Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1923: The Confrontation between Schneizel and ZERO

Telles drank coffee and smiled.

"Yeah, I think so too."

"After all, they are already riding a tiger now."

"Not to mention the continuous defeats, so many scandals have been published, even the attack on the former president can't cover it up."

"The streets in their country are probably full of people demonstrating and people shopping for zero dollars now, right?"

"After all, this is their traditional performing arts, and since the former president lost the election last time, some people suspected that there was an inside job. Now that there is such a commotion, some people may have more excuses to cause trouble."

Kati Manekin nodded: "Yes, it would be okay if the attack on the former president was self-directed and staged. At least their top brass can reach a unified opinion."

"If not, then the former president who feels that his life is threatened will be completely defeated and resist to the end. After all, no one wants to be an outcast."

"And we have already sent them the best targets. If they can endure it, then I have to admire them. After all, this is not their usual style here."

Telles raised his glass: "Then let's wait and see how the Free Federation can continue."

On the other side, when Telles and Kati Manekin were discussing the strategic direction after the Free Federation.

In the Defense Headquarters of the Free Federation, after getting furious, Mac Arthur urgently summoned the head of the Anti-Celestial Special Operations Team, and Colonel Basque Ohm cursed him.

Everyone knows the reason. He lost the battle and caused such a big mistake. If he didn't get scolded, who would?

But what is surprising is that Basque Ohm was not dismissed from his post because of this incident. Instead, he was promoted again, from colonel to senior colonel.

This news surprised some people who were waiting to see Basque Om's joke.

The anti-celestial special forces from the OZ Army and the United Human Revolutionary Army were also sent back respectfully by people from the Free Federation.

At a time when the whole world is paying attention, even the Free Federation does not dare to make any articles in this regard.

This is not only due to wrongdoing, nor is it due to the conscience of the Free Federation.

It was because on the first day after the incident, the Human Innovation Unity and the OZ Army spoke out on the Internet through official channels, demanding an explanation from the Free Federation.

Because of the intervention of gods, if the whole world wants to start a fight, it will be stopped.

This has led to the fact that the current OZ Army and the Human Innovation and Integration are not afraid of the Free Federation at all. When they are bolder, they speak more and more unscrupulously.

Not to mention that after the Free Federation was unable to use the black box body, its strength was greatly reduced. It was unable to deal with the OZ Army and the human innovation and unification of the two countries at the same time, so it was forced to surrender and made no small moves.

Not many people know about these things.

Everyone is looking forward to what big news and fun there will be in the future.

For a week, everyone was discussing the big events that happened during this week.

As one of the parties involved, Tianren was also discussing one of these matters.

"ZERO allowed the Principality of Rickson to join the Human Innovation Alliance. Did you do anything in it? Setsuna?"

Suddenly asked by Christina, Lin Youde was helpless: "Don't think of me as omnipotent, okay? This matter really has nothing to do with me. As for what is going on, I don't know."

"Tielia and Miss Huang are responsible for the collection and compilation of intelligence. You should ask them."

Lisa Kujo was drinking wine and lying lazily on the table: "Hiccup! Don't ask me, it's rare for me to have some free time recently. I just want to have a good rest now."

Tieria glanced at Kujo Lisa speechlessly and explained: "It has nothing to do with Setsuna. It was ZERO who made a deal with Zhao Zheng."

"Although due to our intervention, Brittania's repeated joint attacks on the islands have been stopped."

"But the second prince Schneizel in Britannia does have some tricks. When he found that being too hard was not enough, he started to be soft."

"You may not know that Britannia has not launched an attack on the Islands Alliance recently. However, it has sent a fleet to block the commercial waterway that the Islands Alliance leads directly to the human innovation and integration."

"Unable to obtain various materials and goods provided by the Human Innovation and Unification, the quality of life of the people of the United Islands has seriously declined, and it has almost reached the point of food shortage."

Christina looked shocked: "Eh? Is there such a thing?"

Yazhi asked curiously: "The channel for human innovation and unity has been blocked. Can't the island's union find another way? Also, can't we intervene in this kind of behavior?"

Lockon shook his head: "No, the OZ Army is currently at war with the Free Federation. Commercial transport teams generally do not pass through that way, because it is easy to be robbed by others, pretending to be the other party's troops, and it is easy to lose people and money. , the risk is too high.”

"Besides, the place where the OZ Army and the Free Federation are fighting is filled with all kinds of mercenaries and pirates pretending to be mercenaries. The risk factor is very high and the risk of losing money is very high."

Mitsuba patted Yazhi on the shoulder and interjected: "The Declaration of Heaven and Humanity before the moment said that the war will directly enter the human civil war, but this kind of simple and disgusting behavior that has not been directly opened is not considered an act of war. At present, It’s not defined yet.”

"Once we intervene rashly, it will be easy to follow the truth and it will be very troublesome."

"Besides, they only blocked one channel and didn't enclose the entire area."

"If asked, we can also say that it is a business competition behavior, or the spontaneous behavior of pirates, which has nothing to do with Brittany."

"So we have no room to intervene."

Yazi was surprised: "Can it be played like this?"

Lockon shrugged: "Otherwise, why do you say he is so powerful. We have also seen ZERO. He should have done this after seeing Brittany's move, right?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Of course, ZERO is not a good person. He has no sense of belonging to the Principality of Rixen and the Alliance of the Islands. He simply wants to overthrow Brittany."

"So as long as he can do anything that is disadvantageous to Brittany, he doesn't mind doing it."

Lisa Kujo suddenly spoke lazily: "And there are benefits to him doing this. He can use the momentum of the Human Innovation Integration to break through the blockade of Brittany. Although Brittany is strong, it cannot compare with the Human Innovation Integration."

"And as the first overseas country to surrender, the Duchy of Rixon will definitely be valued by the Human Innovation Integration and will be protected and developed."

"Even if Brittany is unhappy with ZERO, it can't cause trouble directly."

"Because the Human Innovation Integration will protect him."

"ZERO played this trick of offering his head well. He got so many benefits in exchange for the head of the Duchy of Rixon."

"I just don't know if he lost anything."

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