Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1730 Come out, Berserker!

Faced with Luo Ya's questioning, Tis snorted twice.

"Want to know? Then come over~!"

"Don't worry, she's definitely not dead. But I don't know what my mother did to her."

Tis's answer made Luo Ya angry.

"You guy..."

"If it weren't for the broken body Caesar, I would definitely make you look good!"

Tis laughed happily.

"Hahaha, stupid Luo Ya."

"I mean, is there such a possibility?"

"Is it because we know that your body Caesar is broken that we come to catch you?"

"If you want to blame someone, blame you for being a hero. You went to fight with the Shura tribe for no reason, and ended up breaking the body Caesar."

"Now this is a golden opportunity to catch you."

"If I catch you this time, my mother will definitely make you our slave."

"By then, I wonder how you can still talk about justice."

Tis's words made Luo Ya very angry.

But even if he was angry, Luo Ya did not lose his mind.

"I admit that there are more people on your side now."

"But, Tis, do you think you can catch me with just these drones? Are you underestimating me?"

Roya pointed to the silver-white mobile weapons beside Tugatel, took out his pistol, and blew up the head of one of them with a small beam.

With a crisp explosion, the drone fell on the spot and fell to the ground, no longer moving.

Tis didn't care about it at all and didn't mean to be angry at all.

"Roya, I advise you not to underestimate these puppets anymore."

"Unlike before, these puppets now have a very powerful big puppet as their leader."

"That big puppet is very good and has been praised by my mother."

"If we really fight, don't think you can still be like before."

Roya didn't say anything, because in the sky, these silver drones began to disperse, and their flying movements were completely irregular, and they surrounded Raul and others in an instant.

Chiyue Qiushui did not give in at all: "Aren't they just some drones? Who are you trying to scare? I've seen them!"

Chiyue Guangzhu, who was in the same cockpit, was calmer and asked: "Luoya, who are these people? Do you know them?"

Luoya replied calmly: "Well, these are the enemies I mentioned to you before, who fought with me in another world."

"But unlike you, in my world, all the warriors died in the battle. We did not win, but were defeated."

"In the final decisive battle, I was defeated by the leader of these guys, lost my body, and fled to this world, where I met Houta and Houta's grandfather, Azuma Kisaburo."

"With the help of Houta's family, Houta and I fought together using the fitted Caesar made for me by Kisaburo."

"However, in a previous battle with the Shura clan, Houta's sister, Xiaozi, was captured by these guys."

"The Shura clan is another group of enemies from another dimension, and they are very tricky."

Hearing this, Chiyue Guangzhu was speechless.

"What happened to this world? Why are there so many visitors from other dimensions? Is this a coincidence?"

In response, Disbinis, who could only whine before, replied in a low voice.

"Sister Guangzhu, Mom said that it doesn't seem to be a coincidence that we and the Shura clan came to this world, but the result of the influence of a certain force."

"Even you, it is probably because of that force that you..."

Disbinis was halfway through her words when she was stopped by Tis again.

"Enough, stop talking, Disbinis. They are enemies now. If you tell them the information casually like this, Mom will be angry if she knows."

"Do you want to make Mom angry and then be punished by Mom?"

Tis's words made Disbinis only whine again.

"Really... I shouldn't have brought you out earlier."

Another complaint, in return, Disbinis whine even louder.

Tis covered his head: "Anyway, this time mom's order is for us to capture the warrior Roya."

"As for you, although you are also visitors from another dimension, mom doesn't seem to be very interested in you. She just wants us to investigate casually."

"So, if you know what's good for you and surrender obediently, I can say good things to you in front of mom and guarantee your safety because you took care of the lost and crying Disbinis for several days before."

"How about it, I have given you a lot of face, right?"

Tis's concession made the Red Moonlight Pearl They couldn't help but reply: "Indeed, you are surprisingly easy to talk to."

Chiyue Qiushui: "Sister!"

Chiyue Guangzhu quickly replied: "Yes, yes, I know. I was just complaining."

"Sorry, little sister Tis, our attitude is very clear, we will not surrender."

"The members of our Londo Bell will not surrender easily. Otherwise, our commander-in-chief will be angry."

Tis looked at Disbinis who was whining all the time and had no intention of fighting, and couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

"So, what did you do to make Disbinis so fascinated that she kept protecting you?"

In response, Roya and Soul Sword looked at the Cosmic Type Exalans.

Raul blushed and said in defense: "What are you looking at me for? I didn't do anything! If you don't believe me, ask Disbinis."

Disbinis whispered: "Well, Raul didn't do anything to me, we just..."

"Enough!" Tis interrupted Disbinis irritably, pouted her lips and replied.

"When you go back, you can tell me about these things slowly."

"Now, let's capture Roya first."

"You refuse to surrender, it must be because you still have hope of winning or escaping, right?"

"In that case, I will let you know that you can't win or escape!"

"Come out, Berserker!!!"

Tugatel raised his left hand to the sky, and a pink light shot straight into the sky.

The next moment, a yellow meteor fell from the sky to the ground, causing a huge roar and a violent earthquake.

In the huge pit and the dust flying everywhere, a huge monster nearly 40 meters high and 50 to 60 meters wide appeared behind Tugartel...

Looking at this huge machine that suddenly appeared, Raul, Chiyue Guangzhu and Chiyue Qiushui were all shocked.

"What is this thing?"*3

The huge machine stretched out the palm of its right hand, letting Tugartel land in its palm, and then gathered on its shoulder, allowing Tugartel to cut on the shoulder.

Tis's proud voice slowly sounded: "This is my loyal servant, Berserker~!"


PS: The author doesn't know what this huge thing is called. It seems that there is no explanation in the battle animation.

Seeing that the battle animation is very similar to Illya and Hercules, I will just use Berserker as a substitute, that's all.

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