Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1752: The Threat from Kihara Masaki

"Masaki Kihara?"

Kim Jinkaram frowned and kept recalling, but he could never find any clues about this name in his memory.

Kihara Masaki seemed to know this, and smiled sarcastically.

"Don't think about it, little guy, you can't know about me."

"You and I are not from the same era at all. The only people who know me are old guys who deserve to die."

"It's impossible for poor people like you to huddle on the moon and wait for death to know that I exist."

Kihara Masaki's words made Kim Jinkaram's face look quite ugly.

"Oh, that's right. Could it be that you are a remnant from before the great destruction? Survived to this day through some kind of hibernating cabin?"

Kim Jinkaram's speculation made Masaki Kihara show an expression of pity.

"With your worm-like IQ, it's really not easy for you to think of something like this."

"Isn't that right?"

Kim Jinkaram's question made Kihara Masaki smile even more sympathetically.

"Let's just treat it like this. It'll be easier for you to accept, won't it?"

Kim Jinkaram didn't speak, but he now understood that he had guessed wrong.

It's just that there is no news from Kihara Masaki on his side, so he has no idea what is going on with the other party.

But soon, a communication came into the cockpit of Turn X. Kim Jinkaram was startled and asked.

"Are you from a parallel world like those in Londebell?"

Kihara Masaki smiled contemptuously: "Parallel world? If you understand it this way, you can't be wrong."

Kim Jinkaram was stunned: "What do you mean?"

Kihara Masaki waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. Who I am or where I come from has nothing to do with you."

"For you, it's either hand over what I want and I'll leave."

"Either I dismantle your Turn X, then you hand over what I want and watch me leave."

"The results are the same, it just depends on how you choose."

Arrogance and contempt.

The emotions that Kim Kinkaram felt from Masaki Kihara were the strongest of the two.

The other party knew the performance of Turn X very well, but still did not take him seriously.

This arrogance and contempt are not just pretending, but stem from self-confidence in oneself.

Once upon a time, Kim Kinkaram did this to others.

That was what happened when he was talking to the senior old men in Diwa.

The scene at that time made Kim Jinkaram very happy physically and mentally.

I never imagined that the reversal would come so quickly.

The status of himself and the old senior executives of Diwa had been reversed, and he became the one being threatened.

If it weren't for his sanity, Kim Jinkaram would have been tempted to take action.

When had he, Kim Jinkaram, been so threatened?

Whenever there is a change of person or machine, he has already taken action.

However, the Kihara Masaki and the machine named Shirema in front of him forced him to suppress his anger.

This is not just because the opponent suddenly appeared above the Moon Cradle without any sound, and destroyed all the defense machinery above the Moon Cradle with a single raise of his hand.

It was even more because he had just driven Turn X to attack Kihara Masaki's Shirema.

All attacks were neutralized, as if offset by an invisible barrier, and disappeared without a trace.

It is undoubtedly a very stupid behavior to rashly reveal one's biggest trump card without understanding what the other party's situation is.

And this is his home base. Once the Moonlight Butterfly of Turn

This was unacceptable to him.

Therefore, Kim Jinkaram suppressed his anger and asked.

"What do you want?"

The corners of Kihara Masaki's mouth raised slightly: "Can you hold it back? Okay, it's not too stupid."

"Little guy, I won't bully you. Hand over the black box of the gossip robot you hide, and I will leave immediately."

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your petty quarrels at all."

"As long as you give me what I want, I won't bother to get involved in the fun of you little guys."

Kim Jinkaram had veins popping out on his forehead: "The black box of the Gossip Robot? I don't know what you are talking about. Our Moon Cradle does not have such a thing."

The smile on Masaki Kihara's face gradually turned sarcastic: "There's no point in pretending to be confused. No one knows better than me where the black box of the Gossip Robot is."

"I advise you to be honest and hand over your things."

"Anyway, with your current technology, you don't need the fighting power of the Bagua Robot, do you?"

"Hand over the things. It will be good for you and me."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for accidentally dismantling your Turn X."

"Or do you want me to go in and find it myself?"

"To be honest, I don't hate doing things myself. After all, you have to have some fun in life, right?"

As he spoke, the space around Zhilema became visibly distorted.

Alarms blared wildly in the moon's cradle.

"Gravity wave chaos! The surrounding space is distorted."

"Is it caused by that machine?"

"It's not clear, but the chaotic gravity waves have affected various parts of the lunar cradle to varying degrees."

Listen to the information constantly coming from the communicator and the Moon Cradle.

Kim Jinkaram looked at the huge word "天" marked in red on the central control screen of Turn X, and began to sweat on his forehead.

"Amazhi Raima... Kihara Masaki, what do you want to do with those black boxes of the Bagua Robot?"

The space around Shireima gradually calmed down, and Masaki Kihara looked slightly sideways.

"You don't need to worry about it. Knowing too much will not be good for you."


Kim Jinkaram was silent for a while, then a silver Soma flew out of the moon cradle, holding several black boxes, and came to Turn X.

"It would be great to be like this earlier, but I'm not interested in you. I really think too much."

Kihara Masaki smiled happily, and Tenzhi Thunder Horse appeared out of thin air next to the silver Soma, as if teleporting, and reached out to grab several black boxes.

"So, goodbye, little guy driving Turn X, I hope you are still alive when we meet next time."

With a weird smile, Kihara Masaki ended the communication, and Tianzhi Thunder Horse also teleported directly and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn!!! What the hell is that!!!"

The sky above the Cradle of the Moon echoed with the furious roar of Kim Jinkaram.

And the other side.

Over the Earth, the Cradle of the Earth.

The Thunder Horse of Heaven's Will appeared out of thin air, looked at the flying Earth God, and chuckled.

"Guardian of the Cradle of the Earth?"

Zeng Jia asked: "Who are you? What are you doing in Cradle of the Earth?"

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