Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1766 One man takes on three Shura generals

Lin Youde's words made Mizar furious.

"Lin Youde, since you want to die so much, then I will help you."

"Altis, Arion, Maxis, you three come together."

"We must ensure that Lin Youde is killed here."

Mizar's words made Arion, who originally planned to watch the show, helplessly control the machine and walk to Mathikut in Altis.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, it seems like there's no way to fish."

Maxis landed his own machine, Perinis, on top of the two.

"Master Altis, Military Advisor Mizar said so, so..."

Altis nodded: "Yes, I understand. Now is not the time to pursue personal gains and losses."

"Lin Youde is very powerful. Even I am not sure that I can beat him in a 1v1 situation."

"Let's deal with him together."

Seeing that the talks had collapsed, Furka gritted his teeth and asked the deified Idabosi to assume a fighting stance.

"Since you insist on this, then I will stand with Mr. Lin Youde. I will fight for the path I have chosen!"

As soon as Fulka finished speaking, the hand of Shining Gundam appeared on the shoulder of the deified Idabosi.

"Okay, this is my fight, please step back first."


Fulka looked at Lin Youde's Flash Gundam in shock.

Flash Gundam crossed the deified Idabosi and moved its shoulders.

Lin Youde's tone was quite relaxed: "The battle with Fernando just now was very tiring for you, right?"

"It's the first time that Idabosi is deified. It will probably consume a lot of your domineering power."

"Although it relies on mental command and awakening to forcibly deify the body, it can avoid some consumption."

"But for you now, this state is not suitable for a long-term fierce battle."

"Besides, these people are all your former relatives and friends, right?"

"You don't have to force yourself to fight them."

"They are coming for me, I can just deal with it myself."

Fulka looked confused: "But..."

Flash Gundam turned his back to the deified Idabosi and raised his hand to wave.

"There is no but, this is my fight, please step back."

"It just so happens that the battle between you and Fernando just now gave me a new understanding of martial arts."

"I'm afraid your teacher alone won't be enough for me to stretch my muscles."

"Three of them come together, it's almost the same."

Lin Youde's words made Furka not know what to say.

He knew very well how powerful his teacher and his two colleagues were.

He didn't believe that a strong man like Lin Youde couldn't see it.

But even so, Lin Youde still chose to face it alone.

This inexplicable confidence can only come from the determination of one's own strength.

In other words, Lin Youde is confident that he can still win with one against three.

Recalling the previous scene of watching Lin Youde practicing outside the gravity cabin training room, Fulka's lips squirmed a few times, and finally turned around and started to retreat.

"I understand, Your Excellency Lin Youde, please be merciful."

"Don't worry, I will."

The deified Idabosi left and came to the viewing square of Gundam X and Koxi Gundam.

The three Shura generals who remained at the scene were separated to the left and right, standing on both sides of the Flash Gundam.

Arion looked a little serious: "This is really... you don't need Furka's help to challenge the three of us alone. I haven't met a guy as arrogant as you for a long time."

Maxis nodded slightly: "Yes, we have never seen an earthling like you since we came to this world. With your strength, I don't believe you don't understand our strength. Furka should also have I just told you."

Aldis stared hard at Lin Youde's Flash Gundam: "Even so, do you still want to fight the three of us alone?"

Flash Gundam moved its arms and assumed a fighting stance.

"Arrogant? No, I have never been arrogant. On the contrary, I am a quite humble person."

"Everything I say is based on facts. Bragging is not something I like to do."

"I have seen some of the strength of the three of you. It will indeed be a bit tricky to deal with three of you at once."

"But I just happened to have reached the bottleneck of martial arts."

"So, I hope you will work harder and make me feel a little more pressure, so that I can have a greater chance of breaking through the bottleneck and reaching the level of LV8 martial arts master."

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Lin Youde's words made the three of them look solemn.

Arion: "You want to use the three of us as a stress tester to break through the realm? Then it depends on whether you have this ability!"

Agares of Arion burst out with gray domineering energy, and his aura was far superior to that of Valiver who had been deified before.

Maxis: "Very good, then let us see if you have the strength to match this arrogance."

Blue domineering energy erupted from Maxis's Perinis. Compared with Arion's Agares, the momentum was not inferior to that of Arion's Agares, and even seemed to be slightly overwhelming.

Altis: "Then, let us learn the clever tricks of the most powerful person on earth, Mr. Lin Youde!"

Altis's Martikut was so red that it looked like a red lotus flame, gushing out. Its aura was so strong that it dyed the clouds in the sky a little red.

But from the perspective of aura, Martikut's aura directly overshadowed Agares and Perinis.

That powerful aura allowed Lin Youde to feel the heat contained in the red aura even through the Shining Gundam.

In the cockpit of the deified Idapos, which had already retreated far away, Furka was full of worry.

"Sir Lin Youde..."

Standing in front of three fully erupted general-level Shura Gods, Lin Youde whistled.

"Swish! It's okay. The aura is not worse than that of the deified Idapos. Some people even surpassed the deified Idapos."

"You can't deify the machine even if you explode your aura to this extent?"

Mizar in the sky controlled the machine to increase its altitude and taunted.

"Stupid, not all Shura Gods are suitable for deification."

"In order to keep Shura God at its maximum combat effectiveness, I modified these three Shura Gods, removing the skills of deification, but they can maintain combat effectiveness that is not inferior to that of deification."

"So, these three super Shura Gods are in a deified state under normal circumstances."

"That's why Furka and Fernando are only backup generals, not generals."

"If you can't keep Shura God deified for a long time, then you are not qualified to become a Shura general."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "I see, in other words, is this your limit?"


PS: It's the end of the month, please vote!

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