Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1744: Leave now, no one will get hurt

Bo Aiji shouted and launched another fierce attack on Arhan.

Under the power of the shrinkage furnace, the beams of light from Somo's palm kept flying out, as if they were free of charge, bombarding from the sky and falling continuously.

The fire suppression that unleashed a dense rain of beams with just two hands made Angela miserable.

"It's really...a retreat furnace or something. It's so cheating."

"If I also had such an energy engine, no, not to mention the retreat furnace, even if it was a black hole engine, I would still make you look good!"

Faced with Angela's clamor, Bo Aiji sneered.

"Oh, are you envious? Are you jealous?"

"This precious heritage of the shrinkage furnace is not something you electronic ghosts like Diva can possess."

"You who have given up on the material world, just hide in the electronic world and linger. It's better if you don't come out. At least that way, Mr. Kim Jinkaram will at least spare your lives and let you be our electronics. pet."

Bo Aiji's words deeply hurt Angela, making Angela swear in anger.

"You stinky son of a bitch, who are you calling an electronic pet!? Let's use our own physical bodies, okay? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! It will only show your ignorance!"

Bo Edge replied.

"In the face of a catastrophe, a guy who abandoned his real body, leaving only his genetic factors, uploaded his consciousness to an electronic server, and survived, still dares to call me ignorant?"

"Did you abandon your own home planet? Did you take a spaceship and hide in a dimensional rift to save your life in order to avoid space monsters?"

"You don't even dare to protect your own home, but choose to abandon your family's lost dog and run away. What qualifications do you have to bark in front of me?"

"To say you are electronic pets is putting it mildly."

"Guys like you, who can only exist in the electronic world and don't dare to survive in the real world, can't even be called life. They are just a bunch of data that can be copied and pasted."

"What qualifications does a bunch of codes composed of 0s and 1s have to call itself human in front of our noble moon people?"

"You are not even human beings, you are just a bunch of code waste composed of 0s and 1s!"

Bo Aggie's words made Angela furious, and the ends of her two golden twin ponytails kept beating in anger.

"You stinking bitch, do you have the guts to tell me that again? Let me see if I don't tear your mouth apart!!!"

Arhan turned back decisively and began to point his machine gun at Somo and fire wildly.

But the bullet fired by Arhan was easily dodged by Somo's high maneuverability.

"Oh, I'm so anxious. What did I say? You're so anxious. It's really embarrassing."

"I really don't know what kind of junk the terminal that created you is."

"It's really sad to go out and fight for consumables for a bunch of scrap code commands."

"But in a sense, this is also a very filial act on your part. It's really filial, hahaha!"

Somo fought back crazily, but Bo Aiji's laughter became more and more wild and proud.

Deanna looked at Angela who was about to be swallowed up by anger and couldn't help but remind her.

"Angela, calm down. She is deliberately irritating you so that you lose your cool and break Arhan and kill us."

Angela gritted her teeth: "I know, but this bitch's words are too unpleasant."

Bo Aiji proudly sneered: "The old humans who died in the past have a proverb that lies never hurt people, but the truth hurts the most."

"In your case, you probably got anxious because I mentioned something that hurt you."

"It's really clown-like behavior."

"Don't you think it's sad to pretend to be a human being when you're clearly not a human being?"

"Oh, I forgot, your emotions are also codes and can be manipulated, even your memories."

"So you probably don't feel sad, and you don't have such emotions, right?"

"What a bunch of wretches..."

Angela was furious: "You bastard, shut up!!!"

All of Arhan's magazine openings opened, and more than twenty missiles roared out, flying towards Somo. (Note 1)

More than twenty missiles flew towards Sumo in a mighty manner, but they were shot down continuously by the beam of light in Sumo's palm.

After shooting down all the missiles, Bo Aiji laughed.

"I was so anxious that I lost my mind and fired out all the missiles. With all my weapons exhausted, what can you do to fight me... eh? Where are the people?"

A few hundred meters away from the smoke cloud of the explosion, Arhan ran away quickly.

Angela sat in the cockpit, cursing.

"What a stinking idiot. He only bullies people based on his body's performance."

"If the machine's performance hadn't been inferior, I would have defeated this stinky 38 long ago."

"It can't even detect the simplest disguised retreat tactic. Its brain capacity is inferior to that of a sweeping robot."

"Deanna, are you raising a bunch of maggots in your moon cradle?"

Deanna looked at Angela who was cursing, smiled bitterly and did not answer.

But soon, a huge beam of light flew from behind.

The rapid sirens in the cockpit forced Arhan to make an emergency maneuver to dodge, narrowly escaping.

But because of this dodge, Arhan flew too fast, one leg went deep into the sand dune, and the whole machine was dragged by the sand dune and rolled on the sand dune for several rounds, almost falling apart.

At this time, the Soma behind slowly flew over.

"Are you stupid? I was just teasing you before."

"How can a mere electronic pet understand the power of my Soma."

"Stop struggling, I can leave you a whole body."

"Otherwise, I can only use a high-power beam cannon to blow you away."

Angela controlled Arhan to stand up again, but facing the Soma floating above her head, she didn't dare to move at all.

Her machine has been locked, and if she moves again, the other party will open fire.

Although the other party is ready to fire.

"Damn... Is everything over?"

While Angela cursed, Diana looked to Angela's left calmly.

"No, it's not over yet, someone is coming."

At this time, a rustling sound of sand under heavy pressure came into Angela's ears.

"What do you mean?"

Arhan turned his head, and the Soma in the sky also turned his head.

Then, both sides saw a robot wearing a gray desert cloak and a V-shaped antenna head, slowly walking from a distance.

Looking at this machine, Angela was a little confused: "What is it?"

Diana's pupils shrank, and her eyes were full of shock and confusion: "Is this... Shining Gundam?"

Bo Edge frowned.

"Why did Shining Gundam appear here? Who are you?"

The Shining Gundam, wearing a yellow desert cloak, came to a particularly high sand dune and stared at Soma in the air.

A male voice sounded from the Shining Gundam's speaker.

"A lunar messenger? A Diva messenger?"

"Two of you, give me a face and leave now?"

"If you leave now, no one will get hurt."

Angela looked at Diana with a question mark on her head.

Bo Edge replied arrogantly: "What if I say no?"

In the Shining Gundam, the male voice gradually became low: "Then, all of you will die!"


PS: I forgot whether Angela's spherical robot is equipped with missiles. For the sake of the plot, let's just assume it is. Long live understanding!

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