Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1938 The trend has been established

Lin Youde shrugged: "Nine out of ten times, but what does it have to do with us? We only care about the civil war. How can we sing against such a thing that is obviously righteous and supported by people all over the world? This is naturally in conflict with our position."

"And I guess that Telles and Zhao are secretly operating here."

"But this is because the Free Federation is crooked, and there are too many real black materials, which gave them an opportunity to take advantage of it."

"If the Free Federation had not been mixed up with aliens, and its foundation was a little more upright, it would not have become like this."

Lin Youde said, and suddenly seemed to think of something, Asked: "By the way, the Southern Free Federation only resisted for a month. Is it related to the faction of Akira Kamiya and Hiroya Ishimaru who also sided with the Northern Free Federation?"

Tielia replied: "Yes, after the Free Federation split, all the people of the Free Federation's Celestial Special Operations Team went to the Northern Free Federation to fight against the traitors of mankind."

"These people have a firm stance and are considered to be the few senior officers with conscience left in the Free Federation."

"In addition, Hamtaro is also quite prestigious in the elite forces of the Free Federation, and he also took away a group of elite pilots and quasi-ace pilots."

"In addition to Akira Kamiya and Hiroya Ishimaru, the two school The senior officers had good connections before, and they also took away a large number of ace pilots, which made the Southern Free Federation lack enough ace pilots and suffered a rapid defeat. "

"But now the faction of the Free Federation that colluded with aliens has been destroyed, but they have not been extinct."

"When the coalition forces captured the temporary presidential palace of the Southern Free Federation, they were jumped and escaped by the Shadow Mirror Force using the XN system, and their whereabouts are currently unknown."

Lin Youde tapped his forehead with his fingers: "Windru? For so long, I forgot to deal with him."

"But it doesn't matter, now the general situation has been established, and a few jumping clowns are no longer enough to affect the overall situation. "

"Next, we will Wait, after the Free Federation thing is settled, there should be another big war waiting for us. "

"In addition, we also need to keep an eye on the Arctic. Once the King of Destruction makes any unusual movements, send Heero and others there. If they can't hold on, we have to go there too."

"Mitsuha, prepare the 00R Gundam and other successor machines. Once something happens in the Arctic, we will immediately change the machine and go to suppress it."

Mitsuha nodded immediately: "Okay, I have asked someone to debug the machine. As long as the solar furnace is replaced, the successor machine can be used at any time."


When Tianren was preparing for the subsequent battle, another big thing happened on the Blue Water Planet.

First, half a month after the end of the Free Federation Civil War, that is, on November 7, 2239, the Archipelago Union announced that it would be fully incorporated into the Human Innovation Integration and become the third overseas territory of the Human Innovation Integration.

Second, the commander-in-chief of the DC Army, Bian Zoldak, announced that prehistoric monsters were reviving under the Arctic ice and were leading the DC Army to fight, but the current situation was not optimistic. For the continuation of the human race, Bian Zoldak and Zhao Zheng of the Human Innovation Unity reached an agreement. On the condition that the Human Innovation Unity sent troops to help maintain the defense line, all the territories of the DC Army were incorporated into the territory of the Human Innovation Unity and were under the management of the Human Innovation Unity.

Then, Telles of the OZ Army said that the OZ Army could also be incorporated into the territory of the Human Innovation Unity, and as long as the Free Federation was willing to do so, he would join unconditionally.

These three pieces of news were released one after another, once again triggering public opinion around the world.

Netizens were boiling again.

From the appearance of the Celestial Being to now, in just less than half a year, the world has actually been fully integrated and developed in the direction of great unification.

The original situation on the Blue Water Planet was a situation of five powers coexisting, with the three major countries balancing each other, and the Overseas Islands Union and Brittania competing against each other.

But now that Brittania has been destroyed, the Islands Union has lost the protection of the Black Box Super Robot. In order to protect itself, it can only join the most friendly Human Innovation Unity to seek shelter.

As a result, the three major countries became the situation where the Human Innovation Unity was the only one in power.

The original Silla Alliance was overthrown first and became DC, and then split into the OZ faction, which was at the bottom of the power.

Now the Free Federation has also split into two due to a civil strife. Although it has now merged back, it is also seriously injured and has no power to fight the Human Innovation Unity again.

In addition, there is the pressure of the Celestial Beings on their heads, and a big war cannot be fought. The Free Federation cannot fight to support the war, nor can it transform internal contradictions into external contradictions, and the situation is even more precarious.

And after the split of the Free Federation, the people of the various countries on the Blue Water Star hate traitors and are more in line with the concept of great unification of the Celestial Beings.

Just at this time, Bian revealed that there was a huge threat under the Arctic ice that was about to revive and needed support from the whole world. At this time, the Human Innovation Unity extended a helping hand, and the DC Army also joined the Human Innovation Unity. Half of the territory of the former Silla Alliance was also incorporated into the territory of the Human Innovation Unity.

Originally, the territory of the Human Revolutionary Union was the largest among the three major countries, otherwise the other two countries would not have jointly suppressed it.

Now, the Silla Alliance has handled the territory being taken away by the Human Revolutionary Union, and all overseas territories belong to the Human Revolutionary Union.

In this way, three-fifths of the territory on the Blue Water Planet has been owned by the Human Innovation and Integration. The trend of great unification has been established, and even people in the political circle have seen it.

The most fatal thing is that Telles kicked the last ball to Wandong Nader, who had just returned to the presidency.

As long as Wandong Nader nods, the Blue Water Planet will be completely unified.

But as long as Wandong Nader does not nod, great unification cannot be achieved.

In the current situation where many people also yearn for true peace, Wandong Nader, who does not want to give up the power he has just regained, is distressed.

And because the military-industrial groups and various military high-level officials of the Free Federation were all closely involved with aliens, they are now either dead or taken away by Windru, and no trace can be found.

The Free Federation is now in a state of disrepair, but it lacks enough senior officials and generals to stabilize the situation, which makes Wandong Nader busy.

However, at such a critical moment, an unexpected person found him.

This person is none other than Albert Bist, the current head of the Bist Group, which is quite influential in the former Silla Alliance and the Free Federation.

"Mr. President, I have a plan that can help you out of your urgent need~!"

Wandong Nader immediately stepped forward to greet him warmly: "Mr. Bist, why are you here? Please take a seat. I wonder if you have any advice for me!?"

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