Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 1953 Another plane crash

It must be said that Patrick Krasavo is really brave, but also really obedient.

After Kati Manekin stopped him from rushing forward, he also drove the newly replaced sniper-type machine very obediently to run to another direction to fight.

He didn't know why he was shot down so easily before.

But when the people in the maintenance class told him the conversation they heard before, he realized that the Zero Wing Gundam also had a Zero system that could predict the opponent's actions like the Abian Gundam.

So he was very excited.

"I see, that's what I said. I am an ace pilot after all, how could I be shot down so easily. It turns out that there is a system that can predict the future, then I didn't lose unfairly."

"After all, I am fighting with my own hard power, and the other side is cheating. I am an honest man, and it is normal that I can't beat the cheating. It's not strange, not strange."

After saying this, he went to find trouble with the other members of the Angel Team.

At first, he wanted to find trouble with the two ground chickens on the ground.

After all, a non-flying machine is a natural target for a flying machine.

But when Patrick Krasavo really went over, he found that the two ground chickens in the desert were not easy to deal with.

First, the two Gatling guns of the heavy-armed Gundam opened fire, which was really fierce, firing all kinds of bullets at random, suppressing the mid-range shooting.

If you rush in at close range, you will be stopped by the Desert Gundam, and long-range attack is undoubtedly the most suitable.

But even if you gather at a long distance, the Desert Gundam will block it for the heavy-armed Gundam.

The two scimitars in the hands of the Desert Gundam seem to have been specially painted and can be used as shields, and the desert cloak on the body can also block beam attacks.

Alex of the OZ Army was responsible for sniping before, but he was blocked tightly.

But Patrick Krasavo was very motivated, flew to Alex's machine and sent a message.

"Alex, let's cooperate and snipe from two directions. Let's see how he blocks it. Cooperate with me and kill him!"

Alex agreed and began to cooperate with Patrick to find the right opportunity. After using a few concentrated beams to block the Desert Gundam, Patrick shouted excitedly.

"I caught you. Look at my 100% accuracy. Super sniper. Hit me~~~~~ What the hell!?"

The original high-profile shouting was dodged by the Heavy Armored Gundam by jumping from the spot and spinning three and a half times in the air when the concentrated beam was about to hit the Heavy Armored Gundam.

This juggling action not only stunned Patrick, but also Alex who cooperated with him.

"No, what is this?"

Dio responded to them with a teasing voice: "Durohua is from the circus, don't you know?"

Patrick responded subconsciously: "Ah? Should we know about this kind of thing? No, you~~~Wow~~~~!"

Even though Patrick had dodged urgently, the sickle of the Hell Death Gundam that suddenly appeared behind him still cut off his lower body and thrusters, causing the body to crash with black smoke.

After Patrick's body fell, Dio replied casually: "I think you don't know, but it doesn't matter. When you know it in the future, you can go to the circus to show your support when you have time~~Oh, don't be so angry."

The Hell Death Gundam jumped back on the spot, dodged two beams, and waved the beam sickle in his hand to block a beam sword that fell from the sky.

The one who attacked the Hell Death Gundam was the Chronos driven by Dixie Garrett in the Super Soldier Project.

"You guy, if you have the guts, stop running around and let me kill you!!!"

"That won't do. I haven't lived long enough yet. I can't just die like this. On the contrary, you are a super soldier, right? Although you have extraordinary abilities, it seems that you are still X-Round. But your life span is seriously overdrawn. You don't have many years to live, right?"

Dio's words completely angered Dixil: "Kill you, I will kill you!"

The Hell Death God Gundam did not confront Chronos head-on, but kept retreating and took him everywhere.

"Come on, come on, I'll let you kill, see if you can kill it. A crazy kid who is about to die wants to kill the dead god? What a hell joke."

"Are you like me, a level 10 old friend of the Hell Joke Bar?"

Dixil: "Get out!!!"

Jerhart drove the machine and quickly caught up, blocking the sudden turn of the Hell Death God Gundam for Dixil, preventing Dixil's machine from being beheaded.

"Brother, calm down, he is trying to provoke you. Don't be fooled."

"Yo yo yo, crazy kid, you are so shameless. You can't beat me alone, but you actually call for help. Do you really think I have no friends? Brother Fei, someone is ganging up on me, help!"

As Dio shouted, a loud shout full of anger rang out in the sky.

"Don't hurt my son! You bastard, give me your life!"

The two-headed dragon Gundam swung the beam trident and slashed in the desert, but failed to cut the two brothers of the super soldiers who retreated in advance.

Dio was speechless: "No, Brother Fei, how can I become your adopted son? I'm not Lu Bu, not a father-worried person."

Zhang Wufei was a little confused: "Eh? Didn't you say I was your adopted father before?"

Dio couldn't hold it anymore: "When, why don't I remember? Don't lie to me, how could I..."

In the distance, Du Luohua replied in a hurry: "Before going to bed last night, when you asked Wu Fei to help you wash clothes, you said "Godfather, please". ”

Dio: "..."

Zhang Wufei's two-headed dragon patted the Hell Death Gundam: "Don't worry, although I don't want to have another such a big godson, since you said so, I will protect you, bastard, give me your life!"

Looking at the two-headed dragon Gundam rushing out, Dio's face was full of grief and anger: "Zhang Wufei, you idiot who can't tell the difference between jokes and truth, I am not your godson!"

The two-headed dragon Gundam suddenly changed its route halfway and rushed to the blue Scorpio driven by Aberna on the other side: "Found you, a war criminal who repeatedly used nuclear bombs, where is your justice!"

Looking at Zhang Wufei who suddenly changed his route and ignored him, and looking at the two brothers of the super soldiers who rushed up again, Dio panicked: "I was wrong, I was wrong, godfather, help me, these grandsons are coming to beat me again, help me!!!!"

Dio and others on the Angel Team shouted happily, while Lockon and others on the other side of the Celestial Team were relatively calm.

"Oh, you dare to snipe me? You're so brave, shoot!"

A beam flew past, and another sniper machine was shot down. During the fall, Patrick Krasavar's voice sounded again.

"Why is it me again? Why?!!!"

Hearing this shout, Lockon was a little surprised: "No, this voice is from that 2000-times man? Why is he running to my side?"

Hello: "Change the machine, and attack again, three times, three times."

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