Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1723 Goodbye Guiding Elf

At Lin Youde's call, several translucent figures quickly appeared next to Lin Youde.

These people are Amuro, Char, Camus, Jeto, and...the huge golden Gundam Phoenix! ?

Lin Youde looked at these figures, especially the giant Phoenix, and couldn't help but show an expression of astonishment.

"No, Lita? Why are you in "Machine War"?"

Phoenix did not answer Lin Youde's question. On the contrary, Amuro and four others surrounded Lin Youde with doubts in their eyes.

Amuro: "Are you... virtuous?"

Xia Ya: "What's going on? Aren't you dead?"

Camus: "No, the feeling he gives me seems a little different."

Jie Duo nodded: "Well, I can feel that in addition to the spiritual power of the four of us, he even has the spiritual power of Rita-chan."

"But a virtuous person should only have the spiritual power donated by the four of us."

The huge Phoenix stood translucently in Gnaku, lowering his head curiously and looking at Lin Youde: "Are you... not from our world?"

Phoenix's words made Amuro and others suddenly realize, and Lin Youde also admitted.

"Yes, I am Lin Youde from another world."

"Lita, can you tell me how you got into "Machine War"?"

The huge Phoenix tilted his head: "How did I end up in "Machine War"? I don't know. I have been in this world with Uncle Amuro and the others from the beginning."

Phoenix's words made Lin Youde even more stunned: "What!? Have you been in "Machine War" all this time?"

"Then what happened to Rita in my world?"

Phoenix's huge palm struck the palm of his hand in mid-air.

"Oh, you said this."

"The me you met in the original world should be the me who has been reincarnated."

"The me you see now is not the complete Lita, but the Phoenix after merging with Lita."

"In the last era, for some reasons, after merging with Phoenix, I gained the magical power to travel to various parallel worlds."

"Because of this magical power, after the fusion of the multiverse in the last era, I only merged with myself who also became Phoenix."

"But I haven't turned into Phoenix yet, but I have maintained my original independent identity."

"So, in your world, there should be two me. One is me who becomes Phoenix in the world of machine combat."

"The other one is me who wants to meet Jonah again and be reincarnated."

Phoenix's explanation made Lin Youde look surprised: "Can it still be like this?"

Phoenix nodded obediently: "Well, that's it. Although I don't know exactly what's going on."

"But it should be that the me who became Phoenix has some differences on the soul level from the me who was still a human."

"Otherwise, I can't explain why it would be like this."

"But compared to this, I'm a little curious as to why you have my spiritual power in you."

"According to Uncle Amuro's plan, shouldn't I give you the power of four people in total, Uncle Amuro, Uncle Char, Uncle Camu, and Uncle Jeddo?"

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and suddenly remembered something.

When he was controlled by the original species, it seemed that only the four Amuro were helping him at first.

When the self in the other world chose to seek help from the native species, he only gained the power of the four Amuros.

But on his side, when he broke free from the control of the original species, Phoenix, the incarnation of Lita, appeared at the end to help him break free.

In other words, I have no such experience in this world and the other world, so I only received gifts from the four Amuro people. The new human level is LV10+4, and I received gifts from Lita. It has become a level of LV10+5.

Thinking of this, Lin Youde finally understood why his original new human level of LV10+4 had inexplicably changed to LV10+5.

Lin Youde has figured it out, but Amuro has not yet given an answer.

So under Xia Ya's impatient urging, Lin Youde had no choice but to briefly explain what happened to his side of the world.

After a rough introduction, Lin Youde asked.

"What is the situation in the world here? Why can't the Earth's mecha war game warehouse be connected to the game?"

Amuro looked at Lin Youde with relief: "I see, I didn't expect things to turn out like this. Sure enough, the original prediction was correct. You are indeed our only hope."

Xia Ya crossed his arms and was a little speechless: "Originally, when we saw you dead in this world, we all thought that the prophecy was wrong."

"It turns out that the prophecy was correct. It's just that our world has become one of the newly opened parallel worlds. This is really hard to laugh at."

Camus sighed: "That's fine. Although the virtues of this world are dead, but the virtues of another world come, there will be another plan. Even Longma and the others are still alive, so there is still hope for everything. ”

Jie Duo explained: "The reason why the "Machine War" in this world cannot be connected to the "Machine War" game cabin is because the people in this world have chosen "Endgame" by themselves. "

Lin Youde frowned slightly: "The humans in this world have chosen the "end"? You mean... Gundam! ? "

Jeddo nodded: "Yes, "Super Robot Wars" is a very mysterious existence. It will not interfere with human choices, but will only provide corresponding help and choices after humans make their choices."

"When humans choose "The End", it means that humans have given up their own struggle."

"Since you have chosen to escape and choose "The End", "Super Robot Wars" is no longer needed for humans in this world."

"So, although the black box machines in this world can still be started, "Super Robot Wars" can no longer be connected to the game cabin."

"And now humans in this world no longer have the resources and environment to enter "Super Robot Wars" again."

Jeddo's words made Lin Youde nod thoughtfully: "So that's it, Gundam actually has this meaning."

"But, if that's the case, then what's the matter with the remote login I saw before?"

"Why does "Super Robot Wars" prompt that I am logging in to other servers remotely, which is not allowed?"

When Lin Youde said this, everyone present was stunned.

"What? Log in to other servers remotely? ”*5

Amid the stunned expressions of the five people, a mysterious white light flashed, and Amuro and the others disappeared directly.

The sudden disappearance of Amuro and the others made Lin Youde confused.

“No, what’s the situation?”

Before Lin Youde could react, a cute little mecha-guided elf appeared in front of Lin Youde, holding an air hammer with 100T written on it, and smashed it on Lin Youde’s head without saying anything.


Lin Youde was hit and fell to the floor of the hangar on the spot.

“I let you in, not to let you say these things, you idiot!”

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