Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 484 Things are getting interesting

Lin Youde did not refuse Cornelia's invitation.

Because this banquet is to thank Lin Youde for his hard work today, and it is indeed very late now.

It was different from the banquet that was purely for socializing during the day. It was just for chatting and eating, but Lin Youde didn't mind participating.

Moreover, Lin Youde was also very interested in how Cornelia would deal with Lelouch and the resistance group in the future.

Anyway, for Lin Youde, the matter has nothing to do with him. He is still very enthusiastic when he sees other people having fun.

Under Cornelia's arrangement, Lin Youde took Lei Mengmeng, Lux, Lamia, Refina, and Zeng Jia to attend this private banquet.

Different from the situation during the day when it was full of unknown people, this time at night, there were obviously many fewer people whom Lin Youde didn't know.

And here, Lin Youde finally met Lelouch and C.C.

Just the moment he saw C.C, a flash of lightning flashed through Lin Youde's mind.

In an instant, Lin Youde and C.C both looked at each other.

At that moment, the two people looked at each other, their eyes full of surprise.

Among them, Lin Youde is considered a relatively confused one.

‘Psychic telepathy between new humans? C.C is a new human? What the hell? ’

Compared to Lin Youde's confusion, C.C was much calmer.

With a smile, he nodded slightly to Lin Youde. C.C took Lelouch's arm and followed Cornelia to Lin Youde's side.

"Dr. Lin Youde, although you should already know it. But I still introduce it."

"This is my brother, Lelouch V. Brittania."

"Because of some things, he has been living outside."

"The person next to him is the girlfriend he made when he was living abroad. His name is Xizi."

With that said, Cornelia introduced Lelouch.

"Lelouch, this is Dr. Lin Youde from the Human Innovation Alliance."

"Lin Youde is the founder of the Lin Research Institute and the first Gundam pilot in the history of Aquablue Planet. He is also the strongest new human being on Aquablue Planet."

"In addition, he is also the driver of Gutie. At the beginning of this year, he just won the Olympic exhibition championship."

"Lelouch, when you have time, study more with Dr. Lin Youde, do you understand?"

Lelouch looked at Lin Youde with great surprise as he stretched out his hand.

"It's an honor to meet you, Dr. Lin Youde."

'I didn't expect to be able to meet him here. God is really helping me...'

Lin Youde stood up and held Lelouch's hand.

"Nice to meet you."

'Very good, there is no red flash in the eyes. It seems that Lelouch will not use GEASS, which can only be effective once, without authorization in such an obviously crowded place. ’

For Lelouch, this GEASS can be used on anyone, and it is absolutely effective, forcing the other party to obey. It has the so-called "King's Power" GEASS. Lin Youde was very vigilant from beginning to end.

But based on Lin Youde's understanding of Lelouch's GEASS, Lin Youde has not yet reached the level of fear of him.

So far, there have been some changes in the plot. But Lelouch's GEASS ability shouldn't change much.

And when GEASS is activated, the user's eyes will glow with a V-shaped red light.

For those who don’t understand it, they may be attracted by this feature and fall prey to it.

But Lin Youde had a full understanding of it, so naturally he would not look into Lelouch's eyes foolishly.

Of course, Lin Youde also understood that this kind of vigilance could only be used for a while, but not for a lifetime.

Lin Youde will not let down his guard until he understands what GEASS is in this world.

In addition, according to the original work, Cornelia's sister Euphemia briefly relied on her own willpower to resist the power of Lelouch's GEASS.

Therefore, Lin Youde had made speculations before.

In the world of machine warfare, perhaps as long as a person's will is strong enough, or his mental strength reaches a certain level. Maybe it can withstand the power of Lelouch GEASS.

After all, ordinary people can rely on their own will to resist. There is no reason why special people would be defenseless.

In the world of machine warfare, the most indispensable thing is special groups of people.

In a world of mecha wars where aliens roam the land and there are as many magical technologies as dogs. Lelouch's GEASS must not be as unsolvable as the original work.

But considering that this is still speculation, there is no conclusive evidence to prove the authenticity of this speculation.

Therefore, Lin Youde still did not dare to take it lightly.

Before setting off from the unification to Britannia, Lin Youde specially prepared some special contact lenses for himself, Lei Mengmeng, Lux and others.

This kind of contact lens can achieve an effect similar to the single-sided light-transmitting glass in the interrogation room, but it is not made of glass, but a special material. Because in the original work, sunglasses were used to resist GEASS and were successful. Therefore, Lin Youde felt that this kind of equipment should be able to withstand Lelouch's GEASS.

In order to prepare for this, Lin Youde was constantly nagged by Wang Liumei. Because Lin Youde refused to explain the reason, but he wanted to give each traveler a pair of white wooden horses.

If it were anyone else, Wang Liumei would never cooperate. But considering that it was Lin Youde who made this request. Based on her trust in Lin Youde, Wang Liumei did as she was told.

At the same time, everyone on the white wooden horse was also ordered by Lin Youde to wear these glasses when traveling in Britannia. The reason was naturally not explained.

Others naturally have a lot of questions about this. Just out of trust in Lin Youde and various other reasons, no one dared to really ask Lin Youde for the real reason.

Therefore, Lin Youde and others now look no different from before on the surface. But the surface of the pupils is protected by a thin layer of contact lenses.

Lin Youde didn't know if this kind of protection could really resist Lelouch's GEASS.

What Lin Youde can do is to find the GEASS lifting device that was researched in Area 11 in the original work as soon as possible and has made some progress.

Only by getting this device can Lin Youde feel at ease.

However, Lin Youde did not tell anyone else about this, nor did he show it.

Lelouch didn't know what Lin Youde was thinking, he just looked at Lin Youde with interest.

In addition, when shaking hands with Lelouch, Lin Youde found that C.C was looking at him with interest.

The curiosity in his eyes was not concealed at all, letting Lin Youde understand that he had aroused the curiosity of this immortal witch.

However, Lin Youde just let go of Lelouch's hand. When I was about to say something. The door to the banquet hall was opened again.

Clovis walked in quickly, somewhat hurriedly.

"Sorry, I'm late. I have some things to deal with before, so..."

As soon as he came in, Clovis started explaining himself.

But just in the middle of what he said, he stopped abruptly.

Because, he saw C.C who turned around with Lelouch beside Lelouch.

At that moment, Clovis felt as if there was a thorn stuck in his throat and couldn't say a word.

Lelouch and C.C, on the other hand, looked at Clovis with a calm smile.

Lelouch stared at his brother and said calmly: "Long time no see, Brother Clovis."

C.C also nodded and followed, "It's an honor to meet you, Prince Clovis."

In stark contrast to Lelouch and C.C's smiling faces, Clovis's frozen expression.

Seeing this scene, Lin Youde had reason to believe that Clovis had no idea that Lelouch and C.C would come to this private banquet.

Gently touching his chin, Lin Youde whispered: "Things are getting interesting..."

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde in surprise: "How do you say that?"

It's the last day, if you still have extra votes, don't waste it, vote for me.


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