Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 635 It’s this world that’s wrong!

Lin Youde waved his hands lazily.

"How is it possible? How could I do this?"

"I just wanted to give them a surprise."


Lin Youde touched his chin with his hand and fell into deep thought.

"I have been hesitating before whether to directly use the light wave defense shield technology."

"After all, the defense technology in Lux's world is known as invincible defense. Its defense power is generally considered to be able to be blocked by dimensional beasts."

"If I had handed over this technology before, the casualties within the unified territory this time might have been reduced a lot, right?"

To this, Lei Mengmeng gave a negative answer.

"I know Youde, you have thought a lot because of this dimensional beast attack and what Dr. Kak Hamil, the third doctor of Gurin Kensan said before."

"I feel that I am partially responsible for the large-scale invasion of dimensional beasts and heavy deaths across the country."

"But, from my perspective. I don't think so."

Under Lin Youde's gaze, Lei Mengmeng said to Lin Youde with a sullen face and a scolding tone.

"This world is not a world where you are a virtuous person. This country is not a country where you are a virtuous person."

"In the face of the casualties caused by the large-scale invasion of dimensional beasts, as a unified nation, we can be sentimental, commemorative, and indignant. But we must not bear all the responsibility on one person."

"Even if this person is virtuous, it won't work."

As Lux nodded, Lei Mengmeng continued.

"And if we use the light wave defense shield technology, can we really avoid a large number of casualties among people after the large-scale invasion of dimensional beasts not long ago?"

"No way, that's a no-brainer."

"Because whether it is the Unification, Silla, or Free Federation. Any country has many internal forces and parties."

"The light wave defense shield technology is the only defensive stance technology that integrates the two defensive stances besides the telekinetic stance. Once it is taken out, it will definitely be competed by countless people."

"This kind of life-saving technology will first be applied to those selfish powerful people. Then it will be used in the military field, and finally it will be used in the cities where the people live."

"This is the bad nature of human beings. Even if Mr. Zhao Zheng is willing to give priority to popularizing it to the people, the powerful people will not agree."

"Although the light wave defense shield is powerful, its disadvantage of huge energy consumption is also obvious."

"They will delay the deployment of the city on the grounds that this technology consumes too much energy and the area of ​​a city is too large to be maintained for a long time."

"On the contrary, their own residences will be deployed first."

"It's been less than a year since Youde obtained the light wave defense shield technology."

"Do you think that such a short period of time is enough for those guys to finish fighting for it and make it available to the people?"

Lei Mengmeng shook her head: "The answer is already obvious. It must be impossible."

"As long as the huge energy consumption of the light wave defense shield is not solved, even Mr. Zhao Zheng will find it difficult to popularize it among the people despite all the objections."

"Lord Zhao Zheng is just the leader of our unity, not the dictator emperor in ancient times."

"In fact, even the ancient emperors were not dictators in the true sense."

"Not to mention that we have provoked the Liu family and the Ma family before. Even if they want to disgust us, they will hinder us."

"So, I don't think the light wave defense shield technology you used before, Youde, can improve the current situation."

Lei Mengmeng's words caused Lin Youde to fall into a long silence.

Lux stood behind Lin Youde and rubbed Lin Youde's shoulders and head. After a while, Lux comforted her in a soft voice.

"Youde, you put too much pressure on yourself."

"It is impossible for you to shoulder this world and this country alone."

"Currently, we don't have that much power."

He looked up at Lux's beautiful face, and then at Lei Mengmeng's delicate face. Lin Youde sighed heavily.

"You are right, maybe I put too much pressure on myself."

Touching Lux's smooth and delicate cheek, Lin Youde blinked and sighed secretly.

‘Have I been affected by what Amuro and C.C said recently? I always feel like I'm a little too eager. ’

‘Is it because in this world, only C.C and I know that the world has been reset and destroyed, so we are anxious? ’

Lin Youde thought about his recent state and fell into thought.

Lacus, on the other hand, scolded Lei Mengmeng.

"Although I also think that Sister Mengmeng, you are right, but this time, Sister Mengmeng, you have gone too far."

"Youde is just because a large number of people have suffered this time, and some sentimental emotions have arisen."

"At this time, isn't what we have to do is comfort and guide you?"

"Isn't it too much to reprimand directly?"

"Youde has worked very hard."

"As the strongest new human being in the world, he is also one of the few beings who can communicate with certain souls in machine battles."

"He knows more than we do, and understands more. But he also carries more."

"We shouldn't put more pressure on him."

Lei Mengmeng rolled her eyes: "I'm not putting pressure on him. On the contrary, I'm telling him not to put meaningless pressure on himself."

"Besides, do you think I don't want to comfort him and comfort him?"

"Didn't I consider that this is your matter, so I can only help him from another angle?"

"It is you, Lux, who now plays the role of a good wife and mother."

Looking at Lei Mengmeng's slightly resentful eyes, Lux smiled innocently.

"Sister Mengmeng, you can also play the role of a good wife and mother. No one stipulates that there can only be one good wife and mother."

Lei Mengmeng glanced at Lux and drank tea by herself, ignoring Lux.

Lin Youde turned away from the smiling Lux, and sweat began to break out on his forehead.

‘Did Lacus really not know, or was she just pretending? ’

‘Mengmeng is obviously complaining that Lux took away the role she was supposed to play, right? ’

'In order not to conflict with Lux, Mengmeng consciously gave up her role as a good wife and mother to adjust the things she was responsible for. ’

‘With Lux’s IQ, it’s impossible not to see it. ’

‘But considering Lux’s slightly natural attributes and her emotional intelligence, it’s really not necessarily possible. ’

'After all, IQ and EQ cannot be fixed. ’

‘Besides, is Mengmeng complaining to me about being a philanderer in a subtle way? ’

Lin Youde felt ashamed when he thought of this.

It's really not that Lin Youde wants to be flirtatious, it's just that there are too many good girls around him, and Lin Dashan is reluctant to give them away.

In desperation, I can only suffer from Lei Mengmeng.

‘It’s definitely not my fault, it’s the world’s fault! ’

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