongfang Bubai.

Although his arm moved slowly, he still managed to punch.

Sweat beads still appeared all over his body, but Lin Youde left the operating table without fear and punched the air one after another.

Looking at Lin Youde who was still able to punch and practice even after turning the gravity up to 50 times in one breath, Hathaway's eyes were full of horror.

"Isn't this too crazy? 50 times the gravity? That's the gravity that can easily crush even a MS."

"No, I have to watch here."

"If the father in this parallel world can't hold on, I have to cut off the power from the outside immediately."

Just as Hathaway was watching Lin Youde practice.

On the other side, Shura City.

Fiona tightened her clothes and whispered to Fulka as she looked around.

"Is it really okay?"

Fulka resolutely took the lead and walked towards the hangar.

"Well, I've decided."

"Fiona, what you said about the lifestyle of the Aquamarine people made me curious."

"In addition to fighting, can humans have another way of life?"

"I want to confirm this, so... let's go!"

"Let's use our own eyes to see what kind of world this world called Earth is!"

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