Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1945: Preparation for replacement

Although Lin Youde was unconvinced at first, as he reflected for a while and looked back at the reasons why the girls around him were with him now, Lin Youde felt that what Lisa Kujo said seemed reasonable.

From the outside, he, Lin Youde, was indeed an unremarkable person.

He is not as handsome as Daniel Wu or Jiao Enjun, nor does he have the muscles of Schwarzenegger to show his masculinity.

Although he is a martial artist, he is still a martial arts master level martial artist. However, the practice of Dongfang Bubailiu can exercise the body without affecting the outside world, and it will not turn into a strong man with tendons.

So if he didn't take off his coat, no one would know that Lin Youde actually had muscles all over his body that were so strong that he could physically catch a missile.

Moreover, the girls around Lin Youde were indeed not attracted to him because of his appearance.

Lei Mengmeng, Raymond, and Alufemi are essentially the same person. They sacrificed their lives for righteousness in the school bus incident.

Lux and Lux ​​came together because of various life and death experiences in the SEED world and the various experiences she experienced after replacing Kira.

Wang Liumei finally chose to be with her because of the influence of the other world and various interest disputes. In this regard, it is maximization of interests bundled with the original world that has the greatest impact, and it has nothing to do with appearance.

Gu Lincai was with him because of the kindness of knowing him and the long-term lack of love and recognition. He was recognized by himself and used warmth to relieve the resistance in his heart.

Ye Ling and Tifa fell in love with them for the same reason as Lei Mengmeng.

Lamia was half-deceived by herself because she was naive and didn't understand emotions. She spent time with him day and night, and it had nothing to do with appearance.

Apart from that, is there any girl that I don't know about?

Lin Youde felt that it seemed to be gone, right?

After all, these are the only women who really have a relationship with him, right? The others are either students, adopted daughters, colleagues, at most Nagisa Sakura can be considered a younger sister.

Therefore, when Lei Mengmeng, Lei Meng, and Alufemi are counted as one person, and before Ya Zhenli has been retrieved, Lin Youde only has a total of 7 people around him who can be counted as wives. woman.

At best, he is the same as Wei Xiaobao, and like Wei Xiaobao himself, he is not very handsome in appearance, and because he is already older, he is not even a sunny and cheerful boy.

With this summary, Lin Youde had no confidence to refute. But tough talk is still needed.

"Doesn't this prove that I am a person who conquers girls purely with my personality charm instead of my appearance or my flattery? Why does this have anything to do with a scumbag?"

Kujo Lisa looked at Lin Youde speechlessly: "You are really short of money. Oh, I feel so sad for Nanayi. How could she, a good girl like her, fall in love with a scumbag like you? ”

Lin Youde had a dark expression on his face: "No, so you are talking about Nanay Miguel?"

"Please, she and I are just online friends. At most, I helped her resolve her knot and our relationship became better."

"But now our relationship is no more than friends and lovers at best. How come I am a scumbag? How come she becomes my little lover?"

"We haven't even touched our hands, so why don't you slander anyone?"

"Also, what message did Nanay send me?"

Kujo Lisa sighed helplessly: "Poor Nanay... Oh, it's nothing. It's just that some people in the OZ army have reached an agreement with Free's Grandon Gotz, and on the 1st of next month No., come to attack us, to be precise, you.”

"Granton Gotz intends to convince all those who are unconvinced by defeating your Archangel."

"Those people are those who came out of the OZ Army and were related to the Super Soldier Project."

As soon as he heard about the super-soldier plan, Allelujah perked up: "Are they those bastards who made enhanced humans?"

Lisa Kujo nodded slightly: "Yes, those are the people. The person in charge of OZ's super-soldier project, Igret Huffy, and the old witch Akira of the Free Federation who is engaged in strengthening children, have already been separated because of the complete unification of the three major countries. , realized something was wrong.”

"After all, this unification of Aquamarine is based on human innovation and integration. All future policy directions will be based on human innovation and integration."

"And the Human Innovation and Unification is the only major country that has not conducted research on enhanced humans. After the unification, the Human Innovation and Unification will definitely not allow them to continue to conduct human experiments and research on enhanced humans."

"Not only that, after we exposed their various researches, once Aquamarine is unified, they will inevitably be liquidated."

"So they have realized that something is wrong and have united together, intending to seek refuge with Free in exchange for their right to continue research."

Lin Youde's face turned dark: "These scientific madmen are really going to the point of being raped in order to continue their research on enhanced human beings. As expected of them, they really have no bottom line at all."

Allelujah volunteered: "If there are enhanced people appearing in this battle, then let Hallelujah and I deal with them. I have seen their current information before, and they have become neither human nor ghosts. Let me, who was once a companion, send them to the eighteenth level of hell."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "If that's the case, then we will use the plan to complete the victory in one battle."

"Notify Ziyun Tongye and ask them to steal the home of Free after Granton Goetz brings his men here."

"Without Granton Goetz, no one will be a match for his throne machine. Let him pacify Free with the prestige of Princess Shanamia. Take advantage of the process of unification of Shuilan Star to integrate Free as well, so as to minimize casualties."

"Then, notify Li Xingke and ask him to send people to seal up all enhanced human research institutes, so that these crazy scientists at the level of war criminals cannot be fired."

"As for Granton? I'll do it myself."

"Sanye, prepare my OOR Gundam, and be ready to drop it at any time when fighting."

Tieria frowned slightly: "Is it time to use 00R?"

Lin You De shrugged: "Just to be safe, with the current Angel Exia, the means of attack are a bit weak. I'll get some plug-in components and add some means. If I can handle it, that's the best. If not, abandon Angel Exia and go directly to OOR to open the Musou."

"Anyway, according to the original plan, our current four Gundams will all be abandoned in this war of unification and handed over to the newly established human unified regime, so that they can study and continue to improve technology."

"In addition, you'd better prepare your Gundams. In case things are impossible, everyone abandons the current Gundam, activates the solar furnace ejection program, installs the solar furnace in the new body, and uses the new body to fight."

Lockon, Allelujah: "Understood."

Tieria nodded: "Since you plan to do this, then I understand."

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