Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1804 My name is Li Abao

Looking at Duminas' confused look, Lin Youde was basically sure that this guy had really lost his memory and didn't even know who he was serving.

After all, eyes may be able to deceive through acting, but emotions cannot.

As a new human being, Lin Youde could clearly sense Duminas' surprise and confusion at this moment.

"Lord Darkbrain? That's it, that's it..."

Lin Youde watched Duminas muttering to himself but did not stop or interrupt his thoughts.

He waited until the other party had almost figured out what he was thinking before he asked.

"Your Excellency Dominas, we have completed your request. Now, is it time to talk about something else?"

Lin Youde's words brought Duminas back to his senses.

"Oh? What do you want to talk about?"

Lin Youde smiled slightly: "I have said before that our family is very interested in some human emotions. This is also the reason why our children got married."

"According to the customs of the people on earth, when a man and a woman get married, the man must give a betrothal gift, and the woman must prepare a dowry."

"The answer I gave you before can be regarded as my betrothal gift. As for the dowry, should you prepare it?"

Duminas' big eyes were full of confusion.

"Bride price? Dowry? Is there such a thing in the Earthlings' view of marriage?"

Lin Youde replied honestly: "Yes, after our investigation, this kind of thing has been going on on the earth for thousands of years. If you don't believe it, you can check it yourself."

Seeing what Lin Youde said, Duminas, who had just been informed by Lin Youde of some of his lost memories, didn't care too much and asked directly. .

"Since you said that, it should be true. It's just the so-called dowry. What is it?"

Lin Youde deceived: "The so-called dowry, according to the cultural traditions of the earth, is the property, maids, valuables and other things prepared by the woman's mother's family."

Duminas was stunned: "Property? Maid? Valuables?"

"People on earth actually still have this kind of cultural tradition? It's really strange."

"But Your Excellency, we have not prepared these. I don't know how to replace them?"

Lin Youde was a little surprised: 'This big meatball didn't even think about going back on his word, but agreed directly and asked for a replacement plan? ’

‘Is this big meat ball so simple? ’

'Or is it that the aura of the arbitrator that Alufemi showed before made her wary and chose to treat it with caution? ’

It's a pity that it's impossible to ask these things directly now. Lin Youde doesn't know which one the other party is, so he can only continue to lie.

"Since there is no preparation in advance, let's use someone instead."


Duminas narrowed his eyes, seeming to be thinking about something.

Sensing the other party's vigilance, Lin Youde's heart trembled.

‘Sure enough, this guy is not simply brainless. ’

‘The peaceful retreat strategy of using the dowry maids to get Lamia and Ilui back seems to be impossible to succeed. ’

‘In that case, let’s stabilize it for the time being and wait until we find Lamia’s location before we turn against him. ’

Lin Youde, who was certain in his heart, smiled and pointed at Thies beside him.

"That's right, man. I remember Thies said that you created her and Dispennis together, right?"

Duminas' vigilance subsided a little: "Yes, but, this has nothing to do with what you said... huh? Do you want Tis?"

Lin Youde waved his hand: "Don't say it so harshly, what do you mean I want Tis?"

"As a parent, I don't care about this."

"It's just that your natal family, as the woman, has not prepared a dowry, so we can only use something else instead."

"Although Thies is not a maid, and is a sister to Dispenis, if there is no dowry, she can only be used as a dowry."

"Or do you have anything I can use as a replacement?"

"Let me tell you first, I don't mind who the dowry is, I just want the process."

"In short, what we want is an attitude."

Lin Youde's words made Tis glare at Lin Youde angrily, obviously a little angry.

But intimidated by Lin Youde's fighting power, Thies did not attack after all.

Duminas looked at Lin Youde, thought for a moment, and replied.

"Although I don't understand the culture of the Earth, Tis is my child. Now we are under attack from the people on the Earth. It is absolutely impossible to give her to you."

Lin Youde twitched his eyebrows and deliberately showed a dissatisfied expression, while Duminas continued.

"But what you said makes sense. You have helped me, and I will naturally repay you."

"Well, I have another human from Earth here who can be used as a substitute."

"Although that earth woman has a certain effect on me, it would be a waste if I don't use it at this time."

"I will give that woman to you as your so-called dowry."

"I can even give you a matching set of mobile weapons."

"But in exchange, I need you to help me fight off those Earthlings outside, okay?"

Feeling Duminas' vigilance, Lin Youde understood that the other party seemed to have his own little plans.

In order not to irritate the other party further, Lin Youde nodded and responded.

"Yes, Lord Dominas is so sincere, and our native species will naturally not be unappreciative."

"But there are a lot of Earthling troops outside, so we need some preparation time."

"In addition, if you want to repel the Earthling troops outside, relying on only one machine is not of equal value."

"How about this, if you can allow us to test and record the weapons and equipment left by other cosmic races in this fortress, I can promise to help you deal with those Earthlings."

"And promise that you can prevent those Earthling troops from attacking you, but only once, what do you think?"

After hearing Lin Youde's bargaining, Duminus was silent for a while and responded.


Feeling the other party's gradually relaxed mood, Lin Youde smiled.

"Well, happy cooperation, Mr. Duminus."

Dominus had no expression on his face, and just replied: "I hope we can have a happy cooperation. In addition, it seems that you haven't announced your name yet?"

Lin Youde smiled and replied: "We didn't have individual individuals before, so we didn't have names."

"But, that's right, since we have chosen to imitate the earthlings, a separate name is very necessary."

"So, you can call me Li Abao."

In the reaction of Lei Mengmeng's cheek twitching slightly, Dominus recalled it, and after confirming that he had never heard of this name, he responded.

"Well, I hope you can keep your promise, Mr. Li Abao."

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