Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 498 C.C’s nonsense?

After Kallen made her choice, ZERO (Lelouch) turned to look at the others.

"Sa, now, it's your turn to make a choice."

After the resistance group and others looked at each other, they finally looked at Shinichiro Tamaki and Kallen.

Feeling the eyes of his companions, Tamaki Shinichiro panicked a little.

"Hey, hey, you don't want me to make a decision, do you?"

"Hey, Hualian, what are you talking about?"

Kallen crossed her arms and looked back at Shinichiro Tamaki.

"I have made a choice, but it is only my personal choice. I am not a fan, so I can't make a decision for you."

"Now that my brother and Shan are dead, everyone has to make their own decisions."

"At least I don't want my brother and Shan to die in vain."

"I want to avenge them. As long as I can achieve this goal, it doesn't matter to me whether ZERO is using me or deceiving me."

"Because this is my only hope for revenge."

Although Karen herself said that she cannot make decisions for others.

But her words made others hesitate and make a decision.


"Me too."

"Anyway, I will die, so I choose to give it a try."

Watching my companions choose to join one after another.

Tamaki Shinichiro, who had called him the happiest before, scratched his hair impatiently.

"Damn it, you all chose to join one by one, how could I escape alone."

As Kallen raised the corners of her mouth slightly, Tamaki Shinichiro made a fist with one hand and shouted to ZERO (Lelouch).

"ZERO, if you still deceive us and betray us, we will definitely not let you go."

In response, ZERO (Lelouch) shook his head slightly.

"I'm sorry, I can't guarantee that. In order to defeat Britannia, I will do whatever it takes. Be it deception or betrayal. As long as I can achieve this goal, I will do whatever it takes."

"So, I can't make any guarantees to you."

ZERO (Lelouch)'s words made Tamaki Shinichiro's expression freeze on the spot.

Lelouch himself was helpless about this.

‘Why does this guy C.C have to arrange such lines for me? ’

‘Wouldn’t it be nice to just say something nice about this kind of chess piece? ’

‘Even if it is to bring Jeremiah and other pure-blood factions back, there is no need to arrange such lines, right? ’

Recalling the scene where C.C had written the script and showed it to him, Lelouch felt helpless.

‘C.C is so ridiculous. Is this woman treating all of this as a game? ’

Secretly complaining about the various shortcomings of C.C's previous actions, Lelouch heard Tamaki Shinichiro shout to him.

"Hey, ZERO, now that we have agreed to join, is it time for you to show us your true identity?"

Hearing Shinichiro Tamaki's words, Lelouch frowned secretly, and what C.C had said to him before flashed in his mind.

"Lelouch, the people in the prison, except for the girl named Hualien, are all trash. You can save them or not. I even personally suggest that you get rid of those guys. It's not of much use. of."

Lelouch didn't know where C.C got this information. But judging from the current situation, except for this girl named Hualian. Others really have no opinions and appear to be incompetent.

‘Although in order not to expose the main target, we rescued a group of them. ’

'But now I have Jeremiah, the queen's former bodyguards. ’

‘The pure-blood faction formed by Jeremiah is here, and its loyalty and personal abilities are guaranteed. ’

‘So, I don’t have to rely on these wastes at all. ’

‘Why don’t you find a chance to deal with these guys later? ’

He secretly made up his mind to deal with Shinichiro Tamaki and other related personnel later.

In order to fulfill what he had said before, Lelouch simply took off his mask.

"As you wish, this is my true face."

Kallen, Shinichiro Tamaki and others were surprised when they saw Lelouch's face.

"ZERO, you..." Kallen hesitated.

Shinichiro Tamaki exclaimed on the spot: "Bretonian?"

The residents of District 11 generally have Eastern faces, while the Bretons have traditional Western faces.

In this closed arrondissement 11, there are basically no Western faces other than non-Bretonians.

Therefore, Lelouch didn't care about Tamaki Shinichiro directly revealing his identity.

Even C.C wearing a mask was fanning the flames.

"Yes, he is from Brittany. Moreover, ZERO was once the prince of Brittany."

As soon as C.C said these words, Kallen, Shinichiro Tamaki and others couldn't hold back any longer.

"ZERO is the prince of Britannia?" Kallen looked at Lelouch in shock.

Shinichiro Tamaki even shouted on the spot: "Isn't that our enemy?"

"C.C..." Lelouch looked at C.C with some displeasure.

C.C chuckled and said: "What does it matter? You have to tell them sooner or later, right?"

"In this case, it's better to tell them from the beginning, lest they investigate later and come to trouble you."

Tamaki Shinichiro's twilight switched back and forth between C.C and Lelouch: "Hey, what do you mean? Even if he is a Brittany, now there is a prince of Brittany. You guys Are you kidding us?"

Lelouch glanced at Shinichiro Tamaki and put on his helmet again.

"I have made it very clear before that I want to overthrow Britannia. Because I hate Britannia, even if I was once the prince of Britannia."

"Now, you have chosen to join my team. Then, let's fight together from now on."

“Those who want to withdraw can do so now.”

"Also, let me remind you that I do not accept betrayal."

Jeremiah, who had been standing silently on the sidelines, pointed the machine gun at Shinichiro Tamaki and said with a sinister smile.

"His Highness has made it very clear. Either work with us to overthrow Britannia. Or, die directly. You can make a choice again."

Tamaki Shinichiro and others were frightened...

Looking at Shinichiro Tamaki and others who said nothing and looked quite ugly. Lelouch complained to himself.

'It's really eventful...'

While Lelouch and others were taking action, Lin Youde was sitting in the courtyard of the Governor's Mansion, sleeping peacefully.

There was no other way, so everything was left to Cornelia, Clovis and Lelouch to handle on their own.

There was nothing to do, so Lin Youde slept peacefully.

Then, as soon as he got up early the next morning, Lin Youde turned on the TV.

Then, the picture of Cornelia behind and Clovis in front appeared on the TV screen.

Facing the camera, Clovis said with a sad face.

"Subjects of Britannia, I am here to announce something sad..."

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