Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1813 (13K plus update) The Winged Angel's revenge, awakening! The Soul-Chopping Sword!!

Chapter 1813 (13K plus update) The revenge of the broken-winged angel, awakening! The sword that takes life and cuts the soul!!!

PS: Thanks to the book friend "The Heaven's Barumunk" for the reward of 100,000 starting coins. I don't have much time to do 10 updates recently, so I can only do 2 more chapters of the main text to pay off the debt with this 13K 6.5-in-1 chapter.

2+6.5=8.5, the remaining 1.5 chapters will be made up when I have time.


— The following is the main text —

Looking at the undead Haken and Shuberklis who seemed to be waiting for their chance, Lamia's expression gradually became solemn.

"Why are you here?"

Laria snorted coldly: "When Tis transported this machine before, I felt strange, so I secretly installed a tracker in this machine."

"If I wasn't afraid of being discovered by Tis, I would have installed a bomb in this machine long ago, so that I wouldn't have to do so much now, and I could just blow you up."

Lamia's face sank slightly: "Tracker? I was careless..."

Hugh Berkleysis waved his hand, and many drones emerged from the passages on both sides again, blocking the passages on both sides.

"Li Abao and his people deceived Tis and Disbinis to save you."

"In other words, as long as you stay, even if they run away, they will come back sooner or later."

"Catch you again, and the humiliation of being deceived by Li Abao this time can also be washed away."

"Haken, come with me and keep her!"

Laria's words made Haken Browning respond on the spot: "Understood."

The Undead Haken took the lead in charging, and the pulse vibration spikes on his left arm aimed at the Arch Angel and hit it.

However, this time, Lamia, who has figured out the other party's purpose, will not sit still and wait for death.

"I remember that when I, Ye Ling, came to this world, I was attacked by you and was captured."

"Where did you take Ye Ling to!"

After dodging with a teleportation, the Archangel picked up the beam sword, teleported to the side of Shuberklisis, and slashed at his head.

However, Laria, who had been on high alert, controlled the machine and retreated quickly. After successfully dodging, a blue light flashed in his hands below, and two blue spears appeared out of thin air, stabbing forward, trying to pierce the Archangel.

"Ye Ling? Are you talking about the woman with you? She has been thrown into the Devil Gundam by her mother, and her vitality has been extracted as the power of the Devil Gundam."

"Soon, she will be drained of vitality and die, right?"

Lamia, who has entered the combat state, naturally cannot be hit by such an attack. With a teleportation, she came behind Shuberklisis again and raised her double swords.

Lamia's face was filled with anger: "You deserve to die! Phantom Mark!!!"

The two swords fell, but failed to cut off Hugh Berklessis.

Hugh Berklessis, who had four limbs and arms, raised his hands, and two physical long swords appeared out of thin air, blocking the two beam swords of the Archer.

The beam swords collided with the physical swords, and light foam kept splashing, but they were unable to melt the physical swords.

This was a sign that the beam swords were insufficient in power and could not melt the physical swords.

Seeing this scene, Lamia immediately opened the BGM field again.

[BGM: ASH TO ASH-Okada Satoru]

The moment the BGM field was opened, the Archer's beam sword successfully melted Hugh Berklessis's physical sword and slashed towards his double swords. But he was gently waved by his four blue wings, pulling away, and failed to cut.

However, for the Archer who had already opened the big move, a missed shot did not mean that this move was over.

"Where are you running!"

The pale golden light on the Arch Angel's white wings flashed, and the entire machine disappeared in an instant, teleporting behind Hugh Berklessis, and the double beam swords slashed again.

However, Hugh Berklessis turned around calmly, and double physical swords and double spears appeared on his arms again.

"Want to kill me? You puppet really think too much."

"The Londo Bell outside is so numerous and powerful that I can't deal with it, but facing you alone, I won't retreat."

"Let me show you the true power of Hugh Berklessis!"

Blue energy burst out from Hugh Berklessis's body, wrapping all the weapons on its four arms with a layer of blue light.

Wrapped in blue light, the Arch Angel's double beam swords failed to melt Hugh Berklessis's two physical swords again, and were once again firmly held.

'Is the output not enough again? '

Even with the increase in the BGM field, the output of the Arch Angel's beam sword is still limited.

"In that case, let's compete in speed!"

The Archer Angel disappeared again and teleported behind Hubert Klisis.

However, this time, the opponent did not even turn his head back, but bent the two arms at his waist backwards and used two long spears to block the Archer Angel's two beam swords again.

Seeing that his attack was blocked again, Lamia did not give up and teleported the Archer Angel again, and came to Hubert Klisis's side again, trying to launch an attack.

But he was once again firmly blocked by the opponent.

