Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1921: Gunfire at the Capitol Hill of the Free Federation

In fact, if the people of the Free Federation just stand up and take personal responsibility for this, someone can be found to take the blame.

Or the intelligence control agency can operate normally, and this matter can be suppressed, at least it can be quieted down on the Internet within the Free Federation.

But because of VEDA's obstruction, the intelligence control agency of the Free Federation is completely paralyzed, and no means can be used.

The officials of the Free Federation are adhering to the old tradition of more than 200 years ago. When it comes to corruption and money-making and political donations, they run faster than anyone else.

But once it comes to taking the blame, even if it's just going to jail, they are calm and unmoved.

Not to mention that once you take responsibility for this, you will lose your head, and even your family will be shot to death by angry citizens.

Moreover, the congressional system of the Free Federation is extremely bloated. Now that more than half a day has passed, the masters on Capitol Hill are still in meetings, blaming each other and shifting the blame. Who would be stupid enough to stand up and take the blame at this time?

In this way, because of the chaos within the Free Federation and the intervention of VEDA, the Free Federation did not say a word in the face of angry netizens.

Even some old media in the Free Federation have stopped one by one, as if they didn't know about this matter and didn't react at all.

As the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, experts watch the doorway.

After this online public opinion that just started for half a day, the top leaders of the countries of the Blue Water Star once again witnessed the means of the gods.

As the most technologically advanced Free Federation, under the network offensive of the gods, it was as fragile as a newborn baby and had no power to fight back.

What would happen if it were other countries?

Thinking about that scene for a while, officials from various countries felt extremely sour.

It was on this day that the top leaders of the three major countries realized that the gods really seemed to just want to unify the world, and had no other thoughts.

Otherwise, if the gods wanted to bring down a country with determination, the current Free Federation would be a very good example.

Today we can destroy your network, tomorrow we can destroy your satellite positioning system, and the day after tomorrow we may even invade your various bases to cause damage. The day after tomorrow, false orders may fly everywhere through the network, making it difficult for you to distinguish between real and virtual orders, blocking the operation of the entire country and the army.

Unless your entire country uses a closed local area network, does not connect to satellites, and does not connect to the civilian Internet, otherwise, it is almost certain that it will be invaded and paralyzed.

After this battle, network departments in various countries are in danger.

Everyone knows that at present, no one on the Blue Water Planet can be the opponent of the Propaganda Department of the Celestial Beings.

The level of their electronic warfare. Leading the countries of the Blue Water Planet by at least 50 years, the terrifying generation gap is despairing.

Some scientists even made a preconceived association because of this.

The level of electronic warfare is more than 50 years ahead, so will the MS technology also be more than 50 years ahead?

After watching the overwhelming combat power displayed by the four Gundams of the Celestial Beings a few times, many people discussed and thought that there might really be such a possibility.

Except for the scientists at Lin's Institute, almost all scientists held discussions in various places after the incident began to discuss the authenticity of the incident and how to deal with it.

Only the scientists at Lin's Institute completely ignored the discussions outside and immersed themselves in their own research topics.

In the Free Federation, Capitol Hill, after a whole day of intense oral gymnastics, the congressmen finally stopped scolding.

As the supreme leader of the Free Federation, the white-haired Jordan Bye looked helplessly at the five-star general beside him. Mac Arthur.

"What should we do? This matter has become so serious now, how should we explain it to the public?"

MacArthur said arrogantly: "Humph, they are just a bunch of peasants. Why should we explain to them when we do things?"

"As long as these peasants pay taxes honestly and act like sheep, we who are in high positions have a lot to consider."

"Just leave those peasants alone."

Jorden Bai did not speak, and a younger congressman below slammed the table: "Let's not talk about this matter for now, General MacArthur, shouldn't you explain why you use missiles to bomb our own troops?"

"Are you really colluding with aliens as announced on the Internet to infiltrate and spiritually colonize our Free Federation?"

Former President Van Dyne, who was sitting in a congressman's seat, stood up and opened his hands to play the accordion in the air: "Dear colleagues, you We have also seen it. I have only been out of office for three years, and this old guy Jordan Biden has messed up our country. "

"I have said long ago that there were problems with the presidential election three years ago, but you still don't believe it."

"Now, he actually used missiles to bomb our own army. Is this reasonable?"

"Three years ago, he dared to cheat in the election. Today, he dared to use missiles to bomb our army. I dare not imagine what he will do in a while."

"I seriously suspect that Jordan Biden and General MacArthur have surrendered to the aliens. They are alien spies and running dogs. "

"Ladies and gentlemen, I propose that the election be held in advance. Only under my leadership can the Free Federation be great again!"

"We can't let these running dogs of aliens continue to harm our motherland. We must use our own hands to defend our own motherland and our own dignity!"

After Wandong Nader finished shouting, a group of congressmen and officers in military uniforms stood up and shouted together: "Let the Free Federation be great again!!!"

Looking at Wandong Nader and a group of officers, generals and congressmen who were making trouble again, Jordan Bai looked at Mac Arthur.

Mac Arthur was smoking a pipe and didn't tolerate these people at all. He waved his hand and said: "Windru, arrest those who disturbed the Capitol and throw them into the confinement room to calm down."

Windru's face was happy: "Yes, General!"

Wandong Nader was angry: "What are you doing? Do you want to use force here? I tell you, others are afraid of you alien running dogs, but I, Wandong Nader, am not afraid of you. I will..."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of wind passed through Wandong Nader's ears.

The sound of a gunshot came late.

Several generals who were close to Wan Dong Nader rushed to him and shouted: "Get down, the aliens' lackeys are rebelling!"

With this shout, the whole Capitol Hill was in chaos. The fat congressmen ran out in fear, and the scene was in chaos.

Such a scene made Wendrew, who was just about to take action, a little dumbfounded: "Who fired the gun? Could it be MacArthur's people? '

Mac Arthur was also shocked: "What's going on? Did Wendrew really dare to shoot? I just asked him to arrest people, not to shoot and kill the former president! '

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