Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 572 Watching

In the villa of the Silla Alliance Bist family.

The head of the Bist family, Cardeas Bist, sat on a chair and looked at his eldest son, Albert Bist.

"How's it going? How are things arranged..."

Albert stood in front of the table and reported respectfully.

"Go back to Dad, everything goes well."

"The missile positions for the attack have been arranged. As soon as the target enters the range, the bombing will begin."

"The integration and the federation have taken care of things, and there are many people who are willing to cooperate with us."

"that is……"

Cardeas asked in a deep voice.

"What is it? Say."

Albert bowed.

"Yes, the Miguel family seems to be investigating our actions recently."

"I'm worried whether they..."

Before Albert finished speaking, Cardeas sneered.

"Oh, just a Miguel family is not enough evidence."

"I remember that their daughter is now working in the intelligence department, right?"

Albert bowed and responded.

"Yes, that's why I'm worried about whether the Miguel family is acting for personal gain, and wants to collect clues and evidence that are unfavorable to us, and wants to deal with us."

Cardeas waved his hand and spoke lightly.

"It doesn't matter, no matter what their purpose is. As long as we have enough benefits that can be exchanged with other forces, there will naturally be people to help suppress them."

"Albert, remember. As long as there is enough interest, evidence, etc., you can reverse it at any time."

"You haven't studied this iron law thoroughly yet."

Albert lowered his head lower.

"I'm so sorry, Father."

Cardeas said after humming.

"It doesn't matter, you still have time, you can take your time, don't be in a hurry."

"By the way, how's Banagher doing?"

Albert secretly looked up at Cardeas and returned.

"After Banagher became obsessed with the animation "Mobile Suit Gundam" over there, he recently started playing in "Gundam" again."

"But what he uses recently is not the Unicorn, but other mass-produced Gundams."

Cardeas sighed softly: "Are you still resistant to unicorns..."

Shaking his head, Cardeas asked again.

“What about my “gift”? "

Albert took out his tablet and said while looking at it.

"Yes, the NT-D system has been initially tested. It has achieved 95% of the effects of the Unicorn Gundam NT-D system in previous games."

"The compatibility between the NT-D system and the mental induction skeleton has also been adjusted, and the effect is very good."

"I just heard that the new human pilot who was scheduled to be tested in the Free Federation was snatched away by a group of mercenaries."

Cardeas said with some annoyance.

"There's no need to talk about such trivial matters. You just need to tell me how the things I want are doing."

Albert nodded quickly and returned.

"Yes, the things are ready and tested. They are being shipped. I believe they will be delivered soon."

"After a little debugging, it should be operational."

Hearing this, Cardeas smiled.

"Very good, get it done as soon as possible. I can't wait to see Banagher get back on his feet."

Albert said nothing.

After a while, Cardeas asked.

"What, is there anything else?"

Albert returned: "Yes, father. According to the informant's report, the head of the EOTI agency, Bian Zoldak, seems to be quite restless recently."

Cardeas was a little confused: "Oh? Bian? Isn't he studying the new machine he snatched from the unified secret realm? Why is he restless again?"

Albert returned.

"That's right, Dr. Bean himself is researching a new black box body."

"But his EOTI agency seems to have recently completed a new machine body."

"And it's intended to be tested near the South Pole."

As soon as Albert said this, Cardeas frowned.

"Antarctica? Why are we testing new airframes there?"

Albert shook his head,

After thinking for a moment, Cardeas ordered.

"Send someone to keep an eye on it. Bi'an has alien technology in his hands."

"He must have discovered something by arranging it this way."

"If you have any news, report it to me as soon as possible."

Albert nodded.


Albert left, and Cartiers walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked into the distance.

"Bian, what are you planning..."

In an underground hangar of the Silla Alliance·EOTI agency.

Bean looked at the dark blue robot in front of him with a smile on his face and said with a smile.

"It looks like it's finished, Chou."

On the side, a handsome purple-haired guy wearing a white coat with a "White River Chou" nameplate hanging on his chest walked over with his hands in his pockets.

"Fortunately, Commander-in-Chief. We only need further debugging before testing."

Bi'an looked at the machine body with gleaming eyes and trembled.

"Good, get it done as soon as possible."

"The future of the earth depends on it."

"It's also time for those aliens to see the backbone of us earthlings."

"This Gulanson will sound the clarion call for our counterattack!"

Bai He smiled sadly but said nothing.

In the corner to the side, Bian's daughter, Luni Zoldak, a beautiful girl with golden hair, was leaning against the wall, looking at the ferocious-looking Gulanson with a rather unsightly expression.

"Father, this idiot..."

Overseas, Principality of Rixent, Port.

"Then, please take care of yourself, Princess Xia Yin."

"You must come back to see me, Lord Ladis!"

After glancing at Princess Xia Yin and Leidis who were saying goodbye, Lin Youde said to Lelouch who was bringing C.C. and Kallen.

"I'll leave this to you."

Lelouch smiled confidently: "Don't worry, this is my base, and I won't let others get involved here."

The corners of Lin Youde's mouth raised slightly.

"As long as you have this confidence. Then, everyone, please come back later."

After saying that, Lin Youde turned and left.

"Don't die."

Lin Youde kept walking, gave a thumbs up, and entered the white wooden horse.

Lelouch and Kallen looked at C.C in surprise. C.C didn't say anything, just said it in his heart.

'If you die, then there will be one less person in this world with whom I can talk...'

In the bridge of the white wooden horse.

Taking one last look at Lelouch and others at the port, Lin Youde was in high spirits, sitting on the captain's seat and waving his hand.

"The white wooden horse sets sail, the target is the Old Neon Islands, it's time to slap the Free Federation!"

Lefina smiled and said: "Understood, target: Old Neon Islands, white wooden horse, set sail!"

In the eyes of Princess Xia Yin, Lelouch, C.C, and Kallen, the white wooden horse took off, gradually moved away, and disappeared...

Above the sea, not far from the white wooden horse, was a flying vehicle that looked like a motorcycle. A girl looked at the white wooden horse leaving and whispered.

"Jill, the ship had no intention of coming in and flew away in the other direction."

Communicator: "Then leave him alone. As long as outsiders don't come in, they are not our enemies. Our only enemies are "dragons". "

The girl looked at the white wooden horse gradually disappearing and chuckled.

"Understood, then I will return as well..."

The motorcycle-like vehicle turned on the spot and flew in the other direction of the white Trojan.

On the white wooden horse, Lin Youde seemed to be aware of it and turned his head to look in the direction in which the flying motorcycle left.

"Is it an illusion? I always feel like someone is looking at me?"

Lin Youde, who frowned slightly, let go of the new human telepathy, but found nothing.

This made Lin Youde touch his chin.

"People from Raymond's side? Or should I say, people from Tessa's side?"

Just when Lin Youde was confused.

In the lounge, Lita, who was watching a video, suddenly raised her head and looked in the same direction as Lin Youde.

"Over there is..."


Lita turned around suddenly and saw Jonah looking at her with concern on his face.

Rita shook her head quickly and smiled.

"Nothing, just thinking about something."

Jonah nodded, took the tablet in his hand, and approached Lita.

"Rita, tell me, if I apply to the captain to fly a Gundam, will he agree?"

Rita thought: "Probably... not."

Michelle mocked a little bit: "With your current skills, Jonah, how could the captain give you the precious Gundam to drive?"

Jonah shook his head: "That's right..."

Seeing the sad look on Jonah's face, Rita smiled happily and put the previous events behind her...

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