Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 786 Worship! ?

Facing Lux's inquiry, Lin Youde chuckled.

"How could it be? At this time, I have no reason or motive to attack at all."

"If I really want to take action, I have to ask Durandal to do it."

"After all, my identity now lies here."

"So, when it comes to attacking, just think about it."

"Now the Liberty Gundam has been nominally returned to P.L.A.N.T., and is not my property."

"We have no right to touch other people's things."

Hearing Lin Youde's words, Lux nodded slightly.

"That's right."

"Now, let us wait here."

Lin Youde put his arm around Lux's shoulders and responded.

"Well, now, let's take a break."

Lin Youde and Lux ​​sat in the lounge to rest, listening to the Minerva's attack order being issued, and everyone became busy.

I don't know if it was because of the emergency attack, but no one came to disturb the two of them.

It wasn't until the Gnaku's hatch suddenly opened and the Pulse Gundam and a white Zaku Warrior were recovered that the two of them stood up.

Lux looked out the window: "It looks like the battle is over?"

Lin Youde shook his head: "No, at most it can only be regarded as a temporary end, an intermission."

"If nothing else, this incident should turn into the same situation as before I met you."

"One runs away, the other chases, and then keeps fighting."

Lacus nodded slightly: "That's it..."

As soon as the words were spoken, there was a violent vibration, and everyone around Gnaku panicked.

Lux leaned into Lin Youde's arms, stabilized her figure, and raised her head to ask Lin Youde.

"That was... the Minerva was hit?"

Lin Youde nodded: "Yeah, but it shouldn't be serious. Don't worry, it'll be fine."

With Lin Youde, Lux seemed very relieved.

The two stayed in the lounge for a while, and the hatch of the lounge was opened.

A black-haired boy looked at Lin Youde and Lux ​​in the lounge in astonishment.


Lin Youde and Lux ​​turned around and saw a black-haired boy wearing a red ZAFT military uniform, holding a helmet and standing stupidly at the door.

Lux said with a soft smile: "Hello, we are arranged to rest here. It should not disturb you."

The black-haired boy came back to his senses instantly and shook his head quickly: "No, no, it's just..."

The black-haired boy looked at Lux suspiciously, then at Lin Youde.

Under the confused expression of the black-haired boy, Lin Youde introduced himself.

"Don't worry, we are not bad people."

"I am Kira Ashar, and this is Lux Klein, the daughter of our P.L.A.N.T. Siegel Klein family."

When Lin Youde said this, the black-haired boy looked at the two of them with a look of enlightenment, and there was obvious surprise in his expression.

"Miss Lux, hello Mr. Kira, I am Zhen, Zhen Asuka."

Lux responded politely: "Hello, Asuka-kun, if you don't mind, come in and sit down."

Lin Youde tapped Lux's little head with his finger and said helplessly: "What do you mean, come in and sit down if you don't mind?"

"This is originally the officers' lounge."

While Lux was sticking out her tongue in a naughty manner, Lin Youde shook his head and said to Zhen Feiniao.

"Come in, it's okay to just stand at the door."

"Huh? Oh, okay."

Zhen Feiniao walked in cautiously and sat on the sofa opposite Lin Youde, looking very reserved.

Seeing Zhen Feiniao with a reserved expression and frequently peeking at him, Lin Youde asked Zhen Feiniao curiously.

"Asuka-kun, what's on my face?"

Zhen Asuka shook his head in panic and replied: "No, it's nothing, it's just..."

Lin Youde tilted his head: "Just?"

Zhen Asuka scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's just that I didn't expect to meet Mr. Kira here."

As he said this, Zhen Feiniao seemed to have just remembered something and thanked Lin Youde.

"Ah, I almost forgot. Thank you very much for your support before."

"If it weren't for your support, I'm afraid my body would have been severely damaged."

Lin Youde pretended to be surprised and struck the palm of his hand: "Asuka-kun, are you the pilot of the Fitted Gundam just now?"

Zhen Asuka scratched his head shyly: "Yes, I am piloting the Impulse Gundam."

Lux also responded very cooperatively: "It turns out that mobile suit is called Pulse Gundam. Asuka-kun is very good at piloting it."

Zhen Feiniao quickly waved his hand: "No, my level is far behind Mr. Kira."

Seemingly noticing Zhen Feiniao's unusual attitude, Lux glanced back and forth between Lin Youde and Zhen Feiniao.

"Asuka-kun, could it be knew Kira before?"

Lin Youde also pretended to be surprised and said: "Eh? Is that so? Lord Asuka?"

As he said that, Lin Youde also muttered in his heart: 'The real Asuka now is completely different from the character in the original work. ’

‘In front of me is a shy and childish boy, completely different from the neurotic and reckless boy who is bitter and hateful in the original work. ’

‘This should also be my influence, right? ’

‘After all, under my operation, the war between the Earth United and Orb ended without reaching Orb’s homeland. ’

‘In this case, Mayu Asuka’s sister, Mayu Asuka, should not be dead, but should be alive. ’

‘As long as my family is not dead and my sister is still alive. The character of Shin Asuka, who is called a hidden girl control by the fandom, will be better than before, which is also normal. ’

'But the question is, if his family and sister are not dead, why did Asuka appear in the ZAFT army? ’

‘The plot has been affected by me to this extent, so there must be some reason for Shin Asuka to appear here, right? ’

Under Lin Youde's curious eyes, Zhen Feiniao nodded shyly.

"Yes, yes. Actually, I have been living in Orb with my family before."

"So, I actually admire the prince of Orb and the great hero who defeated those guys from the Earth Alliance."

Zhen Feiniao's words made Lin Youde and Lux ​​look surprised.

The two of them didn't expect that Zhen Asuka would be in such a situation.

Lin Youde looked at Zhen Feiniao in astonishment: "Worship... me?"

Lux also looked at Zhen Asuka in astonishment: "Asuka-kun, you were a citizen of Orb before? Then why do you fly the Pulse Gundam in the ZAFT army?"

To this, Zhen Asuka replied sheepishly: "That's because..."

Before Zhen Feiniao could finish his words, the hatch of the lounge opened again with a click.

A girl who looked about 70% similar to Zhen Asuka, but overall looked thinner and had softer features, ran in wearing a female medical uniform in the ZAFT army.

"Wow, it's really Miss Lux and Mr. Kira!"

Zhen Asuka turned his head in surprise: "Mayu!?"

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