Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 417 Awakening! The sword that cuts off evil! ! !

Lamia's doubts are also the doubts of others.

Everyone has understood that the current firepower alone cannot break through the protective shield of this armless dimensional beast.

Moreover, after this dimensional beast changed its attack mode, everyone was exhausted trying to dodge and could not find a chance to focus their fire again.

Is it really possible to defeat this special dimensional beast with just one Grungast Zero?

Doubts filled everyone's minds.

Except for Li Te, who already had some blind faith in Lin Youde, the others, even Gu Lincai and Ladis, who had great trust in Lin Youde, were more or less worried.

Lamia and Veretta were full of doubts.

Amid everyone's confusion, in the hangar of the research institute.

Zenga followed the instructions and disembarked Grungast Zero.

He glanced at the wreckage of the R-1, which had its cockpit opened and placed in the center of the hangar.

Zenga took a new machine combat bracelet from Robert.

Looking at the communicator handed over, Zeng Jia looked at Lin Youde displayed on the communicator with some confusion.

"Youde, what is your so-called method?"

Lin Youde said solemnly: "My method is to rely on the cooperation between you and Grungast Zero to defeat the dimensional beast."

Zeng Jia was expressionless: "But, I just tried it. With the current strength of me and Zero, we can't do this."

Lin Youde nodded and said, "Yes, I understand. So, you need to break through."

Zeng Jia was very puzzled: "Breakthrough? Special training? But now there is obviously no time."

Lin Youde waved his hand and said: "Of course it's not special training. I don't have time to do that kind of thing now. Of course I know that. What I call a breakthrough is to let Zero activate the "BGM field" to achieve a qualitative change in combat power. "

Zeng Jia glanced at the latest model of "Machine Combat Bracelet" on his wrist and said in a deep voice.

"I have tried this kind of thing just now. After being unable to break through the protective shield of the dimensional beast, I have been trying to activate the "BGM field" of Type Zero. "

"However, no matter how much I try, Zero's "BGM field" just cannot be activated. "

"Zero...did you not choose me?"

Seeing that Zeng Jia's expression was not so good, Lin Youde comforted him: "It's not that the Zero didn't choose you, but that the existence in the Zero's black box hasn't recognized you yet."

"What you have to do now is to get his approval, then activate the "BGM Domain" and defeat the enemy. "

Zeng Jia was puzzled: "But, I am not a new human being and cannot communicate with the existence in the black box. How can I get its approval?"

Lin Youde smiled and said, "Aren't I just here to teach you? Come, find a place where no one is around, and I'll teach you some tricks."

After Robert wisely covered his ears and walked away from the other staff, Zeng Jia found a deserted corner and listened to Lin Youde's teachings.

After a moment, Zeng Jia's face turned as dark as ink: "Are you sure that this method of joking can work?"

Lin Youde spoke righteously: "When did you see me joking about such a serious matter? In short, you are right to listen to me, hurry up."

"Remember, you have to show the momentum of breaking the cauldron and sinking the boat."

"For Zero and you, momentum is the most important thing!"

These words made Zeng Jia nod slightly and look better.

"Indeed, although I don't want to admit it. But after the attack was blocked by the dimensional beast, my momentum was suppressed."

"A sword without momentum cannot cut down the enemy."

Taking a deep breath, Zenga replied: "Then, I'm going."

Lin Youde gave a thumbs up: "Come on!"

Zeng Jia hung up the communication. In the command room of the research institute, Lux asked Lin Youde in the communication window with a strange expression.

"Youde, as long as Zengjia follows your instructions, Type Zero's "BGM field" can be activated? "

Lin Youde was helpless: "Why don't you even believe me? When did I ever make a joke about this kind of thing?"

Lux's expression was a little subtle: "It's not that I don't want to believe you, it's actually the way you said it, a little..."

Lei Mengmeng suddenly said: "Absurd, right?"

Lux nodded: "Yes, it's ridiculous."

"How could the existence within the black box body be so simple as to recognize Zeng Jia?"

"No matter how you think about it, it's ridiculous."

Lin Youde shook his head and sighed.

"Perhaps in your opinion, some things are really ridiculous, outrageous, and ridiculous."

"But some people just do that."

"Especially for super-type pilots, once their momentum is overwhelmed, there is basically no possibility of winning the battle."

"Zeng Jia, you must regain your momentum."

Lux's expression was still subtle: "I understand momentum, but you can activate the "BGM field" simply by relying on momentum. Do you win? "

Lei Mengmeng said, "Just believe in Youde. Although it doesn't make sense, common sense doesn't apply to Youde. Doesn't it?"

Under Lei Mengmeng's gaze, Lux nodded slowly: "That's right..."

Lin Youde smiled and said: "Just watch. The world of the super system is not something you can understand with your previous thinking. You will soon see what the real super system is."

After saying that, Lin Youde glanced at Gong Angel in a very depressed mood and muttered to himself.

