Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1883 Winged God

The four Gundams sped along and arrived near the Jingmu Island mentioned by Allelujah in less than a few minutes.

As soon as they entered this area, Tieria and Allelujah covered their heads.

A voice appeared in the minds of Lockon, Tieria and Allelujah.

"Is it you?"

Allelujah covered his head: "It's here again."

Tieria covered his head: "What a terrible mental power."

Lockon was also hairy: "Is this the voice Allelujah heard?"

Lin Youde couldn't hear anything. After thinking about it, he took off his Zero glasses.

The next moment, a huge mental power rushed towards Lin Youde.

The power was so huge that even Lin Youde, who had LV10+5 new human talents + martial arts heaven-level mental power, felt a sting.

"Is it you?"

Listening to the voice in his mind, Lin Youde decisively used his mental power to fight back: "Playing tricks, come out!"

After Lin Youde shouted, there was a brief silence of half a minute, and the space in front of the four Gundams suddenly twisted.

A humanoid creature with white limbs, a blue, gold, and red torso, and two huge wings on its head appeared out of thin air.

Looking at this 50-meter-class monster that appeared out of thin air, both Lockon and Allelujah were shocked.

Only Lin Youde and Tieria, who had seen big scenes, could remain calm.

Lockon exclaimed: "Oh my god, teleportation? What is this?"

Hallelujah covered his head: "Is this the guy? He randomly throws brain quantum waves everywhere. Do you have any sense of public morality, bastard?"

Tieria looked up and down at the strange creature in front of him, and said directly in the communication channel: "This should be the whole of the Siren Legend."

"But unfortunately, I don't have any information here."

"In my memory, there is no such strange creature."

Hearing Tieria's words, Lockon turned back in surprise: "No, this thing, is it a creature?"

Allelujah held his head: "Is it an alien creature? Or a creature from another world?"

Tieria shook his head: "I don't know, he reacted on the radar, but he also had vital signs, and he was very big, like a combination of a huge creature and a machine. Setsuna, do you know him?"

Lin Youde frowned: "I know a little bit, but not much."

In Lin Youde's memory, this strange shape seems to be a weapon from a work called "Legend of the Winged God".

But Lin Youde had not seen this work, and he had never used it in the "Super Robot Wars" that he had played, so he was not very clear about this thing.

Lin Youde only knew that this thing seemed to be a BOSS-level machine in "Super Robot Wars".

And the operation method of this thing seemed very strange, and it seemed to be related to the singing voice.

Because he didn't know much about this thing, Lin Youde knew very little. So he replied: "You can call this thing Wing God. It should have an English name, but I don't remember it. It's better to call it Wing God."

"Wing God is a very special weapon that requires people to use singing or music to operate it? I don't know the details."

"The only thing I know is that this thing is very strong, no worse than the deified EVA."

Lockon and Allelujah were confused.

"Wing God? Song control? What is that? And what is the deified EVA? Is EVA one of those strange mobile weapons on the Neon Islands?"

When Lockon and Lin Youde were asking questions together, Lin Youde did not answer, but found that this Angel of Power was looking at him.

The huge mental power rushed over and asked again.

"Is it you?"

Lin Youde could withstand this mental power, but he still used mental power to counter it again and asked: "Who are you looking for?"

The Wing God did not answer, but just mechanically repeated the question: "Is it you?"

Lockon, Allelujah, and Tieria all looked at Lin Youde. Lin Youde thought for a while and said: "You retreat, I will try to answer his question."

Seeing this, the three of them immediately drove the machine back, leaving enough space for Lin Youde.

Lin Youde rushed his mental power over and asked: "What if it is? What if it is not?"

The Wing God was silent for a while, and rushed a larger mental power than before, trying to rush into Lin Youde's mind.

But now Lin Youde is a combination of LV10+5 new human and martial arts heavenly man, with a huge mental power and willpower that is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Allelujah and Tieriah felt that they could release the terrifying mental power from the Winged God, but Lin Youde used his mental power and willpower to form a bat and hit them back directly.

"Get lost!"

Lin Youde shouted and hit the mental power released by the Winged God. The huge body of the Winged God tilted back and flew more than ten meters, then stood up again and looked at Lin Youde's Angel of Power.

After a while, the Winged God said, "It's not you."

After saying that, the Winged God disappeared in a flash, leaving Lockon, Allelujah, and Tieriah confused.

But let alone the three of them, even Lin Youde himself was confused.

He didn't understand who this Winged God was looking for.

Although the Winged God had its own consciousness, it seemed to have no brain, acting mechanically and looking for something.

But the Winged God didn't say anything, and Lin Youde didn't know what it was looking for.

"It's really confusing... Hmm? Wait, looking for someone? Looking for someone?"

The Power Angel Gundam, Archangel Gundam, and De Angel Gundam gathered around the Angel of Power.

Lockon, Allelujah, and Tieria all asked, "Do you remember anything?"*3

Lin Youde frowned and recalled, "I vaguely remember that it seemed that a report mentioned the guy who attacked the Lin Institute before. It seems that he told Lai Ding that a guy was looking for him and he was hiding here."

"I was thinking, could it be Lai Ding that the Winged God is looking for?"

"Speaking of which, Lai Ding, like the Winged God, is a body with its own will."

Lockon pretended to recall, "I remember that it seemed that in the database given by VEDA, it was said that Lai Ding was the guardian of a super ancient empire? Could it be that the Winged God , is it also a super ancient guardian god? "

Allelujah replied: "Find a time to ask Lai Ding, won't you know? We can find Lai Ding, right?"

Tieria shook her head: "It's a bit troublesome. Lai Ding is currently in charge of the blockade on Mars. If we go to Mars easily, the arrangements there will be exposed."

Lin Youde put on the Zero glasses again: "No matter what, the Winged God doesn't look very aggressive. As long as you don't commit suicide easily, you shouldn't die. This thing is not easy to deal with. With our current body, I'm afraid we can't handle it. Let's retreat first. Retreat."

Lockon, Allelujah, Tieriah: "Understood!"

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