Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 836 Different Dawn Gundams

"My new body is... Dawn?"

Lin Youde was stunned for a moment, and then thought it was reasonable.

After all, he had heard from the assistant assigned to him by Uzumi before that the Dawn Gundam was a machine prepared for him and Cagalli.

Unlike Uzumi who died prematurely in the original work, Uzumi is still alive and well now.

Therefore, the Dawn Gundam is the last inheritance and the last piece of power left by Uzmi to her children. It has become a ceremonial body that protects children on missions to other countries.

But Dawn Gundam's performance, especially its defensive performance, is still very strong.

And now Lin Youde is indeed on a mission to a foreign country in a sense. Using Dawn Gundam is justifiable.


"How is the performance of Dawn Gundam now?"

Lin Youde remembered that in the original work, the Dawn Gundam had a heaven-defying Yata mirror system that could reflect the effects of all beam attacks.

But its foundation is still the same as Strike Gundam. Although its performance is strong, its strength is limited.

If the furnace is not refurbished later, the performance will definitely not be strong.

But now Uzumi is not dead, and the production of Dawn Gundam has not stopped.

Moreover, Orb has now received a lot of technical support from Lin Youde. It is expected that Dawn Gundam will not be as stretched as the original work. Only the Yata Mirror System can handle it, right?

Just when Lin Youde was confused, Mu explained.

"The performance of that machine is very strong."

"Although it has been rebuilt several times along the way, it still cannot be said to be complete, but the overall performance is quite complete."

"The skeleton currently used is that of Freedom Gundam, and it uses the backpack system of Strike. Different backpacks can be replaced according to different usage conditions."

“This is also a compromise to avoid having to go back and rebuild it later when you get new technology.”

"It was originally scheduled to be equipped with nuclear power, but because of the armistice treaty, it was changed to a compact battery."

"But this is not a big problem. The battery system of Shuguang Society seems to have made a new breakthrough. The current battery system of Dawn Gundam is enough to operate for a long time."

"The overall output of the machine is even stronger than that of freedom, but it cannot fight for a long time. After all, the battery is not as good as nuclear power."

"I tried it as a test pilot before. Using the OS you programmed for Strike Gundam, I could barely fly it."

"It's better for you to find out the specific situation yourself."

Mu's explanation made Lin Youde even more curious about what the current Dawn Gundam looks like.

Without hesitation, Lin Youde immediately ran to the Kusanagi to inspect the Dawn Gundam.

Lux, Mu and others also followed, but Malu and Natal did not go. They had other things to be busy with.

Andrew was responsible for delivering the Freedom Gundam to the Minerva.

In the hangar of the Kusanagi, Lin Youde looked at the pure golden Dawn Gundam and nodded slightly.

"From the outside, it's no different from what I saw a year ago."

Mu patted Lin Youde on the shoulder: "I heard that there is not much change on the outside. The real changes are on the inside."

"Go up, take a good look at the data of this machine, and change the OS by the way. From now on, this machine can only be used for personal use."

"I also put all the information and documents in various backpacks in the cockpit."

Lin Youde nodded slightly: "Yes, please wait for me."

Lin Youde boarded Mingxia's cockpit and began to transfer data and write the OS.

At the same time, Lin Youde also discovered the backpack documents prepared by Mu.

Lin Youde took a cursory look and found that in terms of body configuration alone, this body did not change much from the Dawn Gundam in the original work.

Except for the skeleton that changed from the G series to the Freedom Gundam.

The naked Dawn Gundam has two more small light wave defense shields on both wrists than the original version.

Other than that, there is no other difference between the current new version of Dawn Gundam and the original version.

The backpack system, on the other hand, has one more backpack than the original version which only had two types of backpacks.

Quickly adjusting the OS, four system prompts suddenly popped up in front of Lin Youde.

【New body·"Dawn Gundam" unlocked! 】

[New outfit·"Dawn Gundam·Big Eagle Backpack" unlocked! 】

[New outfit·"Dawn Gundam·Shiranui Backpack" unlocked! 】

[New outfit·"Dawn Gundam·Pilgrimage Backpack" unlocked! 】

—Body configuration—

Body: Dawn Gundam

Applicable types: air-land A-sea B-space A

Fixed weapons: Vulcan cannon, beam sword*2, beam rifle*1, anti-beam shield*1, light wave defense shield*2

Special ability: Yata mirror system

"Yatata Mirror System": Beam attacks within a certain range are ineffective and can rebound and withstand beam attacks within the range.

Dress up: Eagle type Dawn Gundam

Applicable types: air S land A sea B space A

Newly added weapons: integrated gun and sword beam rifle*2, small beam boomerang*4, waist high-energy beam cannon*2

Dress up: Shiranui-type Dawn Gundam

Applicable types: air B land A sea B space S

Newly added weapons: multifunctional dragoon system (beam gun*2, beam cannon, beam shield emitter)*7, beam boomerang*2, beam throwing knife*2

Dress up: Tour type Dawn Gundam

Applicable types: Air S Land A Sea B Space S

New weapons: none

Looking at the information above, Lin Youde was stunned for a moment.

The current weapons of Dawn Gundam are completely inconsistent with those in the original work.

At least Lin Youde can be sure that the original Dawn Gundam, whether it is the Eagle backpack or the Shiranui backpack, does not have beam boomerangs and beam knives.

This was obviously added by people from the Shuguang Society based on his previous combat data of driving Strike Gundam and Eclipse Gundam.

The armament of the two backpacks increased, which made Lin Youde very happy.

At least in terms of armament, the current Dawn Gundam is much richer than the original version.

As for the tour backpack, although Lin Youde felt a little speechless, he was not incomprehensible.

According to the data, this thing is the product of removing the weapons from the Eagle backpack and adding several propellers and stabilizing nozzles.

According to the information, this backpack is simply an unarmed configuration used for diplomatic missions.

But in order to ensure safety, all energy is converted into propulsion and maneuverability to maximize both.

What matters is that one can run fast.

Give up all attacks, just to escape the backpack. Although it makes no sense, it does meet certain practical needs.

Shaking his head, Lin Youde abandoned the nonsensical backpack of the tour backpack and began to adjust the Shiranui backpack.

It can be seen from the data that the Great Eagle Backpack is an aerial combat equipment, while the Shiranui Backpack is a space combat equipment.

Moreover, the multifunctional dragoon system of the Shiranui backpack is also very useful equipment for a new human being, Lin Youde.

Space blockade attacks are the specialty of the new humans.

I didn't have the conditions before, but now I finally have the Shiranui backpack for Dawn Gundam, so I must put it to good use.

After all the OS was programmed, Lin Youde had people replace the Dawn Gundam with the Shiranui backpack.

After stepping off the Dawn Gundam, Lin Youde looked at the Dawn Gundam who was changing his backpack and smiled.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the librarians' expressions when they see Dawn Gundam next time they meet..."


PS: To put it simply, today's Dawn is the foundation of freedom + the two backpacks of the original Dawn, with some small weapons added.

The overall performance is stronger than the Freedom Gundam. After all, it was renovated and rebuilt by Shuguang Society after obtaining the Freedom Gundam. The situation is different from the original work.

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