Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 27 Electricity in the forehead?

Hundred-Man Fleet Battle, as the name suggests, is a large-scale PVP mode that can accommodate 100 people.

The battle mode is camp battle, with 100 people on each side fighting in various random maps.

Defeat the opponent's flagship or base to win.

When the winning team settles, each player will receive +1 token reward.

The number of enemy planes shot down in battle can be converted into tokens, making it a good place to earn tokens.

But similarly, high returns come with high risks.

If you are shot down during combat, the tokens will be divided by 2 during settlement.

In other words, if none of the enemy planes are shot down by you, you will be shot down first. Then you will not be able to earn any profit, and you will have to pay for the repair of the airframe.

It can be said that ordinary novices will not casually come to this mode to become a cash machine.

As a map with random terrain, sometimes both sides of the camp will be strengthened by becoming defensive.

For example, add an additional fortress or base to replace the fleet flagship, and reduce a certain number of frigates.

It can be said that the defensive team as a whole still has an advantage over the offensive team.

But similarly, if the defender with the terrain advantage is defeated, the attacker will receive additional rewards and a random loot.

If the defending team wins, there will be no reward correction.

Therefore, in this kind of fleet battle, whoever randomly chooses the defending side with a base will basically win less than half.

However, the probability of this happening is not very high. Most of the time, the two fleets fight each other on sea, land or in space. Both sides are attackers.

The probability of the defender's terrain appearing is about 5%, which can be said to be quite rare.

Being randomly assigned to the attacking camp would be a disadvantage. Many old players will even give up the defense of the flagship, take the initiative to increase the number of hits, and then wait for the flagship to explode for settlement.

This utilitarian approach is very common among gamers.

But not all players are like this.

Because of the special nature of "Machine War", many military players sometimes form teams to conduct offensive or defensive training in this mode.

Group combat is the battle that the military is best at.

Therefore, once there are players in the army participating in this kind of battle, the battle will usually be fierce, and they will never give up until the last soldier is killed.

After all, this is just a game. If you surrender casually in the game, then the soldier player will be completely embarrassed.

Lin Youde looked at his own fleet through the sniper scope and found that some players around him had adopted a utilitarian approach to gain points and rushed out.

However, there was still a small team that strictly guarded the direction of the flagship and seemed to intend to fight until the end.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde knew that there was a team of soldiers training on his side.

"That's okay. At least you don't have to worry about the flagship being exploded."

"Although I don't know which country the players are soldiers, in the game, the professional ethics of these soldiers performing training tasks can be trusted."

Relaxed, Lin Youde focused his attention on the Perfect Zeon.

Although he is not a soldier, Lin Youde also understands that the defenders have terrain advantages and their morale is already high.

Now that there is such a large MA, morale is through the roof.

If this machine is not destroyed, even if there is a small team of soldiers to defend the flagship, this camp battle will be lost.

"Hello, please report the current status."

Harrow: "Okay, okay."

"Super bazooka, remaining ammunition: 0."

"70% of the body's main body energy remains."

"Body status: normal."

"Current kill count: 9."

Listening to Harrow's report, Lin Youde nodded.

"The condition is not bad."

"Then there's nothing we can do."

"This perfect Zeon can only be completed by me."

"No one in the blue friendly camp seems to be attacking this large MA. I don't know if it's because of insufficient firepower or because they're simply afraid of it."

Lin Youde set up his sniper beam rifle and took aim while muttering.

"I don't know if there will be any extra rewards if I blow this machine up."

Pulling the trigger, the sniper beam rifle exploded, and the pink beam rushed out and hit the Perfect Zeon's neck, which had its back turned to him.

"Secret technique for large robots: A heavy blow to the joints where the armor is weak!"

"I've taken this blow."

The sniper beam rifle is very fast. Many players did not react before the pink beam passed by them, scaring the red player into a cold sweat.

The Perfect Zeon, with its back to the beam, would not notice it at all.

But just before the light beam approached, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed across Kaspar's forehead in the Perfect Zeon.

The Perfect Zeon moved sideways very abruptly, cleverly dodging the sniper attack.

This scene made Lin Youde's eyes widen: "I'll go, can't I. Can you avoid this? Is there a long eye (monitor) on the back of the Perfect Zeon?"

In the Perfect Zeon, Kaspar also blinked in astonishment.

"What was the feeling just now..."

Turning his head to look at the direction where the light beam came from just now, a strange feeling shocked Kasbal, and he instantly locked the direction of the attack.

This feeling of precise positioning made Kasbal feel quite incredible.

Suddenly, Kaspar seemed to have thought of something, and opened his own title interface.

The title of Red Comet is shining at this moment, Caspar's eyes are fixed.

"Sure enough, was it Amuro Ray who attacked just now?"

With an excited expression on his face, the Perfect Zeon began to move forward at full speed.

"I didn't expect to meet you here. I will avenge my shame this time, Gundam!"

In Perfect Gundam, Lin Youde gritted his teeth as he looked at the Perfect Zeon flying straight over in the sniper scope.

"I asked, what kind of monster is this? It locked my position all of a sudden?"

"I just fired one shot and you came straight at me? Are you so cautious?"

The thrusters were fully activated and there was no need to pick up the super rocket launcher that had run out of ammunition.

The Perfect Gundam flew straight away from the satellite wreckage area and fired another shot at the Perfect Zeon with a sniper beam rifle.

Once again being completely dodged by the opponent, Lin Youde gave up and continued to snipe at this big guy.

Although the Perfect Zeon has very poor maneuverability and movement due to its huge size. But the distance between the two sides is too far, and it is difficult for conventional sniping to be effective when they are staring at themselves.

After missing a hit, Lin Youde immediately changed his strategy.

"Although the current Gundam's mobility (movement) is somewhat reduced, it is still no problem to fly your kite in a short period of time. Follow slowly behind."

Putting away the energy-consuming sniper beam rifle, Lin Youde picked up the beam sword behind his back and plunged into the chaotic frontal battlefield.

Moving at high speed to avoid various attacks on the battlefield, the Gundam struck the machine marked red with a single strike.

The red player on the battlefield often did not react, and was split into two pieces by the Gundam beam sword amidst screams of terror.

A group of red players in the friendly channel were exclaiming.

"Gundam! It's Gundam! The strongest dungeon BOSS has come out of the dungeon."

"Hey, is it really a Gundam!? But it seems to look different?"

"Although it looks different, it is indeed a Gundam. Look at the movement trajectory. You can't catch it at all. It's the BOSS in the dungeon."

"Run quickly, this guy is a weirdo, wow~!"

"What kind of mobility is this? Why can't I hit it at all?"

At the same time, the blue player’s group channel was also exclaiming.

"Run quickly, that huge special plane is coming."

"Gan, that machine seems to be a Gundam. Is that special machine chasing the Gundam?"

"Don't worry about that special machine and Gundam. Hurry up and get points. That's not a monster we can deal with."

As the Perfect Gundam rushes through the red camp, the Perfect Zeon chases after it. The entire battlefield was in chaos due to the interplay between the two machines...

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