Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 415 Desperately Powerful

Although the two dragon-like dimensional beasts that Lin Youde had dealt with before also had protective shield capabilities.

But in front of Gundam, Getta, Mazinger Z, and myself, Wang Kaiya, they are all as brittle as paper and can be ignored.

On the contrary, the thick armor has amazing defensive power. Lin Youde and others fought very hard at first.

Now, the powerful protective shield ability displayed by this armless dimensional beast is completely different from the previous two.

This particularity, in Lin Youde's opinion, is probably a reflection of the different focus of defense.

Unlike the simple armor on the body, the strength of this dimensional beast's protective cover is at the same level as the armor of the previous two dragon-shaped dimensional beasts.

It would probably be quite difficult to break through this protective shield.

Someone who had similar thoughts to Lin Youde was Li Te who was present at the scene.

In order to test whether this conjecture was correct, Li Te set up a photon destruction cannon and aimed it at the armless dimensional beast on the ground.

"Zeng Jia, Lai, use maximum output."

Ladis was shocked and responded: "Understood."

Zeng Jia nodded understandingly.

Then, the light converged on Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2, Grunggast Zero, and R-2 Enhanced Type.

Li Te: "Photon destruction cannon!!!"

Zenga: "Super Shockwave!!!"

Ladis: "Heavy Metal Ion Cannon!!!"

Three huge beams of light hit the armless dimensional beast from three directions. The light hit the protective cover and splashed a huge amount of light foam.

Under the full output of the three machines, the armless dimensional beast was hit by the light and kept moving backwards, dragging a dent dozens of meters away on the ground.

But even so, the protective shield of the armless dimensional beast was not broken. It was just moved backward by the impact.

Everyone was surprised to see this scene.

Latoni quickly typed on the keyboard in the cockpit and breathed in: "The protective barrier of this dimensional beast has not reached its limit, and the overall fluctuation is stable. In other words, an attack of this level is useless."

Gu Lincai said seriously: "Since the attack strength is not enough, let's pile up all the attacks."

R-3 enhanced lifting height, the green light after the T-LINK system is activated shines in the cockpit.

Gu Lincai: "Concentrate your telekinesis, telekinesis laser cannon, fire!!!"

When the others saw this, they did not dare to neglect and launched attacks one after another.

Raptor 2 took out another rifle, one in each hand, holding it with both hands, Veretta: "Mode adjustment, super beam rifle, large beam rifle, volley!"

Raptor 1 followed suit, Latoni said: "Mode adjustment, salvo!"

Three Virgos stood side by side, aiming their multifunctional rifles at the target.

Denzel, Toby, and Setsuko Obara: "Large beam cannon, irradiation mode!"

The beams of light concentrated together and hit the protective cover of the armless dimensional beast.

The huge impact caused the armless dimensional beast to keep retreating, but the protective shield showed no signs of breaking.

Latoni frowned and said: "No, the protective shield is still stable and has not reached the critical point at all."

Lacus's eyes widened, and Lin Youde said to Lamia through the transmission impression from Lacus.

"Lamia, use Archangel's special move to aim at this monster's protective shield."

Lamia's eyelids twitched and she responded: "Understood. The target is confirmed, a special type of dimensional beast."

Archangel waved his right hand from left to right, and a blue light spot appeared in his hand.

Holding this light spot, Bow Angel made a big turn in the air, bringing the light spot out with a brilliant blue trajectory, and the blue light spot gradually transformed into the shape of a long bow.

As the wings behind Bow Angel unfolded, the blue light on his right hand was shattered, revealing a white and yellow long bow with a hint of pink at the front.

After the longbow appeared, a bowstring composed of blue light unfolded.

Bow Angel placed his left hand on the bow string and slowly pulled it open. An arrow composed of blue light gradually took shape.

Lamia: "Let's see what Archangel's strongest attack is..."

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Especially Lin Youde, his emotions began to agitate, and he thought secretly: 'Is it coming? Archangel's strongest attack, immortality...'

Lamia: "Phantom Arrow!"

Lin Youde's expression froze: "...Huh?"

Lei Mengmeng glanced sideways at Lin Youde: "Huh?"

In Lei Mengmeng's sideways glance, and in Lin Youde's frozen expression, a blue energy arrow escaped from Bow Angel's hand, turned into a blue light, fell from the sky, and shot at the armless dimensional beast.

