Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 489 Lei Mengmeng’s doubts

When Lin Youde returned to the guest room, it was already 2 hours later.

In these two hours, Lin Youde and Lamia talked a lot.

Most of the time, the two of them talked about the differences and similarities between Lei Meng and Lei Mengmeng.

I had never thought of Raymond as Lei Mengmeng before, so Lamia never thought it was a big deal.

But after being pointed out by Lin Youde today, the more Lamia and Lin Youde chatted, the more they felt that they had many similarities.

Although his appearance and voice have changed slightly, his personality has also shifted slightly. The way people deal with things has also become more and more stable from the original detachment.

But in some small details of life and living habits, the two still maintain a high degree of consistency.

Based on the similarities and differences between Lei Meng and Lei Meng, Lin Youde and Lamia became more and more speculative as they chatted.

For Lin Youde and Lamia, Lei Mengmeng and Lei Meng are their most important people.

The two of them used them as the topic and chatted naturally and enthusiastically.

In addition, I don’t know if Lamia’s attitude towards Lin Youde also changed a lot after it became more and more confirmed that Raymond was Lei Mengmeng.

The attitude changed from the original business-like attitude to becoming more intimate and respectful.

When Lin Youde came back, the sense of distance between Lin Youde and Lamia was almost gone.

As for whether Lamia regarded him as his real father, Lin Youde didn't care.

Lamia is an artificial human after all, and she has yet to find her true self.

The concept of father may still be a bit abstract to her.

Therefore, Lin Youde didn't care.


"Finally back?"

As soon as Lin Youde opened the door, he saw Lei Mengmeng lying on his bed, looking at his phone.

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "Why are you here? Didn't Cornelia arrange a separate guest room for you?"

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes at Lin Youde, raised her mouth, and muttered: "Of course I want to be here. Otherwise, who knows if you will bring Lamia back to spend the night tonight?"

"You're such a playboy, are you planning to soak all the female members on the white wooden horse?"

Hearing this, Lin Youde suddenly laughed.

"Hey, who's jealous? It smells so strong."

Arriving at Lei Mengmeng's side, Lin Youde was immediately attacked on the waist as soon as he put her into his arms.

"Tell me, what did you and Lamia do outside just now?"

Lin Youde quickly begged for mercy: "No, no, we are just talking about some very ordinary things."

Lei Mengmeng's eyes were unkind: "Are you sure you just talked and didn't do anything? You know, your conversation lasted only two hours. What topic can make you talk so enthusiastically?"

"Also, are you sure you didn't do anything to Lamia for personal gain?"

Lin Youde hugged Lei Mengmeng and lay on the bed, explaining.

"Nothing really was done."

"This is a colony in Britannia, in the courtyard of the Governor's Palace."

"How dare I do anything in a place like this that is no different from the wild... Hiss!!!"

Before Lin Youde finished speaking, Lei Mengmeng grabbed Lin Youde's ear.

"Okay, if it's not the wild, you want to do something, right?"

"I knew you were definitely attracted to Lamia..."

Before Lei Mengmeng could finish her words, Lin Youde begged for mercy: "It's gone, it's gone, my ears are about to fall off!"

Seeing Lin Youde's obviously pained expression, Lei Mengmeng didn't have the courage to fight to the end. He let go of Lin Youde's ears and turned his back angrily.

Lei Mengmeng's sudden silence made Lin Youde hug her gently from behind.

"Mengmeng, can you promise me something?"

Lei Mengmeng replied angrily: "No, how could anyone ask her girlfriend to agree to find a mistress for her husband in front of her?"

Although, Lin Youde wanted to say that he still had Amano Azari and Lux.

But Lin Youde was not stupid enough to say such words to the angry Lei Mengmeng. Instead, he said something else.

"I hope that the next time you meet her, who is very similar to Ashes Savior, you can avoid conflict with her."

As if he didn't expect Lin Youde to say this suddenly, Lei Mengmeng turned around in surprise and looked at Lin Youde.

"Eh? Why?"

Lin Youde gently stroked Lei Mengmeng's hair and sighed.

"Sorry, I can't tell you right now."

"However, I still hope that you can avoid conflicts."

"I don't want you to follow the same path as Exelin."

Lin Youde really didn't want this kind of thing to happen to him, like killing himself in another world with his own hands. Especially the most important person to you.

Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde in bewilderment: "Take the path of sister Exelin? What do you mean, Youde you..."

Lin Youde shook his head slightly: "Don't ask, I won't tell you now."

"In short, if you encounter a machine that is very similar to the Ashes Savior in the future, try to avoid fighting."

"If there's a problem, I'll handle it."

Noticing that Lin Youde's expression was not very good, Lei Mengmeng did not continue to ask further questions and just said oh.

‘The machine Youde mentioned should be the commander who attacked our troops before, right? ’

‘In other words, the fact that Youde failed to shoot it down before does not mean that Youde couldn’t do it. But some don’t want to? ’

‘Sure enough, just as I thought, there was a hidden reason why Youde didn’t shoot down the command plane. ’

‘But, what does that machine have to do with me? ’

With doubts, Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde and said.

"It's getting late, I'm going back to my room first. Remember, no stealing is allowed. In other people's territory, be honest!"

He tapped Lin Youde's nose with his finger, and Lei Mengmeng left.

When she went out, she also took away Lux who was sneaking around the door.

Watching the two people leave, Lin Youde wasn't upset at all. He just held his head, lay on the bed, and muttered to himself.

"I hope my choice is right."

Early the next morning, Lei Mengmeng ran to the hangar where the White Knight was stored.

On the pretext of inspecting the aircraft body, Lei Mengmeng entered the White Knight's cockpit, closed the door, and called out with her eyes closed.

"Sister Axelin, are you there? I have something to ask you, please come out, okay?"

Soon, Lei Mengmeng heard a lazy sister's voice in her mind.

(Hmm~! What’s the matter, Mengmeng-chan, sister, I’m sleeping comfortably. Is there something wrong with you all of a sudden? Or do you miss your sister again?)

Lei Mengmeng opened her eyes, looked at the translucent Axelin next to her, and said.

"Sister Axelin, can you tell me something about you?"

Axelin floated behind Lei Mengmeng, hugged her neck, and teased.

(What's the matter? Are you curious about your sister when you suddenly say this?)

(No, now my sister only belongs to Kyousuke, there is no room for others to interfere~!)


PS: Originally, I wanted to write this last paragraph in Japanese emptiness.

However, I am afraid that it will offend some readers, and since Aixelin speaks in parentheses, it is not convenient to add parentheses to explain the specific meaning of the word "empty ear".

Therefore, some readers are asked to take the initiative to pronounce certain words of Exelin into Japanese.

After all, it is a Japanese work, and the Japanese language is more appropriate.

This is today’s update, followed by yesterday’s missed updates.

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