After that, no matter how the Archer Angel teleported and attacked, Hubert Klisis could use the advantage of four arms to wield four weapons to block the Archer Angel's attack.

As Archangel's teleportation speed became faster and faster, Hubericis' limbs and arms almost waved out afterimages. He waved the four weapons vigorously, forming a set of blue copper and iron walls that Archangel could not cross. A step forward.


After the last Archangel attack with the beam sword was blocked, Hubericius's four blue wings flapped backwards on Archangel's body, directly sending the unprepared Archangel flying away.

"Hahaha, it's useless. My Hubericisis is a melee-enhanced machine."

"I have completely copied the combat data of your machine, and I know all your combat methods."

"You have no chance of winning against me, doll~!"

"Kill her, Harken!"

At Lalia's order, the undead Haken, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed towards the Archangel who flew backwards, picked up a physical sword and struck at it.

"Don't even think about it!"

Archangel used his clone ability again, allowing the undead Haken to pass through the afterimage of the clone.

However, before the clone ability ended, Lalia said with a ferocious smile: "You must have been fooled. You cannot move when the clone ability is in use. Right now, drone swarm, come on!"

A group of drones rushed towards Archangel's location. After gathering around Archangel, the moment Archangel was about to end his clone, the red light on his body flashed and exploded.

The violent drone exploded, drowning the Archangel in the explosion of fire.

"Look, I'm just saying that this doll of yours is not mine... huh?"

In Lalia's surprised look, a pink light burst out of the explosion of fire, revealing her figure in the air.

It was a broken-winged angel whose white wings were completely broken, whose pink skirt was torn and shattered, and whose facial goggles were completely shattered.

However, the broken-winged angel who rushed out of the explosion fire did not give up. Instead, he still raised his long bow high and pointed it in the direction of Lalia's Hyperberisis.

"Don't underestimate me, I'm also a member of Londe Bell, and I'm a member of the ATX team appointed by the Great Virtue!"

"Take your arrogance and go to hell, Nether Flame Phoenix Arrow!!!"

The pink arrow shot out and condensed into a flaming phoenix in the air. With the sound of phoenix cry, it resolutely rushed towards the direction of Hubericis...

Seeing this move, Lalia, who originally looked confident of victory, finally changed her expression.

"You can still use this kind of attack in this state? Why can your body withstand such a violent energy output without exploding despite such a degree of damage?"

"Obviously according to my calculations, at this level, it is impossible to transmit the energy required for this move."

Archangel was still able to use the Phantom Phoenix Arrow despite severe damage, which shocked Lalia so much that she even forgot about defense and escape.

No, it shouldn't be said that he forgot, it should be the presence of another person that gave him the confidence not to run away.

"Drone swarm, defensive formation."

With a low shout from Haken Browning, a swarm of drones rushed in front of the undead Haken and Hugh Bercysis, forming an iron wall composed of a swarm of drones.

However, this kind of obstruction is of no avail in the face of the Ghostly Flame Phoenix Arrow shot out with a free hand.

Under the impact of the Flame Phoenix, all the touched drones were melted on the spot and exploded.

In the roar of the body explosion, the flame phoenix broke through the copper wall of the drone and crashed into Hubericis and the undead Haken behind it.

Boom~! ! !

A violent explosion exploded in this relatively spacious and empty room.

The wind and waves of the explosion blew on the Archangel, creating a sad and beautiful feeling for the broken-winged Angel.

"Won, did you win..."

Lamia was sweating on her forehead, looking at the explosion of fire a little tiredly.

What Lalia said before was correct. Under normal circumstances, the Archangel would not be able to withstand the energy output of the Phantom Phoenix Arrow under such damage, and the line would be overloaded and explode.

But Lalia obviously didn't take into account the BGM field's strength enhancement to the body. With the increase in the BGM field, even if the body was in dilapidated condition, Bow Angel's energy channel could still support her to release this blow.

But after this blow, it was already the limit.

Bang~! Bang~!

Bow Angel's right arm, which was previously responsible for providing energy to form energy arrows, was finally overwhelmed and exploded.

During these two explosions, Bow Angel's right arm hung down weakly, and he was finally unable to move anymore.

Lamia ignored the alarms that kept echoing in the cockpit and the red reminder of Archangel's right arm flashing red on the central control screen, and stared at the center of the explosion.

Because Lamia knew that this was her last blow.

Once this final blow fails to severely damage the opponent, the Archangel will be unable to fight again.

However, Lamia, who had always been lucky, found that this time luck did not seem to be on her side.

In Lamia's ever-serious expression, a huge meat ball slowly appeared from the firelight of the explosion.

On both sides of this huge meat ball, two undead Hacken and Hubericis, who were slightly charred but whose bodies were basically intact, followed the huge meat ball.

