Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 407 (8th update) R series, start!

"Diva Project?"

Lei Senchuan looked at Lin Youde in surprise, but Lin Youde was patient.

"Yes, it's the Diva Project."

"This plan is extended from the "BGM field". "

"Although it is just my preliminary idea, I think that since the "BGM field" is activated, some special BGM will be played, thereby achieving the ability of the body to obtain performance beyond the theoretical value. "

"So, without relying on "black boxes" and "machine warfare," can we humans do similar things on our own? "

"Based on this concept, I built this "Diva Project". "

"Human singers sing on specific occasions, thereby constructing a special artificial "BGM field", and it is universal in nature. "

"Once this plan is completed, then when the legion fights, our unity will be able to exert a powerful combat effectiveness that far exceeds that of the other two countries."

"After all, until now, the "BGM field" has basically been used for individual combat. There is no overall combat effect. "

"If we can realize this plan, we will definitely gain a very powerful force. It will greatly enhance the unified national strength."

Lei Senchuan's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened to Lin Youde's explanation of his ideas and the entire concept of the "Diva Project".

"You kid, you are so fantastical. Is this kind of thing really possible?"

Although he was very emotional, Lei Senchuan was still calm and questioned Lin Youde.

In this regard, Lin Youde was extremely confident.

“If you don’t try, how will you know if you can do it?”

"As the saying goes, everything depends on human effort, and the "BGM field" brings a whole new world. "

"I think there is a need to study any topic related to it."

‘Furthermore, there is no precedent for this in the world of machine warfare. ’

Lin Youde didn't say the last sentence.

Because this involves the game experience of time travel.

In the "Super Robot Wars" series, the "Macross" series, which uses singing as a gimmick, has a very high participation rate.

Originally, in the world view of "Macross", there was a precedent of relying on singers to sing to increase the combat capabilities of humanoid mobile weapon pilots.

In the world of "Super Robot Wars", several singers will sing on the same stage on certain occasions. It is a common practice for all members of the team to have a surge in morale and an explosion of idealistic power.

Based on this experience, Lin Youde believes that it is absolutely feasible for humans to sing songs to spread the artificial "BGM field".

After all, there is no reason why what can be done in the world of "Super Robot Wars" and "Macross" cannot be done in this world.

The only thing that needs attention is probably the choice of "singer".

"It's just that I think the candidate for "Diva" needs to be carefully screened. "

"After all, singers who can do this kind of thing are definitely special beings."

Facing Lin Youde's plausible explanation, Lei Senchuan pondered for a moment and finally nodded.

"Well, since you are so confident, I will send someone to give it a try."

"I will be responsible for the "Diva Project", but ordinary people like us can't tell whether the singer is special. "

"So, after the "Diva Project" was launched. I have to come back after you, and you will use your new human abilities to conduct a second review. "

Lin Youde, who knew that his father-in-law mistakenly thought that he planned to rely on the special characteristics of new humans that could see through the essence of things to carry out this plan, did not directly deny it.

After all, he is not sure whether the singer is special or not.

If he really had to choose someone, he could only use the names, appearances, and life experiences of the heroines and heroes in "Macross" to find their peers in this world.

There is no way to explain this kind of thing, so it might be a good idea to blame it on the characteristics of the new humans.

Therefore, Lin Youde responded: "Okay, after the plan starts, I will follow up personally when I come back."

Lei Senchuan nodded slightly: "Well, after that, you should be careful..."

Integration·City B·Lin Research Institute

Ni Xingxing looked at the R-1 parked in the open space near the research institute with curiosity on her face.

"Is this R-1? My future special machine?"

Robert held the tablet computer and said with a smile: "Yes, it will be your special machine from now on. How about it, can you go up and try it?"

Ni Xingxing was surprised: "Eh? Is it okay?"

Robert shrugged: "Of course. R-1 is not an unknown black box body."

"This machine has been activated countless times, and all its functions are fully understood."

"You go up there without any risk."

"And we will leave the integration on a white wooden horse. Before leaving, we will test the body to see if there is anything wrong. It can also be dealt with."

"After all, there is no "Machine War" overseas. If the black box body is broken, you can only find a way to repair it yourself. You cannot rely on "Machine War" to repair it."

Ni Xingxing's eyes shone: "Then I'm going to change clothes and try out the performance of R-1."

Robert turned to look at Gu Lincai, who was walking over with Ladis: "Cai, is it okay?"

Gu Lincai glanced at R-1, then at Ni Xingxing who was eager to try, thought for a moment, and responded.

"Well, let's test it. It happens to be R-3 and R-2. Ladis and I only tested them in the simulator."

"Officially launched, it hasn't been carried out yet. It just happens to be tested together. Lai?"

Ladis nodded: "No problem."

Ni Xingxing happily hooked Ladis around the neck: "I knew you were a good person, Lai. Come on, let's go change clothes right now."

Ladis was helpless: "So, I can leave by myself. Ah Xing, you guy, just let me go."

Ni Xingxing said happily: "What does it matter? We are all boys and teammates. At this level, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Looking at Ni Xingxing and Ladis who were minding their own business, Gu Lincai shook his head: "Really... forget it, I'm going to change clothes too. Mr. Robert, please transport the three R-series machines out."

Robert responded: "Okay."

Not long after, all three R series units were shipped out of the hangar.

Lamia, Veretta, and Zenga were standing at the hangar door.

Watching Ni Xingxing, Ladis, and Gu Lincai board the three R series machines.

After they went up, Lux, Lin Liuli, and Latoni followed Li Te over.

Li Te led the way and said: "Ruri-chan, Latoni, that's R-1...Eh? R-2 and R-3? How come they all came out?"

Before Li Te finished speaking, Lux's expression changed: "Wait a minute, are they going to conduct a launch test of the R series?"

"Start the test? No, you will suffer!" Li Te's expression changed and he ran quickly: "Stop!"

However, Li Te's voice did not reach the cockpit of the R series three aircraft.

Before he ran over, Ni Xingxing, Ladis, and Gu Lincai activated the machine at the same time.

Ni Xingxing: "R-1, activate!"

Ladis: "R-2, activate!"

Gu Lincai: "R-3, start!"

The eyes of the three machines were powered on at the same time, and in an instant, a huge dimensional crack slowly opened in the sky above the research institute.

In an instant, the entire city B went into alarm...

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