Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 755 Comfort

Lei Mengmeng's words shocked Lux ​​and Wang Liumei, and also made Lamia fall into deep thought.

Only Lin Youde was not surprised, because he thought so in his heart.

It is different from the preconceived impressions of people in this purely technological era of the world.

As a time traveler, Lin Youde knew from the beginning that magic might exist in this world.

After all, magic is not that unusual in the world view of "Super Robot Wars".

Rather, it would be better to say that magic is a very common thing in the world view of "Super Robot Wars".

Therefore, Lin Youde's expression did not change much. After Lei Mengmeng noticed it, he also spoke.

"Youde, you think so too, right?"

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Yes, magic has existed in our world."

"Although magic has not been revealed on Aqua Blue Planet at present. But magic does exist."

When Lin Youde said this, Lux also reacted and suddenly looked at Lamia: "So, when Lamia's Bow Angel cast the fantasy mark, could the magic circle be..."

Lamia shook his head slightly: "I don't know, the Bow Angel is a pure black box body, not a body manufactured by Shidong Heavy Industries."

"Although the main body of Bow Angel is a pure technological product, its core is a completely unknown black box."

"After the BGM field broke out, I didn't figure out what happened to that strange magic circle."

"Currently, I only know that the magic circle can imprison the enemy's movements. The confinement effect is so strong that even the generals among the dimensional beasts cannot break free."

Lin Youde nodded: "There are still many unknowns about Bow Angel. Whether this machine is related to magic is still a question mark."

"But as far as the current situation is concerned, even if the Archangel is related to magic, it won't be of much help to the current situation."

As he spoke, Lin Youde quietly added in his heart: 'I am more inclined to believe that the magic circle created by Bow Angel's ultimate move Fantasy Mark is a variant of the inherent barrier similar to Gurungast Zero. ’

‘After all, the original Bow Angel is a purely technological product, and there is a second black Bow Angel. ’

‘This kind of machine is one of the super robots unique to the Shadow Mirror Force, and it shouldn’t have much to do with the magic side. ’

Lin Youde didn't say what was in his heart because he couldn't tell other people about this kind of thing.

However, when everyone heard what Lin Youde said, they nodded in agreement.

Because whether Archangel is related to the magic side, it really has no helpful effect on the current situation.

Lei Mengmeng said after thinking about this.

"My personal suggestion is that it would be better to think at the best."

"The magic circle of Bow Angel allows us to recognize the existence of magic and indirectly know the possibility of the existence of the magic world."

"The people in the magical world are kidnapping the humans on Aquamarine on such a large scale. They must have needs."

Wang Liumei's eyebrows twitched: "You mean, people in the magical world are in the same situation as in those anime. They need to summon a savior to save the world?"

Lux was confused: "But, aren't there only 2 or 3 saviors who summon the past in anime works? Doesn't this match our current situation?"

Lei Mengmeng did not refute this, but returned.

"Maybe this is the difference between animation and reality?"

"After all, those in power who are a little bit ambitious and far-sighted know that characters like the savior summoned from another world have magical qualifications that far exceed those of ordinary people in the magical world."

"Couldn't they use some crooked thinking? This is unlikely, right? After all, people in the magical world are not as simple as in anime works."

Wang Liumei pondered: "What you mean is that people in the magical world want to mass-produce a savior whose magic level far exceeds that of the original inhabitants of the world."

"Then mass-produce the savior and turn it into a usable combat force to satisfy the ambitions of some people in power for power expansion?"

Lux thought seriously: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, once we really master the magic of summoning the savior, then maybe this idea can really become a reality."

Lei Mengmeng nodded: "So, according to this idea. People who can be summoned to the magical world may have certain magical qualifications."

"Such a person has great strategic value in itself. As long as he is valuable, Naya Zhenli's safety can be guaranteed to a certain extent."

After Lei Mengmeng said this, everyone calmed down a little.

In other words, Lei Mengmeng's words were meant for Lin Youde to hear.

Lin Youde originally thought of the possibility in this regard. After Lei Mengmeng's careful analysis, he also believed that this possibility would be greater.

Therefore, Lin Youde's face looked much better.

"I hope so..."

Seeing that Lin Youde's expression improved, Lei Mengmeng immediately concluded the matter.

"So far, this is the most likely possibility. So, for the time being, we think that Yazhenri and the other missing people were summoned to the magical world."

No one has any objection to this.

Lei Mengmeng asked Lux ​​and Wang Liumei.

"Do Yazhenli's parents know about this?"

In response, Lux and Wang Liumei looked at each other and nodded in unison.

Lux: "Yazhenli's parents already knew about this. Rather, we only found out about it when they couldn't find any trace of Yazhenli and called specifically for help."

Wang Liumei: "Because this matter was so bizarre before, it is so big that it cannot be hidden at all."

"So after discussing with Lux before, I decided to tell the truth to them."

Lin Youde's eyebrows twitched: "Then, are they okay?"

Wang Liumei looked a little embarrassed: "I can't say it's good, but I can't say it's bad either."

Lux explained: "At first, Yazhenri's mother fainted on the spot."

"But Yazhenli's father is stronger and said he does not think Yazhenli has been killed."

"He said that he wants to see people alive and dead, otherwise he will never accept the fact that his daughter is dead."

"We also very much agreed with this, so after a consolation session, the mood of both of them gradually stabilized."

"But I think that if you have time in the future, you should go there in person."

Lin Youde sighed: "I understand, I'm afraid they have already regarded me as their future son-in-law. I will find time to go back and deal with this matter later."

After Lux and Wang Liumei nodded, Lei Mengmeng looked at Lin Youde: "Then, should I report this matter based on this guess?"

Lin Youde rubbed his temples and returned: "Report it. It's time for the unified executives to pay attention to the existence of the magical world."

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