Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 471 (6th update) Cornelia arrives in person

C.C didn't say much about Lelouch's choice. He just said oh and continued to watch.

However, Lelouch doesn't care. It doesn't mean that for others, it doesn't matter.

As a person from that time, Shumu Zhuque was extremely anxious now.

Although he was not afraid of death, he was not ready yet, so he died at the mouth of a dimensional beast.

Therefore, Shumu Zhuque endured the dizziness, tried hard to control Lancelot, and tried to stand up.

"It's not over yet..."

Lancelot was very proud. Under the control of Suzaku, he managed to use the beam rifle as a crutch and stood up even though he lost an arm.

But the moment he stood up, Shumu Suzaku became desperate.

Because the beams in the mouths of the remaining four velociraptors are converging and about to be launched.

If it were before, Shumu Suzaku would not be afraid when sprinting at full speed.

With Lancelot's mobility and his ability, he can easily dodge.

But now Lancelot's body was severely damaged, and the tires used for acceleration behind his legs had stopped rotating.

Although it is still usable, it will take time to speed up.

But now, what he lacks is precisely time.

"Is it going to end..."

Just when Shumu Suzaku did not dare to step on the accelerator, trying to make Lancelot accelerate again, making a final struggle. A pink beam of light fell from the sky and exploded a velociraptor.


Lancelot was almost controlled by Suzaku. As soon as Lancelot raised his head, countless red bullets struck from behind the Velociraptor, shooting the remaining three Velociraptors into sieves and exploding them all.

Amidst the flames and smoke of the Velociraptor explosion, Lancelot raised his head and looked at the red body floating in the sky.

Shumu Suzaku looked at the red machine with some confusion: "What is this? It's much bigger (20 meters) than Knightmare (5 meters)."

Shumu Suzaku doesn't recognize this red machine, but that doesn't mean others don't recognize it.

In the ruins, Lelouch and C.C both stared at the red machine floating in the sky with wide eyes.

Lelouch's face was full of surprise: "That red machine is...Gundam?"

Looking at the iconic V-shaped antenna head on the face of the red machine body and the standard Gundam face, C.C also nodded.

"Yes, it's Gundam."

"It's just...why does Gundam appear here?"

Lelouch glanced at C.C in surprise, as if he was surprised that the other party actually knew about Gundam.

You know, Gundam debuted only a few months ago.

In this District 11, it is quite difficult to know about Gundam.

Without some skills and background, it is impossible to know information outside of Britannia.

Britannia's intelligence control over the colonies is quite strict.

This can be known from the fact that Shumu Suzaku, who is an honorary Breton, does not know Gundam.

Now that C.C knows Gundam, Lelouch becomes even more curious about C.C's identity.

And above the sky.

In the cockpit of the red Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3, Cornelia looked at the burning remains of the dimensional beast on the screen in surprise and nodded with satisfaction.

"As expected, it is a machine that has been tuned by Dr. Lin Youde. It is much easier to operate than my previous Knightmare machine."

"And this cockpit... is also a full-circle cockpit. All the conditions around the aircraft body can be seen at a glance. It is much more convenient than the Knightmare which can only display a few screens."

On the full screen, a communication window popped up, and Lin Youde appeared in it with a smile and his arms folded.

"As long as it satisfies Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia. This is the latest cutting-edge Gundam produced by our Lin Research Institute and Wang Heavy Industries."

"If it can't stand out in the world in terms of performance, then the Gundam doesn't deserve to be called a Gundam."

Cornelia looked at Lin Youde's complacent expression and couldn't help but sigh.

"Are you proud of the world..."

Once again realizing the huge technological gap between Britannia and the three major countries, Cornelia sighed helplessly.

Shaking her head, Cornelia quickly cheered up and opened the previously adjusted friendly communication channel.

"Lancelot's pilot, can your body still move?"

Suddenly receiving a communication, Shumu Zhuque returned immediately.

"Yes, although the body is damaged, it can still move."

Cornelia nodded: "Very good. Now that your machine is damaged, go back to the rear and repair it."

"The next battle will be carried out by me and the guards."

As he spoke, a row of Knightmare's were all purple in color, with black cloaks behind them. Driving past the fireworks exploded by the dimensional beast.

Suzaku and Lelouch were shocked when they saw the colors of these Knightmare's bodies.

Lelouch's pupils shook violently: "With this kind of decoration and color matching, could it be said that..."

Shumu Suzaku was shocked: "Guards? Could it be that you are..."

Cornelia ignored Suzaku Shumu and turned on the wide-area public channel as she was about herself.

"Order this in my name, Cornelia V. Brittania."

"From now on, all the Britannian Army in the Second Shinjuku District will be under the command of Cornelia."

"The regular troops and guards retreated, while the guards and the Knightmare armed with anti-dimension beasts stepped forward."

"From now on, execute the Dimensional Beast mopping up operations."

"The regular army and security forces will surround me with the entire Second Shinjuku District. Don't let any dimensional beast go."

In an instant, the public frequency resounded with the excited roars of the Brittanian soldiers.

"Yes your highness!"*N

The excited roar of the Brittanian soldiers was heard on the public frequency channel.

On the other side, the resistance army where Kallen, Shan and others were located also heard what Cornelia said on the wide-area public frequency.

After hearing Cornelia's speech, the resistance army where Kallen, Shan and others were panicked.

"It's actually the famous Cornelia?"

"What should we do? Cornelia is here, we have no chance of winning."

"Otherwise, let's retreat. Run away now. It should still be too late."

"Shan, you have to make a decision quickly."

Amidst the shouts of a group of people, Fan looked at the walkie-talkie without any movement, sweating profusely. He turned to look at Kallen in the red Knightmare beside him.

"Karen, you said..."

Karen: "No, ZERO hasn't responded yet. I don't know what ZERO's plans are yet."

"ZERO must have heard what Cornelia said just now. Now, we must wait for ZERO's instructions."

Shan looked at the walkie-talkie again: "ZERO..."

While Shan and Kallen were thinking about each other, the ZERO they were thinking about, Lelouch, was also a little panicked at the moment.

"It's actually Cornelia? Damn it, why does Cornelia appear here? Hasn't he been responsible for those who fought against the United Islands? How could he appear here at such a time? What on earth is going on? …”

C.C glanced at Lelouch who was a little panicked, and then looked at the red Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3 on the monitor.

"Maybe it's because of Gundam."

Lelouch was shocked: "Gundam?"

On the other side of Lloyd's transport vehicle, Lin Youde looked at the Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3 captured on the screen and couldn't help but clapped his hands and praised it.

“Her Highness Princess Cornelia’s move is so beautiful~!”

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