Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 466 (1st update) The arrival of the dimensional beast

As the alarm sounded, everyone around the Second Shinjuku District panicked.

Because everyone subconsciously raised their heads and saw a crack forming in the space that was gradually being torn apart in the sky.

With the sound of sirens, the battle between the Britannian Army and the resistance forces commanded by Lelouch in the Second Shinjuku District came to an abrupt end.

Everyone looked at the sudden space crack in the sky and their eyes widened.

Resist the military

Kallen stared at the sky with wide eyes.

"Is that... a dimensional rift? At this time..."

Shan also looked at the dimensional cracks in the sky, feeling a little panicked.

"Dimensional rift? In other words, the dimensional beast is coming?"

Hastily heading towards the intercom, Shan tried to ask Lelouch a question.

"Hey, what should we do now? The dimensional beast is coming soon, do we still want to continue fighting?"

As soon as Shan finished speaking, other people in his team exploded.

"Stop joking, how are you going to fight a dimensional beast?"

"That's right, with these weapons in our hands, it's not enough to tickle the dimensional beast. How can we fight it?"

"Shan, we'd better retreat. We can't fight the Dimensional Beast at all."

Shan didn't respond, just waiting for Lelouch's response.

In the ruins of a certain building, Lelouch also controlled Knightmare with a pale face and looked at the dimensional cracks that were forming in the sky.

"Damn it, how could a dimensional rift appear at this time?"

"I'm going to win soon. If it's a little later, I can..."

C.C glanced at the dimensional rift displayed on the screen and asked Lelouch calmly.

"Lelouch, calm down. What matters now is how you choose."

"Are you going to take advantage of the Dimensional Beast's arrival and the chaos of the Brittanian army to escape?"

"Should we continue to stay here, risk being attacked by dimensional beasts, and continue fighting against the Brittanian army?"

Before Lelouch could answer, dimensional beasts fell down from the dimensional cracks like rain.

Although there were not many of them, Lelouch's face turned dark as he quickly controlled Knightmare to turn around and look around.

"Based on what I just saw, there are probably dimensional beasts here and here."

Looking at the location Lelouch pointed out on the radar, C.C's reaction remained calm.

"It looks like we are surrounded?"

Lelouch said solemnly: "It's almost the same. Several of the best retreat routes are blocked by dimensional beasts."

"If you want to retreat, you must first kill the dimensional beasts blocking the way."

"And once the dimensional beast comes, the Brittanian army can blatantly send reinforcements here."

"Once reinforcements arrive, it will be difficult to leave."

C.C looked at Lelouch and asked, "Then, let's run away?"

Lelouch replied firmly: "No, we are not leaving."

C.C was a little surprised: "In this case, why don't you leave?"

Lelouch calmly analyzed: "The arrival of the dimensional beast will cause chaos. It will give Britannia an excuse to send more reinforcements, which is very detrimental to our current situation."

"But also, because of the arrival of the Dimensional Beast. As the supreme commander of the war in District 11, the Governor of District 11, Clovis, will also visit the battlefield in person to boost morale according to Brittania's style."

"In other words, risks and benefits coexist now. Because this time is the best opportunity to get close to Clovis."

C.C looked at Lelouch with a complicated expression and murmured his name: "Lelouch..."

Lelouch glanced at C.C and said, "Don't worry, I'm not ready to die yet. I don't intend to die in vain before I accomplish my goal."

C.C snorted softly: "That's the best. By the way, don't say I didn't remind you. You are currently using the fifth-generation Knightmare Sunderland, and the weapons you use are non-anti-dimensional beast weapons."

"With Sunderland's current armament, it is very difficult to cause harm to the dimensional beast."

Lelouch looked at C.C in surprise: "How did you know?"

C.C shrugged: "Don't worry about how I know it. You just need to know that this is the current situation."

"The Brittanian army's anti-dimension beast weapons are all large-caliber special equipment, which are not normally equipped."

"So, don't think about letting those rebels use Sunderland to fight against dimensional beasts. There is no chance of winning."

Lelouch snorted softly: "Whether we have a chance of winning or not cannot be decided simply by relying on weapons."

As C.C watched, Lelouch turned on the intercom and began to give new instructions to Fan and Kallen.

On the side of the Brittanian army.

Lloyd's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the dimensional crack that suddenly appeared.

"Dimensional rift? How could it appear at this time?"

Cecil even nervously said to Lin Youde and others.

"Dr. Lin Youde, the dimensional beast is coming soon. Please stop the test immediately and take refuge. Otherwise..."

Before Cecil finished speaking, Lin Youde replied calmly.

"No, I'm afraid it's too late."

As Lin Youde finished speaking, four mechanical dinosaurs, Velociraptors, that were very familiar to Lin Youde, fell from the sky and landed on the ground. Lloyd's transport truck was surrounded.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde looked quite calm.

Because from the beginning, he had expected this situation to develop.

After all, "Lelouch of the Rebellion" has participated in many battles in the mecha series. The combination of Shumu Suzaku and Lancelot can also be regarded as a frequent visitor in the mecha series.

Although most of this combination is in the enemy camp. But at the end of the fight, Shumu Suzaku and Lancelot will become our controllable units due to the development of the plot.

If Lelouch is the protagonist of the Chinese drama of "Lelouch of the Rebellion", then Shumu Suzaku and Kallen are the protagonists of the fighting drama.

Yes, even if he is hostile to the protagonist, Shumu Suzaku is still the protagonist, and he is the second male protagonist in the whole drama.

As the protagonist, piloting his destined machine in the plot will trigger attacks from dimensional beasts. Lin Youde had already anticipated this.

Although the current Lancelot is not a black box body, but a pure artificial body.

But there has been a precedent of driving a Gundam by yourself, which will lead to attacks from dimensional beasts.

Naturally, Lin Youde would not rule out the possibility that other people driving the non-black box self-made machine in the original work would also attract dimensional beasts.

Therefore, the current situation was foreseeable by Lin Youde.

It was precisely because Lin Youde had foreseen this situation that he had stayed put and did not let Shumu Suzaku directly drive the Lancelot to attack.

Because Lin Youde knows that in this world. There are dimensional beasts to disrupt the situation, and Suzaku, the pivot of the original work, uses absolute single-handed power to break Lelouch's overall control. That classic situation of using force to defeat intelligence cannot be repeated again.

When Lancelot is activated by Suzaku, the dimensional beast comes.

So Lin Youde delayed again and again until he couldn't delay any longer before letting Lancelot start.

As for countermeasures against dimensional beasts...

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