Lamia's heart began to sink when she saw that the opponent had no obvious damage and that there was such a reinforcement that was not easy to mess with at first sight.

At the same time, I don’t know if it was to undermine Lamia’s confidence, but Lamia deliberately turned on the speaker and said it in public.

"Mother, please run away. I'm really sorry."

Listening to Lalia's words, Lamia looked at the big meat ball and felt even heavier.

‘This is the big meatball BOSS that Mengmeng mentioned before, Duminas. ’

Under Lamia's heavy gaze, Duminas looked at the broken Archangel with displeasure in his eyes.

"Lalia, you really disappoint me. You can't even take down a doll."

"Where are the other bugs?"

Lalia returned respectfully: "Because the previous battle was so fierce that part of the lower area completely collapsed, those who deceived Thies and Dispenis ran and jumped from other directions."

"But it doesn't matter. As long as this doll is still there, they will come back sooner or later."

Duminas glanced at Lalia's Hubericis, then waved his fleshy wings lightly, slapping Hubericis directly against the wall like a mosquito.

"Whether it matters or not, I have the final say."

"Ahem, I'm sorry, Mother."

Pulling the machine body out from the wall, Lalia lowered her posture.

After giving Lalia a lesson, Duminas looked at the broken Bow Angel.

"But what you said makes sense. They came here for this doll. As long as they keep this doll, they will come back sooner or later."

"Mother, please be careful, this doll will also play strange music, causing the body to explode with incredible abilities."

Lalia's reminder made Duminas flap his huge flesh wings slightly.

"What you said makes sense. The attack just now really hurt me."

"If you are unprepared and get attacked by a sneak attack, even I will be severely injured."

"So, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, let me use all my strength to recapture this doll."

Under Lamia's vigilant gaze, dark smoke began to appear on Duminas' huge flesh ball, wrapping it up.

In the dark smoke, a huge monster with four huge hands, a swan-like crown decoration on its head, two faces in the middle, and a height of 112 meters with the original huge pupils on its abdomen appeared. In Lamia's eyes.

"It's been a long time since I've shown myself in a fighting stance, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

"But in order to avoid any accidents, it's worth doing this."

"Become my prop again, doll~!"

Purple light began to gather in the lowermost eyeball of Duminas, and beams of light that resembled musical notes and strange words flew out in the form of rotating whirlwind waves.

The moment he saw this strange circle of words floating towards him, Lamia felt an extremely strong sense of dizziness.

‘Psychic attack? ’

Although he had reacted and quickly closed his eyes not to look, the bow angel who had been severely injured at this time was no longer able to teleport, and he failed to dodge in time and was hit by these strange words.

Boom~! Boom~! ! Boom~! ! !

The words fell one after another, and a series of fireworks exploded on the broken Bow Angel, which fell heavily to the ground.

Under this violent bombing, even with the protection of the BGM field, Bow Angel could not bear it. His right arm, which had been unable to be used, was broken on the spot, and his left leg was also blown off, leaving him lying on the ground in a miserable state.

The originally high-volume BGM was also under this series of bombardments, and its volume continued to drop precariously.

The sound of Bow Angel's BGM field gradually decreased to the point where it almost disappeared completely.

In the cockpit, bright red blood continued to flow from Lamia's forehead, staining half of her cheeks. She lay on the seat and could only barely open half of her eyes.

'I'm sorry, dear Mengmeng, I have to hold you back again...'

'Obviously you and You Deda sneaked in to save me, but I...'

'I'm such a useless guy...'

While Lamia was full of apologetic self-blame, Duminas was in a rather happy mood.

"Are you finally being honest? A puppet is a puppet. If you don't give it a good whip, you will be extraordinarily disobedient."

Lalia controlled Hubericis to float to the side of the huge Duminas and asked respectfully.

"Mother, this doll should be completely powerless now. What should we do next?"

Duminas replied in a very unhappy tone: "Those guys dare to deceive me like this. I will never let them go like this."

"Go, leave this doll to you. I will personally capture Thies and Dispenis, and I will personally punish them."

"There are also those earthlings and native species. They are also very annoying. I want to catch them personally and crush them completely to death."

"Anyone who dares to deceive me will die!"

Lalia quickly responded: "Yes, Mother."

Duminas: "Well, I leave it to you. I hope you won't disappoint me again this time, Lalia."

Listening to the conversation between Duminas and Lalia in the distance, Lamia, whose consciousness was gradually blurring, took a strong breath, used the last bit of strength to push the joystick and pulled the trigger.

Archangel's left arm, which was still intact, was slightly raised, and he shot several pink beams at Duminas who was about to leave.

