Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 491 (4th update) Send Lelouch to the Islands to unite?

Thanks to "AntarcRE" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins, hereby add another chapter!

—Text below—

Regret is a pity, Lin Youde was happy after all when he could see Shan was about to be shot.

I glanced at the parade footage, and it seemed that Kallen was not there. Lin Youde thought secretly.

‘Karen was not caught? ’

'Still caught, but saved by Lulu? ’

'According to what Lelouch said at the dinner table last night. He wanted to find some useful chess pieces from these resistance organizations. ’

‘And Kallen is the best fighter among this group of people, and there should be relevant records of Kallen’s battles. ’

‘In this case, the possibility of Karen being saved is indeed quite high. ’

Lin Youde also felt relieved without seeing Kallen being paraded through the streets.

As the undisputed strongest pilot in "Lelouch of the Rebellion". Lin Youde still didn't want this kind of person to die so easily.

Whether this is from the perspective of a fan who once was an audience, or from the perspective of simply wanting to win over more powerful ace pilots.

It would be such a waste for Kallen to die like this.

In Lin Youde's thoughts, the parade quickly came to an end.

As the parade stopped, Clovis stepped onto the podium that had been prepared and began his speech.

"Dear subjects of the Empire, and of course, most of the "residents of District 11" who are assisting us. "

"Do you understand? I feel very sad today."

"Because, just yesterday, a group of heinous villains dared to detonate bombs capable of causing massive casualties in our homeland."

"They want to murder all Imperial subjects and our residents of District 11"

"Facing these villains, my soul has been torn in two. Angered and sad~!"

"However, I, who bear the fate of "Area 11," will never bow to a terrorist organization. "

"Tell me why, because this is a just battle!"

"It is a just battle to protect all happiness and well-being!"

"Fortunately, after yesterday's hard battle, we finally won."

"All terrorists have been arrested and will be sentenced to death."

"But, that's not all."

"In addition to punishing these heinous villains with the hammer of justice, we must not forget those imperial warriors who died gloriously for justice."

"Come, everyone, let's pay our condolences to the 77 warriors who sacrificed their lives for justice."

Lei Mengmeng put her chin on Lin Youde's head and muttered: "Why does this guy act like a Western aristocrat when he speaks?"

Refina returned: "Maybe it's because Britannia is also one of the Western nobles, right?"

"I remember that the origin of Britannia was the Silla Alliance in the West."

"Before the Dimensional Beast came, due to certain things, Britannia left the European continent and went overseas, establishing what is now the Holy Britannian Empire."

"Fundamentally speaking, they are from authentic Western aristocrats."

Lei Mengmeng smacked her lips: "That's no wonder, the taste is too strong."

Lamia looked at Cornelia standing behind Clovis on the screen and asked with some confusion.

"But in terms of status, isn't Cornelia taller than Clovis? Why is it that he is the one giving the speech and Cornelia is standing behind him?"

Lux explained: "This should be because District 11 is Clovis' fiefdom, right?"

"Although Cornelia is superior to Clovis in terms of inheritance from Britannia."

"But here in District 11, Clovis, as Governor, is better suited to deliver this speech."

"If Cornelia comes, although there is no legal problem, it will make Clovis's ministers feel like they are taking the lead."

"I think Cornelia must have considered this before letting Clovis give a speech and announce all this."

During Lux's explanation, Clovis ended the moment of silence and began to announce the start of the execution.

Unlike human innovation and integration, Britannia has always been live broadcasting the execution of this kind of terrorist. Shot on the spot to scare the monkeys.

Shan and others were quickly lined up by the Britannian soldiers and shot in turn.

With the shooting of all terrorists completed, the live broadcast also came to an end.

At this time, a Brittanian soldier knocked on the door and walked in.

"Dear distinguished guests, Her Royal Highness the Princess invites you to discuss something."

Lin Youde and Lei Mengmeng looked at each other, nodded in unison, and stood up.

"Okay, we'll be there soon."

Lei Mengmeng lowered her head and asked in a low voice: "We just finished shooting the terrorists, and Cornelia came to see us. What's the matter?"

Lin Youde replied: "I don't know. I'll find out when I get to the place later."

Under the leadership of the Brittanian soldiers, Lin Youde and others quickly arrived at a living room.

After waiting for a while, Cornelia walked in with Lelouch and C.C.

Lin Youde glanced behind Cornelia, and after confirming that Clovis was not here, he asked doubtfully.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, why are you looking for us?"

After Cornelia asked everyone to sit down, she glanced at Lelouch and said to Lin Youde.

"To be honest, I have something to ask Dr. Lin Youde for help."

Lin Youde also glanced at Lelouch and secretly felt that this matter might be related to Lelouch, so he asked.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Cornelia, if you have anything to say, please speak up. As long as I can help, I will do my best."

‘I have made my words very clear. If I can't help, I won't help. If I can help, I will do my best. ’

‘Anyway, I’ve made it clear in advance. Whether you heard it or not is your business. I don’t guarantee it. ’

Of course Cornelia couldn't hear what Lin Youde was saying.

So Cornelia was also smiling gratefully at this moment.

"Thank you very much for Dr. Lin Youde's friendship. I, Cornelia, will never forget it."

After a few polite words, Cornelia made her request known.

"Actually, I want to entrust Dr. Lin Youde to send my brother, Lelouch and his girlfriend, Xizi, to the islands to unite."

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment: "Huh? Send Lelouch and Xizi to the islands to unite?"

Refina also asked in surprise: "I remember that the United Islands is in a hostile relationship with Britannia, right?"

"Is it really okay to send your own prince to the enemy's country?"

Lux even complained weirdly: "I remember, Lelouch just said yesterday that when he was a child, he was sent to the hostile country of New Neon to be used as a hostage."

"We finally reunited after a long separation, and you want to send your brother to the enemy country again?"

"Isn't this a bit inappropriate?"

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