Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1912 The second stage ends and enters the third stage

Under everyone's gaze, Gundam Exia was incredibly fast, slashing around Zjadin, the physical sword of the GN Spear Sword and the GN Long Sword in his hand were slashing left and right, madly slashing down.

Although Zjadin was also very fast, his attack frequency was completely incomparable to Gundam Exia, and every time he was about to hit Gundam Exia with his big sword, Gundam Exia seemed to be able to predict and dodge in advance.

It can be said that the current Gundam Exia has changed from the previous crazy charge like a bull to a butterfly-like drifting east and west, and a one-hit escape method, which made Zjadin very annoyed.

In just 1 minute, Gundam Exia slashed no less than 30 swords, and every time it attacked, it was aimed at Zjadin's thruster parts and joints.

In close combat, Zjadin, who was 96 meters tall, became a huge target, and the big sword in his hand could not hit the Gundam Exia, which was only 20 meters long.

One minute ago, everyone had the illusion that Zgadin could defeat Gundam Exia, but in just one minute, everyone's heart was once again completely put down.


It was indeed suppressed.

But it was not Zgadin who suppressed Gundam Exia, but Gundam Exia relied on its extremely fast speed and strange mobility to suppress Zgadin with its two swords.

Although he had made bold statements, he was beaten so badly, and Granton Goetz was also very angry.

But before he lost his temper, Ovan drove the Clan Raft Erwin, and rushed up with Fenglu Mulu's Clan Raft Fanea and the Emperor of the Fists.

The three machines appeared in three directions of Zgadin in coordination, and finally forced back the Gundam Exia, which was like a butterfly and could not be touched at all.

Granton Goetz also seized the opportunity and began to attack Gundam Exia with a team of four people, with the cooperation of Ovan and the other two.

Although it still couldn't cause any damage to the Gundam Exia, at least it looked like it was no longer being unilaterally suppressed like it was just now.

The three coalition forces saw this scene and rushed to the other three Gundams.

Ishimaru Hiroya: "Good opportunity, that Gundam Exia was stopped, let's go and take down the fat guy."

Kamiya Akira: "Joint combat formation, Lieutenant Scarlett, Warrant Officer Yuki Tsubasa, go get the shield from below, everyone else, follow me!"

At the response of Scarlett and Yuki Tsubasa, the two Fengchi rushed to the base below, took out two very exaggerated shields that had been prepared long ago and threw them to the Demon God Caesar and the Red Shin Getter.

The two machines set up this huge shield that was at least 50 meters long, directly blocked the beam cannon of the Gundam De Angel, and began to rush towards the Gundam De Angel with other machines of the Free Federation.

Tieria looked a little serious: "A special anti-beam shield? Is it the 190-ton shield in the intelligence? But even if it is made of 190 tons of super alloy, it can't stop my De Angel."

De Angel Gundam increased its power, and the shields in the hands of Demon Caesar and Red Shin Getter turned red quickly and visibly.

Obviously, even this special shield can't withstand the continuous shooting of De Angel Gundam now.

But just when De Angel's GN rocket launcher was about to melt the two 190-ton super alloy shields, the Black Shin Getter, the Special Flag Type, the V2 Gundam AB, the Fairy Getter·Fire, and the two Wind Chis had already rushed over from all directions.

Especially the V2 Gundam AB, which went around to the rear, spread its wings of light and rushed towards De Angel.

Facing this all-round attack, knowing that his own shot could not penetrate, Tieria was also very decisive. He immediately gave up the bombardment and controlled the machine to rise quickly. The shoulder guns and the GN Vulcan gun in his hand kept firing, and began to suppress the approach of the Free Federation troops in rapid-fire mode.

However, because they were outnumbered, and the Free Federation Army had many highly mobile machines, and there were two Demon Caesar and Red Shin Getter holding shields to resist attacks, Tieria, who could not break the shield defense in rapid-fire mode, could only aim at other people.

Relying on the command command·raid and the powerful performance of the De Angel that was far ahead of the Free Federation machine plus the powerful mobility generated by GN particles. Even the most bulky De Angel, with the support of VEDA, could easily launch a counterattack under the siege of the Free Federation troops.

Although it was impossible to reduce the opponent's personnel immediately, it was still possible to make the Free Federation only V2 Gundam AB type close.

Not far away, Lockon and Hallelujah were in a similar situation.

Without the help of Lin Youde's Gundam Exia, the Gundam Dyna and the Gundam Archangel immediately fell into a state of siege.

The Gundam Dyna was flying backwards in the sky, with its hands open to the left and right, and the missile compartments on its body were full of GN missiles, which made it almost impossible for the OZ army to get close except for the Dorkis II.

The Gundam Archangel was able to escape with one strike. Although the Human Innovation Integrated Machine was the most numerous, all the machines could not catch up with the Gundam Archangel in MA state.

After the distance was pulled away, the Gundam Archangel would switch from MA state to MS state and start shooting with a small water pipe machine gun, focusing on kite flying.

After a stalemate of 1 minute, Free began to use mental commands, and the three-party coalition also started the second wave of mental commands.

Seeing the special effects of the mental commands rising again, Lockon couldn't help asking: "Setsuna, how is it, can you still hold on?"

Lin Youde controlled the Gundam Exia to kick away the Fist Emperor who rushed up to try to fight, and replied calmly: "If you ask how long the command can last, my answer is that it will be no problem to spend another day and night."

Lockon smiled: "As expected of you, you are really perverted."

Hallelujah was a little dissatisfied: "Although we will definitely win if we continue to consume, these guys' bodies can't consume as much energy as the solar furnace, and their mental power will be exhausted quickly. But it always feels too aggrieved to win like this, Tieria."

Tieria nodded and said: "The goal of consuming the enemy's strength and allowing the enemy to show the maximum combat power has been achieved. I believe that Free and the three major countries have already understood the gap between us, and the goal of the second stage has been achieved."

"Next, proceed to the third stage, use mental commands, attack with all your strength, and induce the Free Federation to enter the fourth stage."

Lin Youde responded: "It's almost there, enter the third stage, all members, mental commands, full open!"

At Lin Youde's command, all kinds of mental commands on the four Gundams burst out as if they were free.

Obviously, the five warring forces have already used BGM fields and mental commands, but due to the gap in performance and command commands, the four Gundams began to suppress the four forces...

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