Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1775: The Light Rod

The pure white knight fell from the sky, landed next to the red Soul Seat, and pointed behind him with his finger.

"That's right, what makes our family so virtuous? If you can't do it, it doesn't mean that our family is virtuous and can't do it. And don't we just have an audience over there?"

Gundam Barbatos turned his head and looked behind the Soul Seat and the Pure White Knight.

On the distant horizon, a huge warship is slowly approaching.

"Steel! It seems that everyone has successfully reunited. Doctor, have you reunited with the Steel?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "That's not true. We came from the other direction. If it hadn't been for the sound of the steel nails falling just now, we wouldn't have come."

"I only sensed the Steel No. 1 after following Mengmeng and Alfemi here."

"If it weren't for your performance, the steel nail just now should have been broken by the Steel Horn."

"Olga, you are serious, why are you irritating that moon woman?"

"Wouldn't it be better to delay a little longer and wait for the Steel to come over so that she can see the wonderful expressions on her face when the large forces arrive?"

Olga spread her hands: "I didn't know the Steel had arrived."

"When we saw you arriving with the Pure White Knight and the Seat of Souls, we wanted to give that moon woman some color."

"Who knew that she was so arrogant that she actually cooperated with me and said that fatal flag?"

"She's so stupid. If I don't continue the show and let you send her on her way, I'm sorry for her, aren't I?"

Lin Youde had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"It's true. Seeing how stupid that woman is, I feel sorry for her if I don't just send her to the West."

San Riyue looked at the strange sword hilt in Lin Youde's hand and asked.

"Doctor, what is that device in your hand?"

Lin Youde looked at the strange sword hilt in his hand and smiled.

"What do you mean? This is the divine light stick."

"Divine Light Stick?"*2

Looking at the expressions of Olga and Mikari Yue, Lei Mengmeng replied helplessly.

"It's the transformer used to transform Ultraman."

"But this one with virtue is just a lookalike. He can't be transformed at all. He can only be used as a weapon."

Looking at the approaching Steel, Lin Youde's thoughts returned to a few days ago.

—A few days ago—

"Dr. Lin Youde, your Flash Gundam is broken. If there is a battle next, which machine are you considering piloting?"

Faced with Azuma Kisaburo's question, Lin Youde did not answer, but looked at Azuma Kota who suddenly transformed into a warrior Roja and was sparring with Furka.

"Kisaburo, can you make one of Roya's armors?"

"If possible, I hope to be able to get a switch on the belt to transform in an instant. I'm so handsome."

Azuma Kisaburo helplessly replied: "Stop it, Dr. Lin Youde, you are not a Kamen Rider. If you have nothing to do, you can just get a belt switch and hang it outside. Aren't you afraid of breaking it?"

"Kamen Rider's belt is used as a plug-in switch. It has too many flaws in actual combat and is not practical at all."

Lin Youde looked at Kisaburo Azuma in surprise: "No, you actually know about Kamen Rider?"

Azuma Kisaburo explained: "Isn't this thanks to you? Since your rise in this world, the status of martial artists has also increased."

"There are also a lot of animations related to martial artists."

"When I was very young, I watched all kinds of new animations and special photography works narrated by martial artists such as Kamen Rider, Armor Warrior, and Golden Armor Warrior."

"At the same time, because the war has become more and more urgent, many people have proposed some infiltration operations for combatants to better cope with large mobile suits and PTs. Small armors have also been proposed."

"It's just limited by technology. Before the great destruction, our fighters were equipped with some small beam rifles, beam swords, beam shields and other weapons at most. Complete sets of armor were not made before, but they were not available. The method of greatly increasing the combat effectiveness of martial artists has been shelved.”

"I have studied Roja's armor and thought about how to imitate it."

"It's just that this kind of armor has no practical significance. Without special energy increase, it is just a decoration and a drag."

"There is a special increase in energy, and energy consumption is a problem. In short, it is a big problem."

"After all, if you want to keep up with the movements of a martial artist, ordinary exoskeleton armor is useless."

After hearing Azuma Kisaburo's words, Lin Youde subconsciously looked at the four crystals hanging in the necklace around his neck.

"Is it a special energy source... Can you see if these two can be used?"

Lin Youde obtained the "Tiga Crystal" from Iluyi. It is said that it contains a crystal that has fallen and possesses the power of "illusion and reality".

Lin Youde didn't know how to use these two crystals yet, so he was wondering if the special energy source Kisaburo Azuma mentioned could be replaced by these two things.

After all, Lin Youde didn't know how to use the fallen divine power collection crystal.

Except for the Tiga Crystal, which was activated once before when he crashed for the first time, turning himself into light, but it has never lit up since he did not turn into Ultraman.

Lin Youde didn't know if it was because he didn't encounter fatal danger, so he didn't trigger the passive requirement of Tiga Crystal's transformation.

But with Lin Youde's current ability, it seems quite difficult to forcefully trigger the Tiga Crystal to bring himself to the brink of death again.

So Lin Youde gave the two crystals to Kisaburo Agatsuma for research.

"These two crystals? Okay, I'll study them."

Kisaburo Agatsuma took the two crystals and saw the extraordinaryness of the two crystals at a glance.

After giving the two crystals to Kisaburo Agatsuma for research, Lin Youde left them alone.


—A few minutes ago—

"Dr. Lin Youde, are you going out?"

Lin Youde looked at Kisaburo Agatsuma with some confusion: "Yes, what's wrong, have you made the armor?"

Kisaburo Agatsuma shook his head: "No, I still don't have any idea about the armor that meets the athleticism of the fighter."

"But I did get some results with one of the crystals you gave me."

Then Kisaburo Agatsuma handed over the magic stick, or the spark prism.

Lin Youde looked at the magic stick and his eyes almost popped out: "No, how did you make this thing?"

Lin Youde was very sure that he was the only one in the world who knew Tiga, so he was the only one who knew the style of Tiga's magic stick.

But what about the current God Light Stick?

In response, Azuma Kisaburo explained: "I didn't make it, but it evolved from the crystal form."

Lin Youde was surprised: "It evolved from the crystal form?"

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