Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 802 Men are afraid of going too fast

No one knows how much damage Lin Youde caused to the Freedom Gundam in order to rush back this time.

Ever since he had just dealt with the Lord Angel and the God's Will Gundam, Lin Youde had continued to expand the range of new humans' mental induction.

Not long after, the emotions of Zhen Asuka and others, as well as Minerva and others, appeared in Lin Youde's new human spiritual induction range.

Sensing that the Phantom Pain Troops were stopped by the three real birds, Lin Youde was in a good mood.

But not long after, when the Phantom Pain troops broke through the interception net of Zhen Feiniao and others, Lin Youde became anxious.

There was also his wife Lux on board the Minerva.

Although the Minerva's hardness can be said to be the strongest battleship in the C.E. century, it is difficult for ordinary MSs to defeat it even if it is equipped with anti-ship weapons. At most, it will severely damage the thruster.

But there is a saying: Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.

Who knows if there might be some blind guy in the Phantom Pain Force who just aimed the shipboard weapon at Minerva, but then aimed it at Lux's room.

Not interested in gambling his wife's life with the so-called halo of the protagonist, Lin Youde controlled the Freedom Gundam to sprint while adjusting the OS and unlocking the Freedom Gundam's limiter.

Yes, the Freedom Gundam has a limiter.

It should be said that except for Freedom Gundam, all mobile suits have it.

Just like many computer hardware can be overclocked, Freedom Gundam can also perform similar overclocking operations, allowing the thrusters to release far greater propulsion than before.

Just doing this will cause great damage to the thrusters of the Freedom Gundam.

And as the propulsion force increases, the resulting G force will also increase.

Once the human body cannot bear it or a certain part of the body cannot bear it, it will easily lead to the destruction of the aircraft and death of people.

But seeing that his wife was about to encounter a crisis, Lin Youde couldn't care less.

Quickly adjusting the output of the thrusters and unlocking the limiter, the Free Gundam rushed back in overclocking mode at a speed nearly 50% faster than before.

Relying on the overclocking mode, the Freedom Gundam successfully moved back from the side before the Minerva was severely damaged, and destroyed two Windams.

But as a price, the Freedom Gundam's thrusters were damaged.

On the dashboard of the cockpit, the thrusters turned yellow, and other small alarms of varying degrees also appeared one after another.

Lin Youde leaned in the cockpit and panted slightly: "After all, we still caught up."

After sighing like this, Lin Youde also discovered at this time that his physical fitness seemed to be much stronger than before.

The power of the Freedom Gundam is five times that of the Strike Gundam, and its flying speed is more than twice as fast.

If this speed is superimposed by 50%, it can no longer be described as fast.

That can be described as super fast.

As a man, I am afraid of going too fast.

Well, that's not the point.

The point is that when he first got the Strike Gundam, Lin Youde once turned the thrusters to the maximum.

The air combat type attack can reach the maximum flight speed, and Lin Youde can operate it freely.

But when he got the Freedom Gundam, he rushed to the earth with the Freedom Gundam to save the Archangel. The full sprint of the Freedom Gundam pushed Lin Youde's entire body onto the back of the driver's seat, making it difficult to operate.

Therefore, unless he was in a hurry, Lin Youde never dared to drive the Freedom Gundam to its maximum speed, up to 70%, without SEED exploding.

Because 70% speed is enough. Occasionally dodge attacks and sprint for a short while before reaching maximum.

Otherwise, the G force will affect Lin Youde's operation and affect the battle.

But when he just overclocked the thrusters of the Freedom Gundam, Lin Youde found that the pushing sensation he felt at that time was smaller than when he drove the Freedom Gundam towards the earth.

It is also a Free Gundam, but different speeds should bring about different pushing sensations and G-forces, which should increase as the speed increases.

But the situation on Lin Youde's side is completely opposite.

If the Liberty Gundam hadn't been secretly modified by Uzmi, then the remaining answer is...

‘My physical strength has increased? ’

Although Lin Youde has started exercising since meeting Lei Mengmeng, and his physical fitness has been getting better.

But when he got the Freedom Gundam, Lin Youde felt that he had not changed much from now. Just because your technique has gotten much better doesn't mean that your physical strength has also gotten much better.

There is a limit to a person's physical strength. It is easy to improve at the beginning, but in the later stage it is difficult to improve even a little bit.

I am not a super pilot. My physical fitness is at the level of an ordinary person from the beginning, and the upper limit should be the same as that of an ordinary person.

Now this change is obviously beyond the scope of ordinary people.

Faced with this situation, Lin Youde had two guesses in his mind.

‘Is it because I, like Nanbu Kyousuke, was saved by a native species a long time ago and implanted with some of the native species’ factors, causing the upper limit of the body’s strength to be different from that of ordinary people and easy to increase? ’

'Or is it because my continuous burst of SEED ability has led to a dramatic improvement in my physical strength? ’

Lin Youde has not forgotten that the effect of his title is that every time he breaks out SEED, his physical strength will be slightly increased.

Just because the SEED burst consumes a lot of mental energy, Lin Youde rarely uses it in battle.

The improvement effect of bursting out SEED is the title effect in the game. This effect cannot be brought out of the game, so in real battles, Lin Youde rarely bursts out SEED.

Lin Youde's SEED outbreaks in the game are not many, and he can count them on one hand.

But even so, Lin Youde's physical fitness was more than 50% better than a year ago.

‘So, is it the native species or is it because of SEED? ’

Rationally, Lin Youde prefers the former, but emotionally, Lin Youde prefers the latter.

Because the former means that Lin Youde has now been targeted by the native species, while the latter is a purely controllable improvement.

‘It should be... the latter, right? ’

Lin Youde was thinking this way...

This is not simply self-deception, but has some basis.

Lin Youde vaguely remembered that a shady netizen told him before traveling through time. After the SEED broke out, it had the effect of optimizing genes.

This is also the reason why the driving skills of Kira, Aslan, and Asuka in the original work are far superior to others, directly a level higher.

After the SEED breaks out, it not only brings about the effects of improved reaction ability, reduction of negative emotions, and calmness, but also the effects of optimizing genes and enhancing physical fitness.

If this effect is combined with the title effect, maybe the effect will undergo some kind of chemical change?

In order to participate in this speculation, Lin Youde decided to break out SEED again and find some time to see the effect.

But just before Lin Youde broke out SEED, Lin Youde suddenly sensed the changes on Zhen Feiniao's side.

Zhen Asuka's emotions exploded to the extreme in anger for a moment, and then fell into a certain degree of silence.

His anger began to suppress, and his sense of oppression was more than twice as strong as before.

Such a change made Lin Youde stunned and said: "Is this... an explosion?"


PS: There is little progress in the plot of this chapter, but these things are not just water, but necessary explanations and foreshadowing.

It can also be regarded as a change of direction to explain one of the reasons why the protagonist's physical strength continues to become stronger.

After all, if your physical strength is not high, how can you activate a super type, right?

Thanks to "Balumongk of the Sky" and "Light Wind and Rain 1987" for the reward of 1,500 starting coins.

The author will continue to work hard to update next month~!

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