Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1778 Shakya blocks the way

After Lin Youde finished speaking, he looked at Mizunase Daitetsu.

Mizunase Daitetsu shook his head: "We have traveled all over the world, there should be no more."

"The old territories of the three major countries are now deserted, and there are not many human gathering places, but the area is too large, so it is still difficult to find them."

"Especially when the communication in this world is interfered with, it is difficult to contact other people."

Aki, who was sitting next to Hugo, suddenly raised her hand.

"Well, if we close the barrier covering the entire earth, can we restore communication?"

Everyone was stunned: "Close it?"

Aki looked at Alufimi as a matter of course: "Yes, wasn't this barrier created by Ilui-chan?"

"Although Ilui-chan in this world is dead, Ilui-chan in ours is still alive."

"They are the same person, and their methods are similar. There should be a way to solve it, right?"

"And shouldn't Ilui-chan have traveled to this world like us?"

"For this kind of thing, can't we find Ilui-chan and solve it?"

Aki's shout made everyone react directly and look at Alufimi.

Alufimi shook her head.

"I don't know. When the Soul Seat came here, it was already broken. Ilui was separated from me when she traveled through space."

"So I don't know where she is now."

In response, Lin Youde was silent.

He had actually thought about this kind of thing a long time ago.

After all, Ilui was arranged by Lin Youde himself to be protected by Alufimi.

Now Alufimi and Lei Mengmeng came, but Ilui did not show up.

There is no need to think about it, everyone must know that something happened.

But for this kind of thing, Lin Youde could not blame Alufimi. After all, she and Lei Mengmeng were able to survive, which made Lin Youde very happy.

As for Ilui... Lin Youde could only believe that she would be blessed by heaven.

When the others heard Alufimi's words, and then looked at the silent Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng, they were also silent for a while.

Everyone was a person who landed in this world from the vortex of the True Granson explosion. Naturally, they also understood how dangerous it was when landing.

Without the protection of the body, relying only on the flesh, it is definitely more dangerous than good.


"Believe in Ilui's luck. She is the priestess of Steel Eden and one of the strongest telekineticists. It shouldn't be so easy for her to get into trouble."

Lin Youde's words made everyone nod.

Because now, they can only believe and pray like this.

"Then, what should we do next? Continue to look for a needle in a haystack? Or..."

Wang Kai looked at Lin Youde, who pondered for a moment and replied: "Everyone, come back to the Cradle of the Earth with me first."

"My new machine is being built over there and should be almost finished. My Shining Gundam is scrapped and I need to get a new one."

"And through the Queen of the Moon, I already know that the three warships, the Hiryuu Kai, the Song Girl, and the Lakairam, are all near the moon."

"The Shura clan has set their sights on me, and I need to personally make a break. I guess they also need to make a break on the moon, as well as the White Star."

"Although we are destined to leave this world, this world is also destined to disappear. But... before leaving, we must try our best to resolve those guys who bring disputes to this world."

No one objected to this.

Lin Youde was the supreme commander of Londo Bell, and no one would refute his words.

So, after meeting up with the belated Nadeshiko and searching for Ye Ling, Lin Youde could only helplessly lead everyone back to the Cradle of the Earth.

However, the three warships stopped again after flying for a short while.

"What's going on?"

After receiving the notification, Lin Youde came to the bridge, and Alpha replied.

"The Earth Federation Army appeared in front, but it seems that they have no intention of opening fire, but sent out optical communication."

Hathaway looked at Lin Youde: "Dad, do you want to meet them?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Let's go and see what they want to say. Now there are so many of us, but they only have so few people. I don't think they are here to seek death."

This is not a joke, but a fact.

Although there are only three warships at present, there will be no more than 30 usable machines.

But what kind of machines are Lin Youde's side?

If a real fight breaks out, one can stop a hundred or even thousands.

This has been tested in the Dimensional Beast War, and there is no water.

So the other side has only more than 20 machines now, no matter in quantity or quality, there is no comparison.

In addition, the Steel is a giant battleship of 2000 meters.

If you are not crazy, you will not use such a small force to cause trouble.

After sending optical communication to the other two ships, Lin Youde stood on the palm of the Cosier Gundam and was taken out against the wind.

There was also a Gundam X with him, but the others did not go with him.

It's not that he is arrogant, but it's really unnecessary.

The muzzles of the three warships are all locked. If they really want to fight, one round of artillery fire can kill all the mass-produced machines of the Earth Federation in seconds.

The reason why the Cosier Gundam and Gundam X were dispatched is because there is an acquaintance on the opposite side.

"See you again, Mr. Lin Youde."

The Visago Gundam Gundam stood at the forefront of all the machines, and Shakia's voice came out again.

Lin Youde stood on the palm of the Cosier Gundam without saying anything, and Carold asked first.

"You guy, you come here at this time, do you want to be beaten?"

Visago Gundam raised his hands, Shakia: "No, no, no, please don't misunderstand, we have no ill intentions."

"To be honest, we have been following you all for some time, and we have also witnessed the fighting power of Mr. Lin Youde."

"With our fighting power alone, there is no need for that Red Shura and others to take action. Mr. Lin Youde alone, without driving the body, can solve all of us."

"We haven't lived enough, and we don't have the idea of ​​seeking death."

Hearing this, Carold controlled the Gundam X to look at Hathaway's Cosier Gundam.

This was agreed before, no matter what the other party has, one will play the black face and the other the red face, to show some power to the other side.

Now Carold's black face is over, it's Hathaway's red face.

"Since you are not here to cause trouble, what are you here for?"

As soon as Hathaway said this, Shakia's Visago Gundam pointed to the sky.

"I am here to seek cooperation. To be more precise, I hope Mr. Lin Youde can help us knock down the Sword of Damocles in the sky."

"You have all seen the power of that weapon."

"Although it does not pose any threat to Mr. Lin Youde, it is the death scythe of the god of death for ordinary people."

"So, I hope Mr. Lin Youde can help us..."

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