‘If Lamia hadn’t been unreliable, why would I have been asked to help Zeng Jia temporarily? ’

‘I really don’t know how Lamia in the parallel world got around. ’

‘Arrow Angel’s super-kill “Fire Phoenix (Arrow of the Phoenix)” can’t be forgotten, and he can’t even know the melee-type secondary sure-kill “Phantom Seal”. ’ (Note 1)

‘There is no way to rely on Bow Angel’s ultimate move to break the game, so I can only let Zeng Jia catch the duck and get on the shelf. ’

‘I hope Zeng Jia can be more reliable. ’

In the open space outside the research institute, Lin Youde secretly complained.

All the robots tried their best to dodge, stalling for time.

There are several mass-produced Kyokusou II Kais around.

These machines are from the "Sunrise University of Science and Technology" stationed security team. After discovering the movement here, they came to support.

It was only after receiving information from Li Te and others that his weapons could not have a defense-breaking effect on this dimensional beast. They were very sensible and didn't stir up trouble.

Dodging another large red beam, Toby complained: "Aren't you ready yet?"

Ladis said in a deep voice: "It should be soon."

Setsuko Obara gasped: "Toby, stop complaining, it's only been 2 minutes."

Toby exclaimed: "Huh? It's only 2 minutes? Why do I feel like 20 minutes have passed?"

Denser reprimanded: "Stop playing tricks and be serious. If we are hit by that kind of attack, our body will be destroyed..."

Almost as soon as Denzel finished speaking, Toby screamed.

Because his Virgo No. 2 was accidentally hit on his right arm due to his distraction, and the right arm melted on the spot.

A small explosion caused the Virgo Unit 2 to stumble and almost fall to the ground.


Fortunately, Setsuko Obara reacted quickly, and Virgo Unit 3 caught up and supported Virgo Unit 2.

Gu Lincai saw this scene and said: "Glory Star Team, please retreat. The target of this dimensional beast is not you. You can retreat temporarily and take a rest."

Although Denser was very reluctant, seeing the damage to his subordinate's machine, he took another look at the machine's energy meter and sighed.

"Then, the rest of the battle will be left to you. Glory Star Team, retreat."

Toby and Setsuko Obara responded: "Understood!"

The three Virgos began to retreat, and Gu Lincai and others were attacked more intensively than before.

Because there are fewer targets, the frequency of attacks per person starts to increase.

Not long after, Latoni's aircraft was hit by the dimensional beast's attack and hit the engine, causing it to make an emergency landing with billowing smoke.

Seeing this scene, Gu Lincai quickly ordered: "Latoni, you also retreat."

Latoni: "I, I know."

Transforming back into human form and landing on the ground, Raptor 1 began to retreat.

Veretta glanced at the energy meter and returned: "I can still hold on for a while, but there is not much energy left. The irradiation just now consumed too much energy."

Gu Lincai gritted his teeth: "Then just hold on for a little longer. When Zeng Jia comes back, we will..."

Before Gu Lincai finished speaking, Zeng Jia's voice sounded on the friendly channel.

"I'm back."

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of the research institute. The huge black Gurunghast Zero, carrying a ship-cutting knife, was galloping towards them.

Gong Angel looked sideways, and Lamia asked: "Mr. Zengjia, has the director given you any secrets?"

Zenga didn't answer.

Lamia was a little confused: "Zeng Jiaxian..."

Zeng Jia suddenly shouted: "Everyone, retreat, I will deal with this dimensional beast."

Lamia was shocked: "What?"

Ladis was shocked: "Zenga, are you serious? You can deal with this kind of monster by yourself?"

Veretta was surprised: "Zenga, are you crazy?"

Zeng Jia didn't answer. Li Te covered his head and replied, "Is this what the director means?"

Grungast Zero followed Zenga's movements and nodded.

Li Te responded: "I understand, everyone, retreat!"

Sky Knight Gundam Unit 2 decisively began to retreat.

Lamia was confused: "I understand. I wish you good luck in martial arts."

Archangel also began to retreat.

Gu Lincai encouraged: "Zeng Jia, please."

Ladis: "I don't understand what's going on, but since it means morally, I understand. R-2, start to retreat."

Seeing that everyone else had retreated, Veretta did not hesitate: "Then I will retreat too. I hope you can win."

Everyone retreated, and Grungast Zero landed on the ground.

I don’t know if it was because everyone retreated and Grunggast Zero landed alone, leading to a 1V1 confrontation with him.

The armless dimensional beast stopped attacking, all the shields gathered in front, and the front section emitted a dazzling red light.

Not far behind, everyone was retreating backwards, focusing on the direction of Gurungast Zero.

With everyone watching nervously, in the cockpit of Grungast Zero.

Zeng Jia thought to himself what Lin Youde said before.

"After breaking the cauldron, do you use absolute momentum to overwhelm others?"

"Now I have no way out, so..."

Zeng Jia opened his eyes, holding the handle of the knife in his hand, his eyes as sharp as a knife.

"I will sacrifice myself and forget about death, and move forward courageously!"

