Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 500 Crow’s Mouth

The sudden appearance of Lancelot Enhanced was somewhat beyond Kallen's expectations.

She didn't expect that she would already focus so much on attacking the various hangars in the base. There are still fish that have slipped through the net.

However, she was surprised. Looking at Lancelot Enhanced, which was two-thirds smaller than her body, Kallen was not afraid.

"It's just a Knightmare, don't think I'm afraid of you."

Guren Gundam picked up the beam rifle and fought back, but was easily dodged by Lancelot Enhanced Type.

Shumu Suzaku: "Don't think that you can be more powerful just by piloting a Gundam. You are just a terrorist, let me fall!"

The high-powered rifle fired several shots, but Guren Gundam either dodged or blocked them with an anti-beam shield.

Kallen: "Hey, this accuracy is that of a master. And I'm not very familiar with the operation of the Red Lotus Gundam. If this continues, I might get entangled..."

Subconsciously, she looked back into the distance and found that thick smoke suddenly began to rise in the distance. Kallen's eyes lit up.

"Did ZERO also succeed?"

"Where are you looking?"

Lancelot Enhanced Type picked up the thermal sword and slashed at the Guren Gundam.

Fortunately, Kallen reacted quickly and controlled the Red Lotus Gundam to get out of the way.

But this time, Kallen was also angered.

"You guy, don't think I'm afraid of you."

The Guren Gundam put away its beam rifle, drew its beam saber, exploded its thrusters, and rushed towards Lancelot Enhanced.

Lancelot Enhanced made an emergency turn and blocked Guren Gundam's beam sword with the thermal energy sword in his hand.

However, the power of the Gurren Gundam's thrusters was so exaggerated that even if the Lancelot Enhanced thrusters were fully activated, the entire body would be pushed and flew backwards.

"Suzaku-kun, the propulsion power of Tall is superior to Lancelot, don't go head-to-head with Gundam!"

Shumu Suzaku: "I, I know..."

The full blast of the Lancelot Enhanced Stop Thruster shut down the unilateral thruster, causing the machine body to spin sideways and successfully slip away from the Gurren Gundam.

Karen: "Don't even think about running away."

The head Vulcan cannon of the Guren Gundam opened fire, and red bullets flew towards Lancelot Enhanced.

But Shumu Suzaku seemed to have no intention of confronting Kallen head-on. He controlled Lancelot Enhanced Type to distance himself early, and successfully made the Vulcan Cannon's attack completely in vain.

Seeing this scene, Kallen was a little dissatisfied: "Hey, it's too small and hard to hit."

Shumu Suzaku said: "We have to find a way to defeat the Gundam's thrusters, otherwise I will be the one who suffers."

While the two were fighting fiercely, lightning after lightning was flashing in the sky of the base.

On the rooftop of the annex of the Governor's Palace in District 11.

Lin Youde held the telescope and looked at the two small dots, one red and one white, over the Britannia military base in the distance, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Here we go, the tradition of Gundam, Gundam Snatching Operation."

He took a telescope and looked in the other direction. After seeing another gray-white Gundam rush out of the smoke and begin to take off.

Lin Youde nodded slightly, looking quite happy.

"It seems that Lelouch has succeeded too. Very good. In this way, the hot potato is out."


Holding the telescope, Lin Youde moved back to the sky above the Britannia military base.

Looking at the little flashing arc, and the sky that has begun to be torn apart.

Looking at this scene, Lin Youde's cheeks twitched.

"It seems like this is still indispensable."

"Although it seems a little late compared to before. But judging from the current situation, it is still quite on time."

There have been situations where the dimensional beast appeared after starting the Gundam by myself and completing the target practice test.

Lin Youde was not surprised that Lancelot Enhanced and the Red Lotus Gundam fought for a while before the dimensional cracks gradually unfolded. He just muttered to himself.

‘It looks like it’s confirmed. ’

‘Even if it’s just an enhanced type, as long as it has a huge improvement on the body. If the effect is similar to that of changing machines, and the driver and the machine are original, the appearance of the dimensional beast will be triggered. ’

‘There was only one example of Mazinger Z before, so I wasn’t sure yet. Now it seems that it is a real deal. ’

'In this case, you need to be careful when testing after changing the body or strengthening the body...'

Thinking about this, Lin Youde touched his chin with his hand.

‘Now that the dimensional beast appears again, who will deal with the special individual this time? ’

‘Let Mengmeng, Lamia and Zengjia who are here handle it? ’

‘Should we let Ladis and Cai awaken the BGM field and deal with it? ’

‘Theoretically, the sooner Ladis and Cai awaken to the BGM field, the better. ’

‘But how can these two awaken to the field of BGM? Different from Date Takamori's middle two, these two are too normal. How to awaken to the BGM field? ’

Just when Lin Youde was distressed, on the other side.

In the sea water near Area 11.

Inside the Submarine: Sons of Danu.

Lockon was sitting in the restaurant, eating breakfast with Allelujah, watching the battle being played on the screen, and couldn't help but complain.

"Hey, hey, Brittania is too restless, isn't she?"

"How long has it been since then and fighting broke out again?"

Allelujah poked the fried dough sticks into the soy milk in the bowl with chopsticks and complained.

"And the ones fighting are still the red Gundam and the Lancelot. Are they fighting their own people?"

Weiba shook his head: "It doesn't look like a drill. Then the damage to the base looks quite serious."

Mao gnawed on the fried dough sticks: "The machine must have been robbed, right? The red Gundam was destroying the machine before. It's obviously not on the Britannian army's side anymore."

"Now Lancelot rushes out to fight with him, probably to prevent him from escaping."

Hearing Mao's words, Lockon shook his head: "Aren't these Brittanian nobles too weak?"

"I couldn't keep the Gundam I just bought and it was robbed by someone."

"Now Brittany's face is really humiliated."

Allelujah looked at Mao: "Sister Mao, do you think we need to intervene in this battle?"

Mao shook his head: "It shouldn't be necessary. After all, this is Britannia's own business."

"We, Mithril, have never been too involved in this kind of battle between humans. Our main business is to fight against dimensional beasts..."

Before Mao could finish his words, the alarm sounded inside Dannu's Sons.

Everyone in the restaurant stood up.

Lockon looked at the warning light in shock: "This color is... a dimensional beast alarm?"

Allelujah was also shocked: "At this time, a dimensional rift actually appeared?"

Weiba complained: "Mao is really a crow's mouth... ugh."

Mao glared and Weiba immediately shut up.

Mao ordered everyone: "Everyone is preparing for level one combat. I'm going to ask Tesha to see what the situation is now."

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