However, these pink beams hitting Duminas, who is now 112 meters tall, are almost like tickling.

Apart from some splashes of light, no scratches were left on Duminas' body.

But Angel Bow's attack was not completely ineffective.

At least Duminas, who had originally planned to leave, had turned around again and looked in the direction of Archangel. All the eyes in front of him were filled with blazing anger.

"I won't let you go after Mengmeng and the others...Sisters, let me do it..."


A huge sonic boom exploded on the spot.

Leaving a huge sonic boom circle in place, the huge Dominus rushed to the broken Bow Angel with a huge roar. A huge palm grabbed the Bow Angel's head and pulled the entire Bow Angel away. The angel raised it.

"How dare a mere doll disobey me?"

"You're just a doll, why do you dare to disobey me!?"

Facing Duminas's roar, Lamia kept pulling the trigger, allowing the Archer to shoot Duminas' chest and cheeks with the beam again.

Although she tried hard to aim at Duminas's eyes, her consciousness was too blurry to focus on aiming. The beams hit Duminas's face and shattered into a pile on the spot. Powder, does nothing.

If anything, this attack only angered Duminas.

What Lamia said next directly shattered the last bit of sanity of the already angry Duminas.

"I... am not a doll, I am a human being, different from monsters like you."

"Monster? How dare you call me a monster!? You man-made doll, how dare you call me a monster!?"

Dominus angrily controlled the other two hands, grabbed the only intact arms and legs of Archangel, and pulled them hard, directly tearing Archangel into a human stick.

"You are just a doll, why do you call me a monster!?"

"I am a people created by God, a messenger of God, and a sacred and noble existence."

"And you are just a creation made by a group of ordinary humans, a lower existence than humans."

"How do you have the right to call me a monster!?"

"I finally understand that the humans in this world and the creations created in this world are all a group of shameless deceivers."

"Doll, you deserve to die just like those earthlings and native species!"

"I changed my mind. I'm going to crush you with my own hands and take your meat sauce to find those damn liars."

Dominus, who was so angry that he lost his mind, grabbed the Archangel with only one torso left in his four big hands, wrapped it up, and began to exert pressure.

"I'm going to crush you!!!"

Facing the death threat from Duminas, Lamia was completely unafraid, even though the Archangel's torso was overwhelmed, sparks continued to explode everywhere, and even the cockpit began to be squeezed and deformed.

Lamia was not afraid of death, and even used his last strength to taunt Duminas.

"I must have touched the point where it hurts. Otherwise, why would you be so angry?"

"Youde once said that the most hurtful thing is the truth."

"It's just like the weapon in children's games called the Armor-Breaking Bow, and the weapon that can cause real damage is called "The Last Whisper." "

"Only the true truth will cause the most painful harm."

"You've always been resentful of yourself as a monster, right?"

"Otherwise, why are your children in human form instead of monsters like you?"

All the pupils on Duminas' body were about to burst, and he roared crazily.

"Shut up, shut up, damn, damn, you doll, go to hell!!!"

As Duminas went crazy, a series of small explosions occurred in Bow Angel's torso. The entire body was completely twisted and the cockpit was completely deformed. Lamia felt the suffocation of being squeezed and could hardly open her eyes.

But even so, Lamia still mocked.

"Look, you must be in a hurry."

"Sure enough, as Youde said, you are anxious, otherwise you wouldn't be so angry."

"Now I am indeed no match for you and cannot beat you. But don't be complacent."

"It doesn't matter if you can crush me. When Youde comes, it will be your death."

"I'll be waiting for you down there, monster."

Lamia's words made Duminas move, suddenly stopped exerting his palms, and began to taunt.

"The virtuous one you are talking about cannot be that Li Abao. Alkaid seems to have said before that that guy is actually called Lin Youde."

"If that's the guy you're referring to, then you don't have to count on it."

"That guy is dead."

"Your master has already gone to the world of death one step ahead of you, doll~!"

Duminas's words made Lamia, who was about to take her last breath and wait for death, suddenly open her bloodshot pupils. Even if the blood from her forehead flowed into her eyes, they did not waver.

"What are you talking about? Youde is dead? This is impossible!!!"

Lamia's exclamation caused the anger in the originally angry Duminas' eyes to immediately turn to joy.

"Hahahaha, nothing is impossible."

"Indeed, the guy who lied to me and said he was Li Abao is very powerful. He can even compete with Shura King Alkaid."

"But he was too naive. He actually took the initiative to confront Alcaide in order to protect another puppet I controlled."

"He didn't know that the puppet was still under my control."

"So, after I deliberately put the puppet in danger and forced the guy to resist Alcaide's attack, I worked together with the puppet to kill the guy."