Following Zenga's movements, Grungast Zero's pupils suddenly emitted a dazzling light. The originally rigid face suddenly became lively.

As if it had noticed the changes in Grunggast Zero, the armless dimensional beast's one eye shone brightly.

The sharp and harsh mechanical sound from before sounded again.


However, before it could finish speaking this time, it was interrupted by a loud shout.

"Shut up!"

Zeng Jade suddenly shouted loudly, startling everyone present.

Then, under everyone's gaze, Zeng Jia's eyes were like knives, he held knives in both hands and shouted loudly.

"Then listen up!"

"My name is Zengjia!"

"Zenga Zombort!"

A powerful force emerged from within.

As if he understood something, Zeng Jia raised the handle of the knife held in both hands high and swung it down heavily with high fighting spirit.

Following Zenga's movements, Grunggast Zero also raised his ship-cutting sword high and slashed it to the ground.

In an instant, Zeng Jia's voice seemed to turn on a loudspeaker, deafening everyone.

"It is the sword that cuts off evil!!!"

Following Zengjia's loud shout and the falling of the Zero-type ship-cutting knife, a huge air wave suddenly erupted with Gurungast Zero as the center and rushed in all directions.

It caused everyone to exclaim.

At the same time, a piece of shocking music sounded.

[BGM: 悪をbreakerつ剣-Hanaoka Takuya]

Violent dust erupted with the wind, obscuring everyone's vision.

However, the armless dimensional beast that had just been interrupted seemed to be angered at this moment. Eight scarlet beams of light shot out, aiming at Grungast Zero, whose figure was obscured by dust in front of him.

The crimson beam penetrated the dust and hit Grungast Zero head-on.

However, these rays of light, which could easily melt the building, hit Grungast Zero's body without any damage. Apart from picking up countless red light foam on Grungast Zero's chest, it was of no use at all.

Likewise, with the lasering of these scarlet beams, the surrounding dust was swept away. Everyone could clearly see the current state of Gurungast Zero.

Letting the scarlet beam of light shine on his body, Grunggast Zero dragged his ship-cutting sword and walked towards the armless dimensional beast step by step.

Accompanied by the roar of Gruungast Zero's huge paw falling, a sunset, like a mirage, appeared behind Gruungast Zero. Dyeing everything around you gold and red...

Amid everyone's confused expressions, Grunggast Zero walked towards the armless dimensional beast step by step. Above the huge sunset, everyone seemed to see Zeng Jia appearing in it with his eyes closed, and slowly opened his eyes.

Almost at the moment when Zenga opened his eyes above the setting sun, Grungast Zero raised the Zero Ship-Destroying Knife with both hands. The thrusters on the Zero-Type Ship-Destroying Knife exploded simultaneously with the thrusters behind him. break out.

At the same time, a deafening roar sounded again.

"Secret meaning! Ship-cutting sword·Wind and furious waves!!!"

Withstanding the attack of the armless dimensional beast, Gurungast Zero came in front of the armless dimensional beast with a huge roar and slashed down with his ship-cutting sword.

The invincible protective shield that had made everyone helpless before seemed to be turned into paper under this blow, and was cut through in an instant.

The moment the protective shield was broken, the armless dimensional beast's one eye glowed red, and eight shields were raised high, trying to stand in front of him and block the Zero-type ship-cutting sword from falling.

However, all this is in vain. Under the attack of Zero Type Ship-Slashing Sword. The eight shields didn't even touch the Zero-type Ship-Destroying Sword, and they shattered directly out of thin air, causing the Zero-Type Ship-Destroying Sword to slash directly on his body.

In an instant, a white light flashed.

The armless dimensional beast was split into two...

The huge ship-cutting knife fell on the ground, and the ground around the armless dimensional beast suddenly sunk and shattered.

Cracks thousands of meters long suddenly appeared on the ground, completely destroying the surrounding ground.

At the same time, there was a huge roar.

Behind the armless dimensional beast, the ground was cut open on the spot, revealing a crack that was several kilometers long and bottomless.

With everyone's stunned expressions, the armless dimensional beast exploded on the spot.

As a huge mushroom cloud slowly rose, Zeng Jia's cold and arrogant voice echoed in the sky.

"My ship-cutting sword can do anything~!"

Everyone looked at this scene and was so shocked that they could not recover for a long time...

At the same time, on a certain aircraft in the distance.

Lin Youde looked at Lei Mengmeng, who had his mouth open and couldn't close it for a long time, and then looked at Lux with the same expression in the communication window.

With a proud smile, Lin Youde shook his head and said with a smile: "So, I have told you before, you didn't understand what a super type is at all~!"


Note 1·PS: Depending on the Chinese group, the first Archangel ultimate move that the author came into contact with was "Phoenix Arrow". But later the official Chinese team seemed to translate it as "Yuyan Phoenix". Which one do you think sounds better?

I've finally finished writing it. This paragraph should have been written long ago, combined into one big chapter, and then posted. But something has happened to my mentality and state recently, so I have been putting it off until now. I'm really sorry!

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