With this arrow, the protective shield on the armless dimensional beast began to change color.

Where the phantom arrow shot by Archangel collides with the protective shield, the color gradually becomes darker. The surface of the protective shield on the armless dimensional beast began to ripple slightly.

Looking at this ripple, everyone held their breath and paid attention.

Only Latoni pressed the keyboard with a rather gloomy expression: "Archer Angel's strike is quite powerful. But... the Dimensional Beast's protective shield seems to be diverting energy from other places, concentrating its defense power on contact with the phantom arrow. The place."

"If this continues, I'm afraid..."

As soon as Latoni finished speaking, the ripples on the surface of the armless dimensional beast's protective shield began to accelerate. Under the impact of these ripples, the phantom arrows shot by Archangel began to vibrate continuously.

Without Latoni's explanation, everyone understood that if they continued, Archangel's full blow might be deflected away.

Seeing this scene, Zenga's heart sank, and he stopped the irradiation of Gurunghast Zero's super shock wave.

The golden energy stopped from his chest. Grunggast Zero picked up the huge ship-cutting knife, and the propeller behind him exploded, rushing down from top to bottom.

"Look at the moves, Type Zero·Ship-cutting Sword, cut!!!"

Several propellers on the back of the ship-cutting sword began to explode. The huge ship-cutting sword landed rapidly as the Zero type, and struck heavily on the protective shield of the armless dimensional beast.

Bang! ! !

A huge sound vibrated from the ship-cutting knife and the protective shield. Two ripple concentration points appeared on the protective shield on the armless dimensional beast, and the ripples rippled faster and faster.

Raising the thruster speed to the maximum, Zengjia roared: "It's still a little bit..."

The ripples on the armless dimensional beast's body rippled at a speed that was dizzying. Everyone believed what Zeng Jia said, and they were only a little short of breaking through the protective shield of this dimensional beast.

However, at this time, an armless dimensional beast that was originally motionless moved.

The scarlet single eye raised its head and stared at Grungast Zero. Then, it turned its head again and looked at the Archangel in the sky on the other side, preparing to shoot the second arrow.

The harsh mechanical sound suddenly echoed in everyone's minds.

(Zero, Shiki...Bow, Angel...)

Amid everyone's shocked expressions, the armless dimensional beast slowly lowered its head and looked at the R-2 enhanced type on the ground and the R-3 enhanced type above its head.

(S, R, X!!!)

The ear-piercing screams erupted in everyone's minds, causing everyone to cover their heads.

At the front end of the eight hoses connected to the armless dimensional beast, and in the center of the shield-like head, red light was aimed at everyone and burst out of thin air.

The intense red light directly pushed back everyone's light attacks.

Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2, R-2 Enhanced Type, R-3 Enhanced Type, Raptor Units 1 and 2, and Virgo Unit 3 were all covered by light attacks from eight directions on the spot, heading towards them at a rapid speed. Back to the top.

Everyone gave up the attack on the spot and dodged sideways, causing the attack to whizz past them.

Wherever the light passed, all the buildings disappeared on the spot, and the burnt red ruins of the buildings made everyone tremble with fear.

However, after doing all this, the movement of the armless dimensional beast did not stop.

The head that Zaku missed so much was raised high, scarlet light shining in his one eye.

Accompanied by a flash of light, a very small but extremely fast red light hit the ship-cutting knife of Grunggast Zero, which was more than 40 meters tall. Fly out.

While knocking Grungast Zero away, the light swept to the right, shattering the phantom arrow on the spot and shooting towards the Archangel who was drawing the bow in the sky.

Thanks to Lamia's quick reaction, he gave up the attack and dodged sideways, preventing Archangel from being hit by this attack.

Although Archangel managed to dodge, no one's body was damaged except for Grungast Zero.

But the current situation of crushing everyone's attacks in an instant, and violently counterattacking with pure energy intensity, made everyone's hearts sink.

The defense is strong, and the attack power is also terrifying.

Looking at this armless dimensional beast, everyone could not find a way to defeat it for a while.

Facing this huge dimensional beast, facing such despairingly powerful attack and defense power...

The haze of hopeless victory began to spread in everyone's hearts...

I'm in a sluggish state, I can't get excited, I want to explode, but I can't write a word at all, I feel blue, I want to coo...

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