Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1950: Unsolvable Conspiracy

The appearance of Zhang Wufei and his speech cheered up the audience of Human Innovation and Unity.

After such a long time, a pilot of his own finally appeared, and with this crazy look, he had the aura of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Let human innovation unify. Many middle school teenagers began to shout for Zhang Wufei.

There is no way, Zhang Wufei's aura of shouting for justice and wanting to kill everyone is so in line with many fantasies of a middle school boy.

For a time, a total of nine members of the Heavenly and Angel Troops appeared, and the most popular one was Zhang Wufei, who appeared last.

While countless middle school teenagers on the Internet were shouting for Zhang Wufei, doubts arose in the heart of OZ Army's Kati Manekin.

'Strange, why do all the heavenly beings have to declare their families this time after they all appear on the stage? ’

‘What is their purpose for doing this? ’

‘Just stalling for time? No, if they just want to delay time, they can completely postpone this time. As long as they can face it, no one will care about one more day or one less day. ’

'If not, what is their purpose? ’

Also having this doubt are Sergei from the Human Revolutionary Union, and Hiroshi Ishimaru and Akira Kamiya from the Free Federation.

Several people were very puzzled and didn't understand what the purpose of the heavenly being's announcement of his family status was.

After everyone came on the stage and reported their names, Lin Youde said to everyone in a momentary voice.

"Okay, now everyone has introduced themselves."

"Then, the next step will be the decisive battle before the final reunification between us heavenly beings and the three major kingdoms."

"We will not interfere with your live broadcast of this battle, and please record it carefully."

"After everything is over, I hope that Miss Wang Liumei from the Wang Consortium will help us produce a fairly positive animation for the sake of our heavenly beings."

"Our Tianhe A.D series Gundam is qualified to publish a separate Gundam animation."

As soon as Lin Youde said this, both Kati Manekin and Sergei, as well as Hiroya Ishimaru and Akira Kamiya, all looked confused.

Could it be said that the purpose of Tianren's performance is just for an animation?

Isn't this a bit ridiculous?

But before the four people could question it, Dio started shouting.

"Hey, hey, why do only Celestial Beings have it? Don't our AC series Gundams and pilots deserve to have their own animations?"

"I seriously protest! I strongly demand that our A.C series Gundam also have its own animation!"

Dio's words silenced the four commanders who had just felt ridiculous.

If it was just a suspicion before, it is almost confirmed now.

Are gods and angels engaging in such a battle just for the sake of an animation?

Isn't this a bit too fussy?

But soon, with the support from the rear, netizens laughed and expressed their support. They also expressed strong support for the Wang Foundation, the consortium that has been producing the Gundam series of animations, to produce separate animations for Tianhe Angel.

After learning the news, the four people suddenly reacted. I understand the deep meaning here.

‘I see, is that what happened? ’

‘I want to make this matter known to the whole world, and then publicly demand that the Wang Foundation produce a series of Gundam animations to clear their name. ’

‘In this way, even if the human government is completely unified in the future, it will no longer be possible to discredit heaven and angels. ’

‘Because today’s battle is destined to go down in history. ’

‘As long as the Wang Consortium endorsed by the Lin Research Institute produces an animation, and it is the protagonist and has a good image, then the reputation of Acquired People will not be bad. ’

‘And looking at the posture of the Heavenly Beings, even if they are defeated today, I’m afraid they won’t be completely wiped out. After all, they have made it clear that after this battle, the mothership will go to the Arctic base to provide support. ’

‘Once we take action, it will be tantamount to betraying the entire human race, being criticized by thousands of people, and being abandoned by the people. At that time, there will be no need for gods to take action, and we ourselves will be swallowed up by the angry public opinion. ’

‘As long as the heavenly beings are not eliminated this time, even if the world is unified in the future, the heavenly beings can continue to exist and remain independent in other ways. ’

'Coupled with the good image and reputation that Tianren has established before, and through animation, let the world know their ideas or motivations, and use animation to spread their reputation, in the future, they will get a gold medal to avoid death. ’

‘As long as they don’t commit suicide themselves, even if the unified regime is dissatisfied with them, as long as there is no suitable reason, there is nothing they can do to them. ’

‘And even if someone sees this, it’s of no use. This is a complete conspiracy, and it is something that people all over the world love to hear. ’

"The Wang Foundation, which is endorsed by the Lin Research Institute, will produce animations for each series of Gundams first. A.C series and A.D series Gundams will produce separate animations, which is basically iron-clad." ’

‘Even if it is organized for political interests, the public will not agree. ’

‘Besides, the Wang Consortium is backed by Lin’s Research Institute. Now with the prestige of Lin’s Research Institute and the technology at its disposal, who dares to point fingers at Lin’s Research Institute? No one with any brain would do it. ’

‘Not only that, from the people’s point of view, this matter is nothing short of a trivial matter. If anyone tries to stop it, it will give the public the impression of being purely petty, and the future path and life will be affected, creating a big hole that no one wants to fall into. ’

‘Anyone with a bit of insight can see this trap. And people’s hearts are divided, and no one wants the person they don’t like to become bigger, so as long as someone jumps in, even if he is truly selfless, he will be accused of being narrow-minded, and then find excuses to get rid of him. ’

‘It is a pure act of seeking death by actively giving others a handle, abandoning his career and the hearts of the people. ’

‘So, even if we know the calculations behind Tianren, it is useless. There is no way to stop it. ’

‘All this has been an unsolvable conspiracy from the beginning. Since Dr. Lin Youde of Lin’s Research Institute started to make Gundam animation, all this has been unstoppable. ’

‘Even...if Tianren is really a backup plan left by Dr. Lin Youde when he knew that he would die in the battle three years ago. ’

‘Then, Tianren’s move and today’s calculations indicate that Dr. Lin Youde has been calculating today since the moment the Gundam animation appeared six years ago. ’

‘If this is true, once someone tries to stop it, they will offend the Lin Institute and Wang Consortium, and will end up in an irreparable situation. ’

‘It’s useless to see through this chain of traps. No one supports it. There are pits everywhere. Who dares to jump? ’

‘This is really a good plan. Dr. Lin Youde, you really can’t rest in peace even after death. I, Kati Manekin, have never admired anyone in my life. You are the first person in my life who is convinced by the First Mansion. ’

Even if I figured out everything, I can’t stop it, so I simply don’t stop it.

Anyway, the unified regime is not her, Kati Manekin’s, thing, she is too lazy to care so much...

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