Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1935: When the Wall Falls, Everyone Pushes Back

Lin Youde smiled faintly at Tieria's question.

"We can't intervene in the internal wars initiated by humans."

"But if it's something non-war, we won't intervene."

"Think about the blockade measures taken by Xiu Zenel against Lelouch before. War is not just about real fighting and artillery shells."

"Besides, these things are not what we need to worry about. The unification of mankind is inevitable, but who will become the leader of the unified regime has not yet been decided."

"Just watch Zhao Zheng and Telles toss around."

"This is not our own business after all, and it is also closely related to them. We can't let us do everything, they have to do something too."

Tieria thought about it and felt that this was indeed the case, so she didn't say anything more.

After that, everyone took a short video and posted it on the Internet.

After the video was posted, Lin Youde suddenly asked Tieria.

"Tieria, you were the one who helped the Alliance of Islands, Brittany and the three major countries get back online, right?"

Tieria readily admitted: "Yes, I did it. To be more precise, it was done by us Celestial Beings."

"In our plan, the unification of the Blue Water Planet will not allow the global Internet to be cut off due to the impact of the dimensional beasts."

"So we built some special signal relay stations based on the characteristics of GN particles, which were built in the past few years to connect the networks of the five forces on the Blue Water Planet."

"Originally, this was used to restore the global network at a critical moment and then launch a public opinion offensive."

"The previous situation was just right, so we used it directly."

Lin Youde gave a thumbs up: "Okay, it seems that you have made a lot of efforts in the past few years."

Tieria smiled and said some details that Lin Youde was not interested in before.

While the Celestial Beings were chatting leisurely, the Internet listed the many crimes committed by the Celestial Beings against Brittany and the crimes caused by the indiscriminate use of GEASS.

Afterwards, Tianren stated that as long as the liquidation action was initiated against the royal family and dignitaries of Brittany, they would not intervene.

However, Tianren did not allow attacks on ordinary civilians. Tianren stated that this could be a trial and execution based on human laws and moral consensus, but it could never be a massacre for one's own selfish desires.

With Tianren's statement, Brittany's ending was doomed before it even began.

Zhao Zheng personally ordered the large fleet of the Southern Theater to set off and attack Brittany, and invited reporters from various countries and stations to accompany and record and supervise.

The Archipelago Union, which originally did not intend to contribute but only intended to watch the show, could not help but send out a cooperative force when it saw the large force of the Human Innovation Integration set off, wanting to settle accounts with the high-level dignitaries of Brittany.

Telles on the OZ Army side also openly stated that Brittany's crimes were unforgivable, and the numerous crimes were too numerous to list, and that it was a war criminal against humanity. The OZ Army also sent its trump card troops to deal with Celestial Beings, indicating that it could follow the command of the Human Innovation Integration and attack Brittania.

The participation of the Archipelago Union and the OZ Army in the war has once again triggered a new wave of discussion among netizens around the world.

Some senior people in the keyboard political circle, seeing this joint action, began to discuss whether the future unification of mankind should be led by the Human Innovation Integration. Is this action a signal of goodwill from the OZ Army and the Archipelago Union?

After all, the Free Federation Army and the Space Army are basically abolished now, and the OZ Army does not have much power in the universe. At present, in the universe, the Human Innovation Integration is the largest, and the DC Army, which has withdrawn from everyone's sight, ranks second, and the OZ Army ranks third.

The Free Federation is now in chaos because of the defeat in this space war. Until now, it has not made a definite decision on whether Brittania will send troops. No one is optimistic that the Free Federation can lead the overall situation of the Blue Water Planet in the future.

Moreover, given the various actions of the Free Federation before, no one is willing to be led by such a regime.

On the contrary, the Human Innovation Unity, as the weakest of the top three countries, has a very good reputation among the people. Various high-level scandals also dropped sharply after the fall of the four major families and the three royal families in the capital.

In addition, because of Lin Youde, the Celestial Beings are the organization that inherited Lin Youde's will, and the Human Innovation Unity has the largest number of netizens. Therefore, many people on the Internet believe that the Human Innovation Unity should lead humans to fight against aliens.

Such public opinion made Patrick Krasavo very angry.

"Major! Why don't these netizens look favorably on us OZ? Are we OZ unworthy?"

"Also, why do we have to come to this crusade against Brittany? Aren't we responsible for dealing with Celestial Beings?"

"The conflict between our OZ and Brittany is not deep, why do we have to get involved in this matter?"

Facing Patrick Krasavo's five consecutive questions, Katie Manekin rubbed her eyebrows and waved to let others leave. After only she and Patrick Krasavo were left in the room, she patiently explained.

"We OZ were separated from DC, and DC was the successor of the Silla Alliance. Now we can only be considered half of the Silla Alliance. Our strength is indeed at the bottom of the three major countries. It is normal for others not to be optimistic about us."

"If it was before, it would be fine. Now with our strength, we really can't compare with the Human Innovation Integration and the Free Federation. The gap is too big."

"As for why we were asked to come? Of course, it's to improve our reputation. Have you forgotten that we haven't won a battle since our army was established? Now we need a victory to rebuild morale."

"Now the Free Federation is busy with its own affairs, and the Human Innovation Integration has no habit and motivation to start a war. As long as we don't take action, the Celestial Beings will not come out, so we are idle anyway, so why not go to Brittany to get some money."

"In addition, OZ and Brittany have no conflicts, but Brittany is an ally of the Free Federation, not ours. Anything that can weaken the influence of the Free Federation is beneficial to us."

"Now that Brittany is in trouble, it is only natural for us to go over and kick it."

"In the end... that's it. You won't understand even if I tell you."

Padraic Krasavo was confused: "Major, how can I understand if you don't tell me?"

Kati Manekin didn't say anything, but sighed in his heart: 'General Telles is good in every way, but he doesn't have the determination to lead the world. He only wants to kill the Free Federation now, and he is not a suitable candidate for the leader of a unified regime. '

'It's really ironic. I used to think that unification was completely impossible. I never thought that now I would follow this line of thought and start to anticipate what will happen next. '

'Tianren... I really underestimated you...'


PS: My brain has been a little stuck recently, and it's a bit uncomfortable to write. Please bear with it.

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