"How about it, are you very angry, are you very desperate?"

"Puppet, I suddenly don't want to kill you. I want to take you with you and let you see with your own eyes how I killed your master and companions one by one."

"I want to appreciate your despair and anger!"

"I want you to understand the price of offending me."

"You dare to call me a monster, I want you to live a life worse than death!!!"

At this moment, Lamia could no longer hear Duminus' roar.

The last thing Lamia could hear from Duminus was when it said how to work together inside and outside to plot against Lin Youde and kill him.

After hearing the news of Lin Youde's death, Lamia's mind exploded.

The whole person's mind was blank, and everything in front of him seemed to have returned to the time when he saw Lin Youde crashing the Raptor in MA form.

Looking at the memory, he saw the Raptor driven by Lin Youde turned into a ball of fireworks and exploded in the air.

A strong pain and regret filled Lamia's heart.

‘I…failed to protect Lord Youde…’

‘My mission was to protect Lord Youde, but I watched Lord Youde get into danger again and again…’

‘I was the one who should have been protected, but Lord Youde protected me again and again…’

‘This time, it was because of me that Lord Youde was killed…’

‘Why am I so useless…’

‘I thought I had become stronger, but…’

‘It was me who caused it…’

‘It’s all my fault…’

‘I’m sorry to Lord Youde…I’m sorry to Lord Mengmeng…I’m sorry to Lord Raymond…’

‘I’m totally useless, I really deserve to die…’


The memories in front of her gradually disappeared, and what came into her eyes again was the ugly huge face of Duminus outside the cracks of the completely shattered cockpit.

Even though Lamia’s eyes were completely stained with blood and she should not be able to look directly at anything, she still stared at Duminus.

At this moment, Lamia forgot death... forgot fear... forgot everything else...

At this moment, Lamia's eyes only had Duminus...

At this moment, Lamia had only one thought in her heart...

"Duminus, I want you to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The shrill scream brought a huge black storm...

The fierce black wind burst out from the almost compressed body of the Arch Angel...

The wind and waves of the fierce and almost violent black storm left shocking scars on Duminus's huge palm...

The four big hands that were originally tightly holding the Arch Angel's body and trying to squeeze it were also bounced off on the spot...

Duminus was shocked by the sudden change in front of him and stepped back unconsciously.

Looking at the scars on his four big hands, and the black tornado that almost rose from the floor to the ceiling, constantly rotating, tearing everything around, and the BGM that suddenly broke out again, the volume is getting louder and louder.

Even Duminus realized that something was wrong.

Huberclesis, who was originally behind Duminus, flew to his side with the undead Haken.

Lalia looked solemn: "Mother, something is wrong. Does this guy have any hidden tricks?"

"Also, did you notice that the music this guy plays seems to be a little wrong."

Duminus listened carefully and found that the originally clear BGM gradually became blurred and broken.

If the original BGM was the music played in the clear luxury speakers, then the current BGM is like the old handheld game console that has been in the ground for many years, with only 8-bit and 16-bit notes, which is very rough and harsh.

【BGM: ASH TO ASH-Okada Satoru】

↓Changed tone↓

【BGM: ASH TO ASH——Akihiro Eleventani/Takako Ochiai】

In the change of tone or the sharp and piercing changes of the BGM, a pair of scarlet eyes lit up in the black tornado.

At the same time, Lamia's voice, which was no longer cold but full of madness and sharpness, sounded in the black tornado.

"Die! You deserve to die!! You monsters, all deserve to die!!!"

At the moment when Lamia roared, a black light flashed in the black tornado.


Duminus reacted quickly. As soon as he heard Lamia's roar, he made the decision to retreat.

Haken Browning and Lalia also controlled the machine to retreat at the first time.

Almost the next second after it retreated to the wall passage, black light burst out from the black tornado.

The next moment, everything was cut off by the black light wherever it passed.

Whether it was the undead Harken, Huberclesis, Duminus's torso, or the steel wall inside the White Star.

Everything swept by the black light was split into two pieces...

Amidst the violent roar, the area of ​​more than a thousand meters in radius collapsed, and only the black tornado smashed everything that collapsed, standing in place and spinning continuously...

About ten seconds later, a beam of light 80 meters thick whistled out from the ruins and hit the black tornado, causing a huge explosion.


The huge body of Duminus appeared again from the ruins.

But compared with before, the swan crown decoration on its head was half gone.

At the moment when the black light swept over just now, it made an emergency landing and avoided the fatal blow.

But the undead Haken and Huberklis were not so lucky.

Duminus lowered his head slightly and looked at Haken Browning, who was lying on the ground and was split into two pieces and blown away in the explosion. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive, and Huberklis, who had lost half of his body and tried to stand up again.

