Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 841 Dawn Gundam is not just good-looking!

The sudden voice and words spoken in the communication channel made Seleni in the Stargazer Gundam stunned.

It also confused Thor in the space station: "Kira Ashar?"

Selene in the Stargazer Gundam also quickly reacted and looked at the Freedom Gundam staying near the space station in the distance.

"Kira Asha!? What on earth is going on!?"

Selena was confused.

The dawn was high beside her, and Lin Youde was overjoyed.

Just now, in order to ensure the safety of the people at the source of the distress signal, Lin Youde made a special attack in advance. Relying on the new human's telepathy, conduct a wide-area search to find out if there are any traces of survivors of the battle nearby.

Although Lin Youde initially thought that it would be great if he could meet the organization where Stargazer Gundam is located.

But Lin Youde also knew that the probability of such a thing was very low.

After all, in the vast universe, even near the Earth's circle, the probability of meeting the person you want to find is pitifully low.

Therefore, Lin Youde quickly adjusted his mentality and carried out humanitarian rescue with the mentality of saving people first.

Anyway, the non-governmental rescue organization can also sort out some good reputations for itself, Lux and Orb. Lin Youde is also very motivated.

But when the new human's telepathy searched for Sereni, Lin Youde realized that something was wrong.

The three people who besieged Seleni were all very dissatisfied, and Seleni was even more filled with sadness, helplessness and determination.

Sensing such emotion, Lin Youde rushed over immediately.

Because he had noticed that Seleni seemed to be about to self-destruct and die with the enemy.

Although Lin Youde and Seleni had never met each other, Lin Youde still maximized the propulsion power of Dawn Gundam. While turning on the wide-area public channel, he shouted to Seleni.

I have rushed to the front, but I can't let her die with hatred.

It's not that Lin Youde is so kind-hearted. Lin Youde himself is not a holy mother.

As for Seleni, it would be great if she could really be saved. It didn't matter if she couldn't, since it was someone she didn't know anyway.

But Lin Youde is still willing to work hard for the people he can save now.

Therefore, Lin Youde carried out his previous speech. And relying on the new human's mental induction, he predicted the evasive direction of the three Gundams. Adjusting the weapon power and using the ultimate range, he launched an attack on three Gundams.

Fortunately, Selene did not blow herself up in the end. Lin Youde successfully caught up.

And to Lin Youde's delight, the object of his rescue was indeed the target he was looking for, the Stargazer Gundam.

The Stargazer Gundam appears to be in relatively good shape with no obvious damage.

Lin Youde was extremely happy.

'Thankfully I shouted before, otherwise this Stargazer Gundam would have self-destructed. ’

"As the most romantic machine in the world of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED", it would be a pity if this machine was gone. ’

Yes, Stargazer Gundam is one of the most romantic machines in the world view of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED".

In this world, Gundam was born out of wars, and also fought rampantly in wars. It shone brightly in wars and became famous far and wide.

It can be said that Gundam is synonymous with top weapons in this world.

However, this is the genealogy of existence. But a machine was born that was not for war, not for fighting, but for exploring the universe and opening up unknown areas for mankind.

To explore the unknown universe for the sake of mankind.

A Gundam that advances for the sake of humanity.

It can be said that the Stargazer Gundam is the most romantic machine in this world view, and it is truly worthy of the title.

Such a Gundam, even if it does not have the "Light Deliverer" system that Lin Youde wants, Lin Youde does not want it to explode like this.

For veteran mecha players and Gundam fans like Lin Youde. Some special bodies represent certain feelings that cannot be explained in words.

After looking at the Stargazer Gundam a few more times, Lin Youde withdrew his reluctant and thankful eyes and turned to look at the mobile suit group near the space station.

"Although I had thought about it before, now that I have actually encountered it, I am still a little surprised."

In Selene's confused expression, the Shiranui Dawn Gundam raised its beam rifle and pointed at the Freedom Gundam.

"Are you a composite clone like Neo Roanoke?"

"Or is it my adjusted clone?"

Lin Youde's words made Selene look stunned: "Composite clone? Adjusted clone? What do you mean?"

Thor in the space station also looked thoughtful, looked at the Liberty Gundam on the screen, and murmured: "Fake!?"

As Thor and Selene watched, the Freedom Gundam broke away from the space station and began to fly slowly towards the location of the Shiranui-type Dawn Gundam.

"Haha, I didn't expect to meet the real owner here. This is really surprising."

Listening to the frivolous man's words, Lin Youde raised his eyebrows and said to Sereni in the Stargazer Gundam next to him.

"Leave this to me. You retreat first. The mothership I'm on is right behind. You can take refuge there first."

Hearing this, Seleni nodded and said, "I understand, then first..."

Before he finished speaking, the Freedom Gundam raised its beam rifle and aimed it at the space station.

The smoke of the explosion rose from the space station, making Seleni's heart tighten.

At the same time, the frivolous man's voice also sounded.

"That's not okay."

"That Gundam is my target. If you let me run away like this, what am I going to do?"

"Pilot of Silver Gundam, you'd better stay where you are."

"Otherwise, I will not ensure the safety of other people in this space station."

After hearing this, Seleni no longer controlled the Stargazer Gundam to leave.

Thor even scolded: "Despicable, that's not what you said before!"

The frivolous man chuckled: "Before was before, now is now."

"I originally planned to frame the blame on that guy, so I planned to spare your lives."

"Now that the real owner has come to visit, it has disrupted the original plan. Of course, what happened before will be cancelled."

Sol was furious: "You..."

"It doesn't matter~!" Lin Youde's words immediately stunned Sol.

The Shiranui Dawn Gundam began to step forward, Lin Youde said calmly.

"In the final analysis, as long as we kill all of you, the people in the space station will naturally be safe."

Frivolous man: "As expected of the original body, you are really confident. However, now the Freedom Gundam you rely on most has been returned to P.L.A.N.T."

"With this purely decorative machine, are you really confident that you can defeat this almost perfect copy of me?"

"You know, I am the closest to you among all your copies."

Lin Youde raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Really? Then I will beat you to death."

"Today, I will let you fully understand that Dawn Gundam is not just good-looking!"

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