Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1747 The whereabouts of Londebelle

After leading the team back, Lin Youde and Hathaway discussed it.

"This is the second time that the white wooden horse was almost shot down by someone else's attack while sailing."

"Is the current radar effect this weak?"

"If we continue, we may be shot down before we attack next time."

"Hasavi, is there any way to solve this problem?"

Facing Lin Youde's inquiry, Hathaway smiled bitterly.

"Dad, I really can't help it. Iluyi's barrier was set up to protect us. The effect of the radar is reduced due to the interference of the barrier."

"Unless we can cancel the barrier, there is really no way to solve this problem."

"Originally, due to the appearance of dimensional beasts, many missile systems were affected. Now because of the barrier, except for the optical recognition system, the effectiveness of other radars has been greatly reduced."

"The earth today is very different from the era you lived in."

Hathaway's answer left Lin Youde helpless.

"Well, on the other hand, the enemy cannot attack us at a long distance through methods other than optical radar and sensing capabilities. This can be considered a pros and cons."

As soon as Lin Youde finished speaking, a series of exclamations came out not far away.

"Isn't it?"

"Is this costume too revealing?"

"Is this the Moon Man? Isn't he too shameless?"

"Is that the point? Look at that."

"Wow, is it true?"


"Isn't this too similar?"

Lin Youde turned around and saw that Angela and Deanna, who had just stepped off the machine, were surrounded by herdsmen from the previous pasture.

The leaders were Ji Air and Roland.

Jiel and Deanna stood face to face, looking at each other.

The high resemblance, as if looking in a mirror, made both parties involved stunned.

If it weren't for the fact that their clothing styles were so different, both of them might have thought they were looking in the mirror.

"Ah...what's going on? Why are they so similar?"

Faced with Fiona's question, Lin Youde shrugged: "Sa, who knows. Maybe they are related in some way in their ancestors?"

"If you are interested, take them both to the infirmary and do a genetic test to find out their relationship?"

Fiona scratched her head: "But I don't know how to do genetics."

Behind her, Dispenis quietly raised her hand: "Well, if it's just a genetic identification instrument, I will operate it."

Fiona turned around in surprise: "Really or not?"

Thies pouted with some dissatisfaction: "Despinis said it will, so it will. Don't underestimate us."

Fiona looked at Raul: "How about we give it a try?"

Raul looked at Deanna and Ji Air, who were staring at each other not far away, and then looked back at Lin Youde.


Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Yes, but this can only be done after interrogation."

"Currently, collecting information on the moon is more important."

"As the Queen of the Moon, she is hunted down by the Moon's body. There is probably something inside that needs to be understood first."

Raul nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand."

Under Lin Youde's arrangement, Angela put on a cold-proof cloak, and together with Deanna, were taken to the interrogation room to be interrogated by Lin Youde and others.

Because they were too similar, Ji Air asked to listen, and Lin Youde agreed, letting her follow Roland.

Then, Deanna recounted her previous conversation with Poe Edge.

"In other words, Angela set out from Diwari because she received the task of chasing a wanted criminal."

"Queen Diana, you wanted to come to Earth in person, have a good talk with the commander of the Earth Federation, and promote peace between the earth and the moon, so you came down with Angela?"

"It's just that the radicals in the moon were dissatisfied with Queen Diana's ideas, so they sent people to assassinate her, but my father stopped her."

"The general situation is like this, right?"

Under Hathaway's question, Angela and Deanna nodded in unison.

"Yes, that's true."

"Mr. Hathaway, I have heard about you on the moon. You are a great hero on earth against invaders from other worlds, and I admire your actions. However, as far as I know, your father Lin Youde has long been Already...what is he..."

Lin Youde shrugged: "I am Hathaway's father, Lin Youde, but not from this world, but from a parallel world."

Deanna opened her mouth slightly: "Lin Youde from the parallel world? Could it be that you are the supreme commander of Londe Bell?"

Lin Youde became interested: "Yes, I am the supreme commander of Londe Bell. Queen Diana, since you know Londe Bell, does it mean that you have had contact with my subordinates?"

Deanna nodded slightly: "Yes, sir, your men were taken in by me because they landed on the moon. In exchange for providing them with supplies, they are currently near White Star, helping us resist the threat of interdimensional invaders from White Star. "

Carlorod looked at Thies and Dispenis, Dispenis lowered his head slightly, and Thies turned his face away, with a look of displeasure on his face.

Lin Youde smiled and replied: "Is that true? Thank you for your help. So, how are my subordinates? In addition, how many of my subordinates are there with you?"

Deanna shook her head slightly: "They are all fine, but when they landed, the battleship and the aircraft were greatly damaged. Although the people are fine, I don't know how much combat power they still have. In this regard, the person named Lei Fina’s female captain didn’t tell me.”

Lin Youde's eyes flickered: "Then let me ask another question, how many warships in my fleet have been taken in by you?"

Deanna replied: "I remember this. It should be a super-large battleship named Feilong Kai, and two conventional-level battleships, the Diva and the Ra Kellam-class battleships."

"The fleet of three ships is currently in front of the White Star, forming a defensive display to resist attacks from invaders from other dimensions."

Chiyue Guangzhu looked at me anxiously: "There are only three ships? Doesn't that mean that everyone on the other ships..."

Lin Youde waved his hand and stopped the Red Moon Pearl: "Don't worry, both the Steel and Nadeshiko have special defensive positions. It's not that easy to be shot down."

"As for Valstock, there is no need to worry. After merging into Valgondo, Kazuma's family's defense will be stronger than that of the Steel."

"So I believe everyone will be fine."

Under Lin Youde's comfort, Chiyue Guangzhu gradually calmed down.

Lin Youde looked at Angela: "I have a general understanding of the situation on the moon. So, please let this envoy from Diwa tell you what is going on in Diwa."

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