After confirming that the two guys couldn't help, Duminas looked vigilantly in the direction of the black tornado explosion.

Under Duminas's gaze, the flames of the explosion were quickly pulled, spinning continuously, and then swallowed by the black tornado.

The black tornado continued to spin and rage in the same place, crushing everything around it...

Looking at such a strange situation, even the knowledgeable Duminas couldn't help but feel surprised.

"What on earth is this?"

Duminas had never seen such a strange situation.

The body that was obviously completely broken and almost turned into scrap metal suddenly erupted with such a terrifying tornado.

You know, it has now entered the combat state, and the beam that just hit it with all its strength can penetrate the Earthling's space battleship with one blow.

But even such a powerful beam of light can't hurt the black tornado at all.

Those black tornadoes seem to have the sharp cutting ability of a blade, which can easily cut everything they touch.

Such a strange tornado made Duminas dare not touch it easily.

But Duminas dare not move, which does not mean that Lamia in the black tornado dare not move.

The scarlet eyes in the black tornado stared at Duminas.

Lamia's voice sounded again: "Die!"

In the black tornado, the black light flashed again.

Duminas floated up urgently and watched the end of his body below being cut off a little bit.

The relief of surviving the disaster and the strong fear of death made Duminas extremely angry.

"Pretend to be a ghost, come and die!"

The pair of huge pupils on Duminas' chest shot out a purple beam of light, and the huge beam of light with a thickness of 80 meters appeared again and hit the black tornado.

But this time, the huge energy beam did not explode, but was continuously cut and offset by the black tornado.

When Duminas saw this scene, the eyes above that did not emit beams lit up.

"I knew that this strange tornado was not endless. Energy attacks can slow down its rotation speed. In this case..."

The joints of Duminas' four palms snapped, and the four arms flew out on the spot, carrying the silver pipes that continued to extend behind them, flying towards the black tornado. The center of the palms flashed purple light, as if intending to attack it from all directions.

However, before the purple beams in the center of the palms of Duminas' four arms were emitted, the red light in the scarlet eyes flashed for a moment in the black tornado.

Four black lights flew out and hit the center of Duminas' four palms accurately.

Duminas looked carefully and saw that there was a black shuriken in each of his four palms, and then the four palms exploded together with the four shuriken.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Oh oh oh oh, damn, what the hell is this thing!?"

After four explosions, Duminus screamed in pain, causing the metal on the four missing palms to wriggle and grow four palms again.


In the dark tornado, the black light flashed again, and this time it slashed vertically instead of horizontally.

Thankfully, Duminus was highly nervous, quick-eyed and quick-handed, and managed to dodge it, otherwise it would have been split in two now.

The fear of brushing shoulders with death made Duminus dare not approach casually again, and he planned to use the same trick again.

"Stop playing tricks on me, come out and die!!!"

All the eyes on Duminas burst out strong beams of light, and the strange words at the bottom that looked like musical notes were also constantly released, and all the energy hit the black tornado in an overwhelming manner...

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!! Come out!!!!"

Under Duminas's roar, the black tornado was constantly consumed by the massive energy attack, and finally the speed became slower and slower, and finally stopped and completely dissipated...

However, before Duminas could be happy, in the black tornado that had disappeared, a 40-meter-high, dark blue body, wearing a red cloak, with silver claws on both wrists, holding a one-handed sword, and three green crystals on the forehead, appeared in front of Duminas like a murderous swordsman.

Seeing such a body suddenly appear in the black tornado, Duminas was surprised and happy.

What was surprising was that he didn't understand why the Archangel suddenly disappeared and was replaced by such a strange body.

Fortunately, the other party finally revealed his true identity.

The so-called fear comes from the unknown.

Although Duminas has never heard this sentence, he might as well have the same feeling at this moment.

As soon as he knew that he was facing a strange machine, the fear in Duminas's heart instantly faded away.

"Pretend to be a ghost and die to me!!!"

The attack that had just been released erupted again, and the massive energy attack was tilted towards the swordsman's body.

However, when faced with such an energy attack, the swordsman did not dodge. Instead, he hung the one-handed sword on his waist behind his back. The silver claws on his hands popped out, and blue energy flames emerged.

The next moment, the swordsman-type machine's cloak automatically moved without wind, and with the blow of the cloak, it rushed out like a cannonball.

He aimed his hands forward and flicked it vigorously. The entire machine body turned into a blue fire cone under the rotation of the blue flames on the silver hook at the front, directly heading towards the massive energy light.

Sizzle! ! ! !

Amidst the harsh sound of the beam being torn apart, a blue fire cone rotated rapidly, piercing the beam shot by Duminas, and rushed towards Duminas.

"How can it be!?"

