Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 476 (11th update) Mithril’s cooperation

Seeing the M9 in the video, Lin Youde thought a lot for a moment.

For example, why is the M9 here?

This world also has a series of characters from the works of "Full Metal Panic"?

Which force do these M9s belong to? "Mithril" or "Amalgam"?

M9 came out to help at this time. Does this mean that the force that owns M9 has a good relationship with Britannia?

When these people came out to help, did they mean that they had no chance to perform?

Lin Youde was still waiting for Cornelia to be unable to hold on any longer and take the initiative to ask for help from him. Then send people over to support.

But now with the support of M9, everything has become confusing...

At the scene, because of the sudden appearance of M9. A sniper shot changed the situation of the battle slightly, allowing Cornelia to escape.

Cornelia didn't seem to recognize this M9, nor did she know the origin of this machine.

But the other party's choice to support is still a good thing for the current battle situation.

Under the control of Cornelia, Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3 slashed horizontally with the left hand holding the beam sword, and once again slashed at the spider-shaped dimensional beast that had just been slashed into the air.

But because the spider-shaped dimensional beast fell to the ground, he failed to hit it again.

After the spider-shaped dimensional beast landed on the ground, it bounced a few times quickly, widened the distance from the Blue Sky Knight Gundam Unit 3, and turned to look at the M9 in the distance.

The M9 lying on the ground fired a sniper shot, trying to attack the spider-shaped dimensional beast, but it failed to work. The opponent dodged it with a slight sidestep.

The terrifying speed of the spider-type dimensional beast made Lockon, a sniper, very annoyed.

"This thing is too fast."

In the cockpit of the M9, Weiba's voice reached Lockon's ears.

"Do you need my support? Abo (partner)?"

Before Lockon could reply, Mao interrupted.

"Don't make trouble, the rescue just now is enough. Next, let's see Cornelia's reaction first."

After the training, Mao's Commander M9 appeared next to Lockon's M9.

It's not that Mao deliberately exposed himself, but before the commander M9 appeared, the spider-type dimensional beast launched an attack on Lockon's M9.

Several beams of light shot out from the compound eyes again, and the light rushed towards Lockon's M9.

To prepare for this attack, Mao's Commander M9 held a shield like a door panel in front of the Lockon M9, successfully blocking the spider-type dimensional beast's attack.

I saw that these strange robots that suddenly appeared were so well prepared and cooperative.

Everyone present was quite surprised.

Shumu Zhuque was shocked: "Another increase?"

Cornelia's eyes widened: "This is..."

Communications·Lin Youde explained: "Optical camouflage technology."

"Using special means to hide the body. It was not until just now that I removed the disguise and showed up to protect my teammates."

"I have to say that this is a very advanced technology."

"I didn't expect that besides our integration, there are people with this kind of technology."

Lin Youde's words made Cornelia realize the technical content displayed on the M9.

At this time, Lelouch also noticed that C.C had been staring at M9.

Lelouch asked with some curiosity: "C.C, do you know these guys?"

C.C calmly replied: "That's right, this is a small tactical mobile weapon called M9."

"It is different from medium-sized robots such as MS and PT that focus on large-scale warfare."

"This small tactical weapon has its own classification, called AS."

"Its size is about the same as a Knightmare (combat armored cavalry)."

"But the emphasis is different. It's a cheap, small version of MS and PT."

As he said that, C.C turned to look at Lelouch and said, "The machine that suddenly appeared just now was not a space technology. It was an optical camouflage technology."

"It seems that none of the three major countries have mastered this optical camouflage technology. It is a very advanced technology."

"So from this point of view, it can be judged that the technical content of AS should be higher than that of Knightmare."

Lelouch nodded thoughtfully and said no more.

Just because Lelouch didn't speak, it didn't mean that Cornelia couldn't speak.

After receiving Lin Youde's explanation, Cornelia also realized that these people had a lot of background.

Then he opened the public channel and directly asked Mao and Lockon questions.

"This is the 11th Colony of Britannia, temporary battlefield commander, Cornelia V. Britannia."

"Unknown humanoid mobile weapon pilot, please report your location."

Mao opened the public channel and responded.

“This is the international mercenary organization Mithril. "

"After we discovered that there was a dimensional beast coming here, we came here to provide support. We only target the dimensional beasts and have no intention of getting involved in other disputes."

"If there is any offense, please forgive me, Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia."

Cornelia was stunned for a moment: "Mithril?"

‘Is this the mithril that Emperor Brother Xiunazeru mentioned before? ’

Look at the technical content of M9, and then look at the current technical content of Knightmare. Cornelia finally understood why her resourceful second emperor brother reminded her repeatedly to be careful of "mithril".

This organization does have certain abilities.

"I understand, thank you for your help. Dimensional beasts are the common enemy of us humans. In order to minimize the disaster of dimensional beasts, I will hire you as external aid to annihilate this special dimensional beast."

Mao smiled: "OK~! Now that I have the permission of Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, let's get to work."

Weiba: "Understood, then, come on. ABO (partner)!"

At the top of an abandoned building, another M9 removed its electronic optical camouflage, mounted a sniper rifle, and aimed a shot at the spider-shaped dimensional beast that continued to shine on the commander M9.

The spider-type dimensional beast also seemed to have discovered Weiba's attack and gave up on the spot to continue the attack. One retreated and dodged the bullet.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

In the direction of the spider-shaped dimensional beast's retreat, a burst of heavy footsteps suddenly sounded.

As the optical camouflage ended, Allelujah controlled the M9 and rushed forward with a knife.

"Look at me!"


The front end of Allelujah's M9 dagger penetrated the spider-shaped dimensional beast's protective barrier, but was jammed in the ripples of the barrier.

At the same time, the spider-type dimensional beast also discovered Allelujah's M9. Turning around, light began to gather in the main eye, and the spider-shaped dimensional beast was about to fight back.

Seeing this scene, Allelujah made an immediate decision and controlled the M9 to turn the handle of the knife in his hand. Then the entire machine quickly took off and flew behind.

The knife that was stuck in the protective barrier suddenly exploded, emitting a huge cloud of smoke.

It was at this time that Mao ordered: "Lok'ang, Weiba!"

Two M9s set up sniper rifles.

Lockon: "Sniper!"

Weiba: "Watch me pop his balls!"

The sniper bullet came out of the barrel and shot into the smoke of the explosion, and another more violent explosion broke out.

Seeing this scene, Shumu Suzaku was quite shocked: "What a great cooperation, this should be the end..."

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