Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 469 (4th update) Overload?

Cornelia responded simply with a dark face.

"Yes, I want to attack personally."

"If it's just an ordinary terrorist, forget it. We can leave it to Clovis himself."

"But now that the dimensional beast has appeared, the situation is obviously beyond his control."

"In order to achieve a quick victory, I have to personally attack and deal with those guys."

That's what Cornelia said. But secretly, Cornelia had already scolded Clovis bloody.

Cornelia had no idea what kind of ecstasy soup Clovis drank. No matter how much she scolded him, she just refused to say what those terrorists had taken away.

Although it was clearly known that the thing was not poisonous gas, Cornelia felt relieved.

But Clovis' reaction that he would rather kill him with poisonous gas than explain it made Cornelia vaguely understand that her brother might have done something very dangerous.

As a sister who cares about her younger siblings, Cornelia is very angry now. I can't wait to go back and give this incompetent guy Clovis a few big blows (slaps) so that he can sober up his overheated pig brain.

But the current situation made it impossible for her to get away.

The arrival of the dimensional beast caused her to interrupt her communication with Clovis and hurried back.

Knowing that Lin Youde had withdrawn, Cornelia's nervousness eased a little.

At the same time, Cornelia also learned that Shumu Suzaku drove Lancelot to attack and dragged out the dimensional beast.

Cornelia didn't care who Shumu Suzaku was.

What Cornelia cares about is that now that the dimensional beast has arrived, Britannia can completely increase its troops as an excuse to deal with the dimensional beast.

And now Clovis wasn't there and she was here.

This situation gave Cornelia room to maneuver.

"However, there are no Knightmares who can attack now. Your Highness Cornelia, you..."

Before Cecil finished speaking, Cornelia waved her hand.

"It doesn't matter, I've already informed my knight to bring my body over."

"When my guards arrive, I will fly my machine into battle."

As she spoke, Cornelia's expression softened a little, and she spoke with a forced smile.

"Besides, taking this opportunity now is also a good opportunity to try out my new exclusive machine."

Lin Youde had no objection to Cornelia's decision.

"If it's Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3, it won't be a problem to deal with ordinary dimensional beasts."

"The armament of the Blue Sky Knight Gundam is definitely the top-notch sequence among the current "non-black box" and real-type mechas. "

"As long as Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia can exert its original performance, mere dimensional beasts are not enough."

Cornelia heard this and smiled: "With Dr. Lin Youde's words, I feel at ease."

Walking to the communicator, Cornelia connected to General Bartlett's communication.

As soon as the communication was connected, General Bartlett roared: "Who, don't you know that this is an emergency moment? How dare you forcefully take over the communication, are you looking Your Highness Cornelia!?"

Halfway through his roar, General Barrett's expression froze.

Big beads of sweat were visible to the naked eye on General Bartlett's bald head.

After seeing Cornelia's obviously displeased face, General Bartlett reacted quickly. He slapped himself on the spot and changed his words.

"I'm very sorry, Your Highness Cornelia, I was rude."

"I wonder if your Royal Highness the Princess has anything to give you?"

General Bartlett changed his story and admitted his mistake on the spot, which can be said to be as fast as a change of face in Sichuan Opera.

That reaction made Lei Mengmeng, Lux, and Refina next to Lin Youde laugh.

Cornelia didn't care about General Barrett's previous rudeness and offense, and ordered with a cold face.

"The dimensional beast has arrived, and the current situation exceeds previous expectations."

"In order to minimize the disaster. From now on, all troops will be under my command."

When he heard that Cornelia was taking away the command, General Bartlett, as the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, not only did not have any dissatisfaction, but responded with joy.

"Yes your highness!"

After giving the order, Cornelia conveyed some orders to General Bartlett regarding the movement of troops. He looked at Lin Youde.

"Dr. Lin Youde, will you continue here? Or go to the command ship? Or go back first?"

Lin Youde replied with a calm smile: "I'll just continue here. This little scene won't scare me."

"There is also a strategic map here, so you can see the current situation."

"And Lancelot's data is currently being collected. After Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia's special machine arrives, I will be here to provide you with guidance on how to use it."

"Compared to being watched by others on the command ship, I am more comfortable here with Lloyd."

Cornelia nodded and responded: "That's it, let's do it. Then, I'll excuse you first."

After Cornelia left, Lin Youde and Lloyd immediately went to the communication platform and connected to Lancelot of Shumu Suzaku again.

Lin Youde: "Suzaku, how is the situation over there? Can you still hold on?"

Lloyd: "Suzaku-san, how is Lancelot's current situation?"

On the communication platform, a somewhat panting figure of Shumu Suzaku appeared.

"Dr. Lin Youde, Dr. Lloyd, and Lancelot and I are in good condition at the moment. It's just that the number of enemies is really too many."

"In addition, Lancelot seems to have some problems with the joints of his right leg, and his balance is somewhat imbalanced."

Lloyd was shocked when he heard this: "What? The right leg joint? Send the information over and let me take a look."

Transmitting data during battle is a very dangerous thing. Because this requires distraction, it is easy to miss the enemy's movements and lose your life.

But Shumu Zhuque did such a dangerous thing without any problems.

After the data was transmitted back, Lloyd's eyes widened.

"Is this...Lancelot's right leg frame is under pressure beyond its load and has fallen into metal fatigue?"

"How is it possible? I am using the latest skeleton material from the Free Federation. How is it possible that it can be used so quickly..."

Lloyd raised his head, looked at Shumu Suzaku, and asked.

"Suzaku-kun, what did you do with Lancelot?"

Shumu Suzaku didn't realize it, and controlled Lancelot while fighting the dimensional beast Velociraptor while taking the time to return.

"I was just fighting normally. I didn't do anything special."

Lloyd was even more puzzled: "Then it shouldn't be like this. Even if it's metal fatigue, there shouldn't be only one part..."

Before Lloyd finished speaking, Lin Youde reminded: "Could it be caused by Lancelot kicking the dimensional beast away with his right leg before?"

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