While screaming, Duminas made an emergency dodge, letting the blue cone of fire pass through his side, and returned to his human form from 200 meters behind him.

Duminas looked down and saw that a big hole had been drilled through his side torso. He was furious and made his body squirm again. After repairing the missing part, the red energy on his body continued to leak out. The four re-repaired palms gathered toward his chest.

Red energy balls appeared from the four palms and quickly turned into a huge physical sword over 100 meters tall.

Duminas held the huge physical sword in his four big hands and raised it high.

The green orb at the top of the physical sword flashed with light, and twelve identical huge physical swords instantly appeared around Duminas.

"You want me to die? I want you to die! Damn doll, die!"

Dominas turned around and swung it hard, throwing the huge physical sword in his hand towards the swordsman-type machine.

The remaining twelve huge solid swords around it turned their blades and flew out after him.

Facing the impact of this large number of giant swords, the swordsman-type machine retracted the hook on its wrist and pulled out the one-handed sword from the waist again.

Holding the scabbard with the left hand and the hilt with the right hand, the swordsman-type machine pulled out the one-handed sword and slashed it hard in mid-air. After slashing out a golden energy fountain, the sword slashed horizontally, letting the white sword energy push the amount. The colored energy fountain flew out.

The golden energy fountain hit the first giant sword first, exploded, and bounced the giant sword away on the spot.

Then the white sword energy followed, wrapping the remaining golden energy on the sword energy and colliding with the remaining 12 giant swords.

Golden and white sword energy flashed across, and both the giant sword that was blown away just now and the twelve giant swords that flew right after it were all divided into pieces by the sweep of this two-color sword energy. Two, turned into thirteen brilliant fireworks.

Seeing that the ultimate move he was proud of failed to work, Duminas showed an expression of disbelief.

"How can it be?"

"Are you ready to face death?"

Lamia's voice was like a cry for life coming from the Nine Netherworld, full of gloom and terror.

As soon as the sound reached his ears, Duminas' huge body trembled involuntarily.

Then, as Duminas watched, the swordsman-type machine jumped into the air, jumped to a high place, and then swung with all its strength to slash out white sword energy one after another.

But the white sword energy was very strange and did not fly out directly. Instead, it stopped in mid-air and was wrapped in a black whirlwind at the moment it was cut out.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of white sword energy were slashed out.

The swordsman-type machine finally pointed its sword at Duminas, and the hundreds of sword energy that had been slashed out fell from the sky one after another, enveloped by the black whirlwind.

Before Duminas had time to react, hundreds of sword energy penetrated her body, leaving horrific wounds that penetrated her body.

Hundreds of sword energy fell and passed through the body. Even Duminas' current huge body of 112 meters was cut with terrifying cracks.


The pain, as if it was being stabbed, made Duminas want to cry out in pain.

But as soon as its voice came out, it was seen that the swordsman-type machine from high up would turn into a black wind and crash down from the sky.

"Wind Blade Flash~!"

The sword was inserted into the top of Duminas' head, and with a strong swing, violent wind blades erupted from Duminas' body, instantly piercing its huge body with holes.


First he was Ling Chi, and then the sword energy exploded out of his body. The violent pain caused Duminas's huge body to fall to the ground, still twisting and screaming in pain.

However, even so, Duminas did not die. The metal structure on his huge body continued to squirm and recovered at a not too fast speed.

Looking at this scene, the swordsman-type machine put the sword back into the scabbard and flicked the cloak on it, soaring into the sky again, with a terrifying black whirlwind erupting from its body.

The black whirlwind was so terrifying that it was exactly the same as the previous black tornado.

The only difference from before was that this time the black whirlwind did not completely wrap around the swordsman-type machine, but wrapped it together with Duminus who was twisting and screaming on the ground to repair his body.

The black whirlwind, like a whirlwind cage, locked both of them in, unable to enter or leave.

"Still repairing yourself? Very good, it would be ugly if you died so easily."

"Repair your body as much as you can, and then die in endless pain, monster!!!"

"Limiter removed, full power!"

At Lamia's cold shout, a blood moon appeared out of thin air behind the swordsman-type machine, illuminating the two in the black hurricane.

The swordsman-type machine held the sword in one hand and raised it high in front of him.

The buckles on both sides of the scabbard opened automatically, allowing the scabbard to slowly fall off and hit the ground.


The loud sound of the scabbard falling to the ground woke up Duminus who was twisting and struggling.

It turned and looked at the swordsman-type machine with its back to the blood moon in the sky. Looking at the black air that kept coming out of the other party, Duminus finally understood at this moment.

The black wind and waves were nothing but murderous aura that had condensed into substance.

"You actually condensed the murderous aura into substance and turned it into a wind blade?"

