Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1782 Liu Longma: Shameless, huh? I'm familiar with this

"Is it the black box collected by the Earth Federation?"

Lin Youde held his chin and thought seriously.

Da Tifa responded: "Yes, in addition to the Earth Federation, we actually also have some black boxes collected here, but many of those black boxes disappeared after you arrived."

"When I handed over the black boxes of the gossip robot before, I specifically asked the robot to check it and found that many of the black boxes had disappeared."

"Based on what you mentioned before, that only one person and one soul can exist in a world at the same time, I think the black boxes should have similar restrictions. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why those black boxes suddenly disappeared."

"Now the black box is useless to us because we can no longer connect to Mecha."

"But you can take the black box back. Even if it may disappear because the world originally existed, you should be able to keep part of it and not completely disappear."

"After inventory, I also confirmed that as long as the timeline exceeds the time when you came, there is a high probability that the black box will be retained."

"The black boxes that can be left behind are basically of this type."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "I understand, if that's the case, then the black box is indeed a good resource and worth taking back."

"I just don't know how many black boxes the Earth Federation has collected."

Big Tifa shook her head: "I don't know that, but there must be more than us."

"After that, let Hathaway take you to the warehouse. You can take all the black boxes with you. It's useless to leave them here anyway."

"Also, I remember the Cradle of the Moon. There should be some remaining black boxes. You can go over there and take a look."

Seeing that Da Tifa was beginning to give out his last words again, Lin Youde quickly interrupted.

"Okay, let's talk about these things when I come back next time. Keep all the black boxes of Cradle of the Earth. Next time I come back, I will definitely bring Ye Ling back."

"Before that, you don't need to think about anything else. Just wait for me to come back. Do you understand?"

Da Tifa was startled for a moment, and her smile gradually became gentle: "Well, I understand, I will wait for you to come back."

Seeing that Da Tifa agreed, Lin Youde breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, that's it, hurry up and get the God Gundam onto the ship, and we'll set off for the Earth Federation immediately."

Big Tifa didn't say anything, just nodded and ended the meeting.

After leaving the room, Lei Mengmeng asked: "Is this too hasty?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "We can't wait any longer. She...can't wait any longer."

Lei Mengmeng's expression was stiff: "Ah... that's right. If a person persists alone for nearly a hundred years, he will feel tired and want to give up."

Lin Youde nodded: "That's right. In the past, she could still use her children to take care of them before they grew up."

"But now because of our arrival, she knows that I will take good care of the children, so she is about to give up and want to kill herself."

"I know this matter cannot be undone, but... only if we let her go without any regrets or worries can we be worthy of her efforts over the years. So..."

Lei Mengmeng held Lin Youde's hand: "Yes, I understand. Let us use the fastest speed to eliminate all hidden dangers and enemies in this world, bring Ye Ling back, and say a final goodbye to her."

Lin Youde nodded silently.

The others followed Lin Youde without saying a word. Because everyone knows that this is Lin Youde's own family matter and they have no right to intervene.

Just like that, less than half a day after returning, the Steel and Nadeshiko set off in a hurry again.

Yes, there were only two battleships, and the white wooden horse was left in the Cradle of the Earth.

The white wooden horse is too old and cannot keep up with the current era. It can only be used as a transport ship.

Before, I had no choice but to make do with it.

Now that the Steel and Nadeshiko have been recovered, there is no need to worry about the white Trojan anymore.

During the battle, you have to worry about whether the mothership will be hit by a stray bullet and fall. This is something no one likes.

The Steel and Nadeshiko have special protective force fields and can also open the BGM field. As long as they are not against BOSS machines of the level of Gulansen, they can withstand ordinary attacks and feel safe.

In this way, after Lin Youde prepared his troops again, he left the cradle of the earth again in an impatient mood.

About half a day later, the Steel and Nadeshiko arrived at the coordinates reserved by Shakiya.

This is a quite large base, with various mass-produced aircraft bodies everywhere, and a large number of patrol troops. It is no exaggeration to describe it as heavily guarded.

"Sure enough, Tifa was right. The number of MSs in this base is enough to put together another fleet. The Earth Federation is lying when they say they don't have enough combat power."

Lei Mengmeng's words made Lin Youde slightly nod, but Minase Daitetsu replied: "You can't say that."

"This should be the central base of the Earth Federation. It's normal to have more garrison troops."

"On the other hand, if even the troops here are stretched thin, then the Earth Federation is not far away from defeat."

Lin Youde waved his hand: "No matter what, I'm here. Let's go down and meet the person in charge here."

"Jianlong, Dingbang, you go to the warehouse where Carloder is going and see if there is anything worth taking away."

"We are here to collect wool this time. You are welcome. We are a special force of human innovation and integration. Since the Earth Federation has inherited the legacy of human innovation and integration, we naturally have reason to take it back."

"We have a legitimate reputation, so don't be polite."

Before Du Jianlong could reply, Liu Longma grabbed Du Jianlong's neck.

"It's about beating the autumn wind. I'm familiar with this. When I used to hang out on the street, I often watched the street guys on the street next door being beaten up by the autumn wind."

Kang Dingbang smiled and said: "The relationship is good, and I will leave it to you to handle the things I need from now on."

Liu Longma held back a thumbs up: "Okay, leave it to me. Anyway, I estimate that you two are too shameless to ask for something, so I'd better let me, let you have a good experience, what does it mean to be unwanted?" The face is invincible~!”

Tomoe Musashi secretly asked God Hayato: "Can Ryoma really lose his face?"

God Falcon nodded: "That's true. When he was on the street, he was so shameless that he was able to eat so well."

"It is said that the rich in literature and martial arts are poor. If he is an orphan wandering on the street, if he is not completely shameless, how can he be so strong and have martial arts to practice?"

Liu Longma turned around speechlessly: "Hey, you two just talk, why are you so loud, are you afraid that others won't hear?"

God Hayato and Tomoe Musashi grinned but did not respond.

Lin Youde smiled and patted Wang Kai on the shoulder: "You should also go over and help keep an eye on him. Don't let Ryoma make too much trouble. I'm worried that Hayato can't stop him alone."

Wang Kai looked at the small bodies of Du Jianlong and Kang Dingbang, then looked at himself, and said helplessly: "Okay."

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