Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1914 Missile Sea

This sudden explosion and impact knocked over everyone present and stunned everyone in the Free Federation.

Tieria, on the other hand, was very calm and said calmly in the friendly communication channel: "The third phase is over and the fourth phase begins. Lockon, Hallelujah, how are you? Do you still have energy? Squeak if you still have energy. ”

Lockon: "Squeak!"

Hallelujah: "Damn! Do these guys really dare to do this? We have a GN position and can resist forcefully, so we are not afraid at all. But it won't be so easy for the OZ Army and the Human Revolutionary Integration, right?"

Lin Youde calmly replied: "Is there a possibility that this is the style of the Free Federation? And this is the result they want?"

While the four of them were chatting leisurely, the bombardment continued.

Except that the Fried army was really resisting.

The troops of the OZ Army and the Human Revolutionary Integration all gathered together and looked directly above, turning the GN stance into a flat circular barrier to resist the attack for them, the Force Angel Gundam and the Lord Angel Gundam, and they were all speechless.

The GN stance can not only turn into a circle, but also turn into a barrier like a shield?

This kind of thing seemed to be beyond the imagination of the OZ Army and the United Human Revolution Army. After both sides were silent for a while, they made completely different reactions.

On the OZ army's side, Abenaar and Desire Garrett controlled the machine to raise their weapons and aimed at the Force Angel directly above, but they were stopped by Jigus and Gerhart.

Jigus roared: "Stop, he is saving us, we cannot be ungrateful."

Abenard replied: "How long has it been since you were still so kind to a woman?"

Desire Garrett: "Jerhart, let me go! Let me kill him!"

Gerhard Garrett: "No, brother, without him, we can't hold those shells at all, it will kill us!"

Under the restraint of Jigus and Gerhart, the OZ army finally did not fire at the Angel of Power, but their movements were seen by Lockon, who couldn't help showing an expression of contempt and disgust.

"There are really a lot of white-eyed wolves in the OZ army. But fortunately they didn't open fire. As long as they dare to open fire, I will immediately change the GN stance to the mode of self-protection and let them die."

Tieria replied: "There is no way. Who let the OZ army accept the remnants eliminated by the DC army? It is inevitable that the quality will be uneven."

Lin Youde asked: "Hallelujah, how are you doing there?"

Harelia lowered her head and looked down at the United Human Revolutionary Army. Under Sergey's command, everyone lowered their weapons and controlled the machine to salute. He replied in a good mood.

"Fortunately, the people on the Human Innovation and Integration side seem to be quite conscientious, and no one has raised their weapons and pointed them at me."

Lin Youde smiled and said: "That's good, just wait. According to Miss Huang's prediction, the base's artillery reserve will be exhausted in about 2 minutes. Hold on until then."

Lockon, Hallelujah: "No problem."

Lin Youde took the time to glance at the several Freefang aircraft not far away, unfolding the life crystal stance and resisting all the artillery fire. He couldn't help but admire the Freefang's defensive capabilities.

‘After all, the bosses in Super Robot Wars J are not so easy to defeat. ’

Under the silent gaze of the Free Federation Army, the continuous explosions and artillery bombardments lasted for 2 minutes and then gradually stopped.

On the ground, the dust from the explosion alone covered the ground nearly 5 to 60 meters high.

After the artillery fire stopped, four Gundams were the first to fly out of the smoke and dust of the explosion.

Apart from Free and the Free Federation Army, which took off on the spot, the four aircrafts, the OZ Army and the United Human Revolution Army, all under the command of Jigus and Sergei, hid in the dust of the explosion. They were all silent and did not take off.

Almost as soon as it took off, a series of beams of light came from the distance, accurately hitting the protective shields of the four Gundams and all Freefang's aircraft.

Everyone turned to look and found that at some point, a total of 10 Free Federation Army air battleships were neatly lined up behind the mass launcher explosion.

The smoke and dust from the explosion of the mass launcher were also pierced by this round of battleship's main gun salvo.

In the ground base, Basque Ohm smiled as if his conspiracy had succeeded.

"Haha, the next step is up to you, Windru."

"After such a big battle and bombing, I think the energy loss of Tianren's body and the strength of the pilots are also very serious."

"After that, as long as we force the heavenly beings back and use your meteor accelerator, the heavenly beings will not be able to escape."

"Capture one Gundam alone? No, I want them all!"

Almost the moment Basque Ohm finished speaking, R-Blades flew out from the aircraft carrier, and soon the number reached more than 200.

However, after these R-Blades appeared, they did not approach rashly. Instead, they raised their long-range weapons that had been prepared and began a new round of shooting and bombing at the four Gundams.

Whether it was intentional or not included in the plan, except for the four Gundams, none of Freefont's aircraft were attacked.

After asking Aofan to retreat with Maple Mulu and Jam Darby, Grandon Goats did not retreat, but rushed towards the Archangel Gundam.

"The matter has come to this, even if it only has one arm, I will take it back. Suffer death! Setsuna F. Qingying."

Under the roar of Granton Goetz, the mental commands of passion, iron wall, acceleration, concentration, must hit, must dodge, and courage were stimulated one after another.

Zgadin burst out with a strong green light of life energy, and at the same time the time-stop device was activated, and the time within a radius of 100 miles was all stopped.

But the time-space crystal on Lin Youde's neck flashed, and the four Gundams immediately resumed action.

Seeing that the four Gundams could move in the time-stop environment after the time-stop device was activated, Zgadin did not hesitate and immediately lifted it, intending to rely on hard power to fight hard.

With the full burst of life energy and the blessing of mental commands, Zgadin's speed became extremely fast.

It could even keep up with the speed of the Angel Gundam.

Seeing that Zgadin could be so fast, Lin Youde also became interested and began to drive the Angel Gundam to fight with Zgadin.

However, the two machines had just fought for three rounds, and at least thousands of missiles from all directions flew over from a distance, crashing into the four Gundams and Zgadin.

Seeing these missiles, Ishimaru Hiroya and Kamiya Akira, who had not participated in the battle before, both changed their expressions.

Kamiya Akira: "Oh no, it's an intercontinental ballistic missile. Is that bastard Basque Ohm going to kill us all? Retreat!"

Ishimaru Hiroya: "All troops retreat, run away!"

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