"Monster, monster, you are a monster, you are definitely a monster!!!"

Duminus screamed loudly in a bit of collapse.

Lamia murmured in a low voice at this memory.

"Monster? It doesn't matter. As long as I can avenge Youde, I don't care even if I become a monster!!!"

The swordsman-type machine held the hilt of the sword with both hands, raised it above his head, and then slowly moved it to the side of his waist.

"Take my anger, my hatred, my unwillingness, my regret, and cut it off, Soul Cutter!!!"

The swordsman-type machine Soul Cutter's eyes flashed red, and the whole machine turned into a black light and disappeared in the dark tornado.

At the moment when the Soul Cutter disappeared, Lamia's low roar reached Duminus' ears.

"Soul Cutter Sword, as black as light!"

A white sword light flashed through the darkness and cut off a part of Duminus' body.

It was so fast that Duminus didn't even have time to feel the pain before it disappeared.

"With my hatred, I will kill all my enemies!!"

A series of white sword lights flashed through Duminus' body in an instant. The hundreds and thousands of sword lights instantly cut Duminus' huge body into irregular small cubes.

It was so fast that even after Duminus' eyes were cut off, they could still move left and right a few times without any feeling.

In the next second before Duminus's pain was reflected, the Soul Cutter appeared in front of it and dragged the sword in his hand behind him again.

The blue flames enveloped the entire machine and gradually gathered on the blade, turning the white sword into a blue lightsaber.

"Sword cuts his soul, hate cuts his will, secret meaning: annihilation flash!"

A blue light flashed, and the Soul Cutter appeared behind Duminus.

At this moment, Duminus' body was cut into smaller pieces of meat, and then stained with a layer of blue flames.

Boom! ! ! ! ! !

In the violent explosion, the black tornado gradually stopped...

The Soul Cutter slowly turned around and looked at the smoke and dust of Duminus' explosion, and Lamia whispered.

"Youde, I have avenged you... I'm sorry, if I had done it earlier... I'm sorry..."

As Lamia whispered, the broken Huberclesis on the ground suddenly jumped out, rushed into the smoke of Duminus' explosion, picked up a 3-meter-long eyeball, and rushed into a tunnel.

Seeing this scene, Lamia was furious: "Not dead yet? Don't want to run? I..."

Lamia was about to control the Soul Cutter to take off and rush up to chase, but before she finished her words, she heard a familiar exclamation.

"Oh my god, the Soul Slayer!?"

Lamia looked back in shock and saw a man who she felt guilty about, standing on the red Soul Seat's palm in the collapsed passage.

"Master Youde!? You're not dead!?"

Lin Youde stood on the palm of the Soul Seat and scratched his head: "Lamia? Why did you drive the Soul Slayer? Where's the Archangel?"

"Dead? How could I die?"

"Who told you I was dead? That bastard Duminas?"

"Damn, that guy didn't think that a mere Alkaide could take me down, did he?"

"Just kidding, if Alufimi hadn't come to find me to run away, I would have fought that guy for another 800 rounds. Let that guy know that the Dongfang Bubai style is powerful."

"And with my current physical strength, even if someone hits me with a nuclear bomb, it may not kill me."

"A mere Shura King, want to kill me? It's okay for him to drive his permanent deified Ultimate Shura God over here, but want to kill me with his physical body? He's 20,000 years too early~!"

Looking at Lin Youde's full-hearted bragging and ridicule, his energetic appearance, Lamia smiled with relief.

"Great, you're fine, great, great..."

Lamia felt the strength in her body begin to fade away like the tide when she was halfway through her words.

What followed was a deep sense of powerlessness and exhaustion like a mountain pressing down on her head.

Although her mental and physical strength had already reached the limit, she still fought a battle with great concentration for revenge.

After several emotional ups and downs, Lamia, who had been holding on only by the willpower of revenge, finally couldn't hold on.

Seeing that Lin Youde was fine, Lamia completely relaxed and even lost the strength to control the body.

As the BGM of the Soul Slayer completely disappeared, the Soul Slayer seemed to lose control and fell to the ground with a bang, no longer moving.

"No, what's going on, Lamia!? Lamia!!!"

In Lin Youde's exclamation, Lamia closed her eyes tiredly, and her consciousness gradually faded away...

In the coma, Lamia had only one thought in her mind.

'Lord Youde, you are fine, it's great, this time, I finally didn't hold you back...'


PS: I worked hard all day and forgot to eat and sleep and finally wrote it.

I wrote it in a hurry, 13K is too long, and the author and the AI ​​error correction of the writing software are likely to miss typos. If you find any, please mark it in the inter-post, and the author will correct it as soon as possible, thank you!

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